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UK is ‘leading European power’ supporting Ukraine


Aug 26, 2010
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom

The UK is the “leading European power” assisting Ukraine to defend itself against Russia according to an analyst giving evidence to a British parliamentary committee.​

The following exchange happened earlier today as the Scottish Affairs Committee held its first evidence session as part of its inquiry, Defence in Scotland: Military Personnel and Estate.

Chairperson Pete Wishart, Member of Parliament Perth and North Perthshire, asked:

“Is the UK in any meaningful role, has any meaningful role in all of this given it’s mainly going to be the Americans and NATO? I know we’re members of NATO.”

Professor Phillips O’Brien, Professor of Strategic Studies, University of St Andrews, responded:

“Is it going to match what the US can do? No, nowhere close to that. But for a European power, clearly, the Germans don’t know what they’re doing and the French also seem torn. The UK is the leading European power that is willing to provide some support to the Ukrainians. I think that is being recognised”.

What is the UK doing?​

Most notably in recent weeks, the Uk has been flying thousands of anti-tank missile systems to Ukraine after gifting the nation larger stockpiles of the NLAW weapon system.

Before that, British military assistance to Ukraine was increased significantly after 2014 and the Russian annexation of Crimea, a Parliamentary Research Briefing paper has taken a look at just what that involves.

In 2015 the UK launched Operation Orbital, a non-lethal training and capacity building operation that provides guidance and training to the Ukrainian armed forces.

“In August 2020 the MOD announced that the UK will lead a new multinational maritime training initiative that will boost the capacity of Ukraine’s Navy to act in the Black Sea. The UK and Ukraine have also launched the Naval Capabilities Enhancement Programme, which will develop Ukraine’s naval capabilities. To date, over 21,000 Ukrainian military personnel have been trained under these initiatives. The UK has also gifted £2.2 million of non-lethal military equipment.”

In June 2021 the UK, Ukraine and industry signed a Memorandum of Implementation that will push the NCEP forward. Work will now commence on:

• Ukraine’s purchase of two refurbished Royal Navy Sandown-class minehunters in a government-to-government sale
• The sale and integration of missiles on new and in-service Ukrainian Navy patrol and airborne platforms, including a training and engineering support package
• Assistance in building new naval bases in the Black Sea and Azov Sea
• The development and joint production of eight fast missile warships
• Participation in the Ukrainian project to deliver a modern frigate capability.

Additionally, British surveillance aircraft have been keeping an eye on Russian forces. Last week, a British RC-135 ‘Rivet Joint’ intelligence-gathering aircraft once again deployed to Crimea to keep an eye on Russian forces near the border with Ukraine.

Earlier, we reported that there has been an increase in the frequency of British RC-135 aircraft being deployed to the Black Sea region near Ukraine’s border with Russia. The UK has deployed an aircraft for this task every few days over the last month or so. British surveillance aircraft being over the Black Sea near Crimea isn’t unusual but we are seeing a significant increase in the frequency of the flights over the last few weeks. American assets are also present.

The British Foreign Secretary has stated that Britain is “ensuring that Ukraine has the capability to defend itself”.

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said in Parliament:

“In December, I visited British troops forming part of NATO’s enhanced forward presence at Tapa in Estonia, where allies are helping to protect the border with Russia. We are working with our NATO partners to ensure that that protection remains in place and is enhanced so that we can fulfil our commitments. With Ukraine, we are ensuring that it has the capability to defend itself. That involves training, and the UK has trained more than 20,000 troops in Ukraine. We are also supplying extra capability for naval defences as well as support in areas such as cyber-security and other services.”

On top of the above, British military forces are set to be deployed to strengthen Eastern Europe’s borders in the face of rising Russian aggression.
Mostly because their oil and gas dependency is not on Russia but a mix between Scottish and Norwegian sources. Given the the Brits are firmly in the American camp (more than Americans themselves), they can afford to go to the front. However, France & Germany cannot end up being American lackeys (more applicable for Germany since the 60s).

Western Europe will benefit more by engaging Russia than isolating them.
This event does highlight the need to develop independent military supply lines that do not involve Germany or France and also that we should not at all get wrapped up in any EU defense structures but stay in NATO ...
Mostly because their oil and gas dependency is not on Russia but a mix between Scottish and Norwegian sources. Given the the Brits are firmly in the American camp (more than Americans themselves), they can afford to go to the front. However, France & Germany cannot end up being American lackeys (more applicable for Germany since the 60s).

Western Europe will benefit more by engaging Russia than isolating them.

Its russia that provocates

This event does highlight the need to develop independent military supply lines that do not involve Germany or France and also that we should not at all get wrapped up in any EU defense structures but stay in NATO ...

Nato is dead.
Britain is the leading country supporting Ukraine, because Britain is the architect of the Ukrainian crisis.

The clue is in the historical accounts of how Britain manipulated and contrived wars on the European continent.

America may appear to be the boss running the show on Ukraine, but the reality is it's Britain. Unsuspected, undetected is the art of how Britain behaves. Portraying itself as a tiny island nation fighting the good fight against evil dictatorial empires like France, Germany, Soviet Union and now Russia.

