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  1. mhosein

    Pakistan still a strategic partner, reaffirms US

    Convenient to point toward TTP, but fail to mention the real enemies of Pakistan are within and across the Eastern Border. The latter by the way, is the preferred ally state of Washington DC. That has been made clear to Pakistan on a number of occasions. Be it the Nuclear Deal where Pakistan was...
  2. mhosein

    Pakistan still a strategic partner, reaffirms US

    When America refers to a certain country as a strategic partner, that country should consider itself a target of America, to be destroyed either by economic sanctions, regime change, false flag operations, clandestine infiltration or all of the above. Pakistan ought to get it's head out of the...
  3. mhosein

    US trying to draw Russia into war, Putin says

    I guess some things don't come with a filter as standard. Probably why there are quite a few spills around here.
  4. mhosein

    US trying to draw Russia into war, Putin says

    20 Jan, 2022 17:06 HomeRussia & FSU Donbass militia head claims Ukraine planning 'false flag' operation Ukrainian commandos plan to masquerade as Russian troops, a local militia leader has claimed to RT Militia members in Ukraine’s breakaway Donetsk region, January 14, 2022. © Sergey...
  5. mhosein

    US trying to draw Russia into war, Putin says

    This time it isn't for profits, rather something else.
  6. mhosein

    Things are becoming dangerous between UK and Russia as UK intercepts 4 Russian bombers over Scotland - A Russian message to UK

    These Brits don't realize that to the rest of the world they look like clowns when they get all hysterical about Russian Missile Carriers on patrol. A good part of the Cold War was all about long range bomber aviation, so it's not like this is something for the Brits to get their panties in a...
  7. mhosein

    US ‘rules-based order’ is a myth and China knows it

    America's "Rule Based Order" actual definition is, "We can do whatever we want, you cannot. Why? Because we are the exception to the case, you are not."
  8. mhosein

    UK is ‘leading European power’ supporting Ukraine

    Britain is the leading country supporting Ukraine, because Britain is the architect of the Ukrainian crisis. The clue is in the historical accounts of how Britain manipulated and contrived wars on the European continent. America may appear to be the boss running the show on Ukraine, but the...
  9. mhosein

    WELCOME TO NATO: Biden announces he'll notify Congress of his intent to designate Qatar a "major non-NATO ally."

    When you join them, it becomes clear that you are not with Islam. A verse in the Quran states this. It's ill-fated for Muslim countries to side with or partner up with NATO.
  10. mhosein

    Biden says Russian invasion in February "distinct possibility"

    The ones responsible for the situation in Ukraine, is undoubtedly the West. Specifically, America and Britain. Nowhere in Europe is their any unity on the subject. The architects of the Ukrainian turmoil, are the same who orchestrated the entire anti-Russia narrative. It seems that their efforts...
  11. mhosein

    army officers beaten motorway police once again

    Why does everything has to be sensationalized? If there was a scuffle between military and police, it should be handled in accordance with the State Law and lessons should be learnt from such incidences to better coordinate with solutions that ensure that the State Law is adhered to in a...
  12. mhosein

    Justin Trudeau and his family flee the Canadian Capitol for a secret location

    The Canadian leader exhibited himself as a champion of liberalism, equality and fairness. However he failed to mask the truth, which has shredded the false image he has long fooled the world with. Canada recently sent it's troops across the Atlantic, into Ukraine, into a country which is not...
  13. mhosein

    Tejas worse than LIFT trainer aircraft

    To quote Napoleon Bonaparte (I'm not a fan of this guy at all) "If you see your enemy faltering toward a collapse, don't stand in the way of it, move aside." So I implore Pakistanis to please stop helping Indians by identifying their faults. Leave to their devices, if they're hurtling toward...
  14. mhosein

    Inside The Life of Saudi Prince Salman ($2 billion Fortune)

    For those of us who are true to our faith in Allah Most High, turn to our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam, who prophecized about these people, Najdis. The most powerful voice in human history, Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam, takes center stage in the world today...
  15. mhosein

    Global Tensions grow as Chinese Rocket Scientist Defects to the West : Express UK

    Same old tired, rusted and predictable move brits. They think that they still have leg up on everyone. It's their hubris to think that others are gullible. Let them think they have a leg up on others. When it's crunch time and missiles start flying, they will be in for frightening shock of their...
  16. mhosein

    PM Imran Khan Niazi finally speaks about Kech attack

    People who resort such tactics are usually a miserable bunch. They are devoid of any genuine kindness of heart or purity of soul. And the more glaring thing about such people is that they are in a constant conflict with themselves. Such is the state of those whose soul rotten with their sins.
  17. mhosein

    Global Tensions grow as Chinese Rocket Scientist Defects to the West : Express UK

    When sending in warships to South China Sea don't work, conjure up a story about a Chinese Rocket Scientist defecting to Britain. Seriously, he couldn't pick a better place to defect to than Britain? Rains all the time, food is vomit inducing, majority walk around with a chip on their shoulder...
  18. mhosein

    Saudi Arabia seeks to acquire Chinese-made HQ-17AE air defense system

    So Turkey gets penalized for buying Russian Air Defense System, while India does not. Would America threaten it's allies if they bought Chinese Air Defense Systems?
  19. mhosein

    Our first-hand experience with Amazon’s new palm reader, and what it says about the future of retail

    Those seek convenience, tread dangerously close to losing their humanity. The same convenience that brought about innovation and fueled the proliferation of capitalism. Is the same chase of convenience which will bring about capitalism's total monopoly over human life in the West. Such power...
  20. mhosein

    Two IDF commando officers killed in friendly fire incident at West Bank base

    Well if a country was receiving vast amounts of military, financial and political free aid from the like of America, Britain and France over the last 74 years. Then of course that country would boast arrogantly that it's soldiers are better trained than Muslim countries' soldiers. Muslim...
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