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Russian Military equipment .

So much for its invisibility.

A concentrated rocket barrage did the trick.
Iskander sounds like an Indian dudes name or like a Sikh guy's name
what does it mean??? trolling???
How many of those well educated will survive the war ? how many will be able to mentor the next generation in something other than survival ?
How many of the next generation scarred by war will be mentally stable to build Ukrain back again ?

All this assuming Russia does not advance further.

THIS was Afghanistan BEFORE the Russian invasion.






Its amazing how humans refuse to learn from history.

This war is sponsored by the Arms conglomeration in US and the oil industry. They are the only people who stand to gain, while the rest of humanity will lose.

Its equally amazing how pride can make even the smartest of men totally Blind.

US media is peddling a narrative that it is paid to do. What is your excuse ?
Sorry but thats a very bad comparison. Thats like are the Japanese scarred forever that they don't feel like rebuilding the country?


Its more on the government on how they run the country than just devastation of the war and the aftermath. As you see in Afghanistan the Taliban doesn't even allow women and girls to get education after the Russian invasion in the 1980s as well as Civil War in the 1990s. Don't know if they still take education seriously for women. You look at China and its Civil War and its devastation and where they are now. Or even Iran and its war with Iraq, government is run by religious hardliners but takes education seriously. Look at them now.
Not even close. The Ukrainians are well educated and hard working. Even built many of Russia's military weapons during the Cold War. Their carriers, battlecruisers, tanks, etc.

Now they were developing their own anti ship missiles. Their own artillery and anti tank missiles, etc.


Most if not all their companys were moved from russia to ukraine in the ussr so they dont feel left out and revolt like they did in world war 2. BAttleships built there because of easier work conditions and closer to europe in the black sea not because ukranians were out of this world or smart. Whats happening right now is volunteers and nato tech fighting russia ukranian tactics thrown out and adopted nato
ukraine will not survive this war

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