In her hay days, Britain was a sly, conniving red coated fox, able to sneak up or snivel it's way into usurping other nations or kingdoms. Today, it's an old grey fox, prancing around with it's old bag of tricks.

It's time though, is fast coming to a grinding end, as it struggles tirelessly to relive it's glory days.
Britain is the leading country supporting Ukraine, because Britain is the architect of the Ukrainian crisis.

The clue is in the historical accounts of how Britain manipulated and contrived wars on the European continent.

America may appear to be the boss running the show on Ukraine, but the reality is it's Britain. Unsuspected, undetected is the art of how Britain behaves. Portraying itself as a tiny island nation fighting the good fight against evil dictatorial empires like France, Germany, Soviet Union and now Russia.

In her hay days, Britain was a sly, conniving red coated fox, able to sneak up or snivel it's way into usurping other nations or kingdoms. Today, it's an old grey fox, prancing around with it's old bag of tricks.

It's time though, is fast coming to a grinding end, as it struggles tirelessly to relive it's glory days.

That still does not explain how come Russia has not responded to the UK and is only focused on American statements and positions.
UK is just a small anoyance, a fly, it also did US biddings and sent a carrier to the south China sea, and went back with one F-35 short.

yes pilots is safe and considering F35 has done more than 400,000 flying hours and only half zone crashes its is statically 800 times safer than copy cat J15 which had 4 crashes and few 100 hours of flying hours from casino carrier
UK is just a small anoyance, a fly, it also did US biddings and sent a carrier to the south China sea, and went back with one F-35 short.

That is what the Brits want the Russians to think. Look at it this way; they have been operating smoothly with American blessings for years. With operations across the world, many times when the global attention is diverted towards their bigger colonial cousins. This is much like what France does in Mali and the SAHEL region.

Brits could become a pain in the arse for the Russians by doing nothing but supplying weapons to the Ukrainians. It might not give Ukraine complete dominance, but definitely escalate the cost of the conflict and make it even more difficult for Putin to re-assert Russian control in Eastern Europe.

There's a reason why they dominated the sea for almost 3 centuries and continued to shape European politics for over 500 years. Whatever grouse we may have against them, you got to give it to their deft international policy.
Mostly because their oil and gas dependency is not on Russia but a mix between Scottish and Norwegian sources. Given the the Brits are firmly in the American camp (more than Americans themselves), they can afford to go to the front. However, France & Germany cannot end up being American lackeys (more applicable for Germany since the 60s).

Western Europe will benefit more by engaging Russia than isolating them.
Britain's foreign policy for centuries has been to foment war between continental nations. America is nothing but the clumsy bastard child of Britain. It was France and Germany, Germany and the Soviet Union. Now it's the EU and Russia, India and China. Only when countries on the continent are at war can they receive money and talent to escape war

But there are always idiots who side with the UK and US. The French in particular have been fools for centuries.
Nato is dead.

To those in Washington (which is the entire cia and growing Qanon trump movement in the Republican Party) that want a US-Russia friendship. These want the anti-Russia NATO destroyed and Russia to be allowed a sphere of influence in former SSRs.

So if you are Estonia or Latvia, you are on higher alert than during the Clinton or Bush years. There is a faux struggle of neo-libertarianism/neo-nazism vs neo-liberalism; and the neo-nazis in London and Washington are waiting for new opportunities to re-order things around trump and putin and the growing far Reichers. The "trump family" is to have a dynasty, similar to the Bush family of 41 and 43. That was supposed to be a long running Oligarch family, however libertarians defeated the neo-conservatives in 2008 and 2012. So the Bush cia co-opted the libertarian movement and promote trump as some anti-government hero of liberty and flag waving.

When in fact trump is another PNAC neo-con; and neo-nazi and neo-libertarian.

Without these basket of deplorable trump voters...

...trump loses and Republicans lose to Democrats. The reason why Republicans are pandering to the Qanon deplorables, the 6th of January insurrectionists. Is because the cia want their endless wars, there aren't enough warmongering Christian zionists to vote Republican. The deplorables hate Muslims and East Asians, so the decade long pivot to Asia can happen, and even have "excuses" made for bombing Syria because trumps basket of deplorables consider Arabs to be sub-humans.

Without the deplorables voting, Democrats win elections. So the Bush cia co-opted the libertarian movement (the group Qanon was sold to and preached to) with replacement of gold/silver with cia bitcoin and Ron Paul with cia asset trump. The trump idiots are no longer 9/11 was a inside conspiracy theorists (which is actually true), the new replacement is the BIG LIE. which is an untrue conspiracy theory. You can tell who is Q/the deplorables with 'support of bitcoin (which the cia plans to have the value go to 100 million usd in todays valuation), support of trump, and the BIG LIE.' I go to neo-nazi sites and the cia agents on those forums are telling the trump supporters the virus is a hoax, some are telling trump voters there are no such things as viruses. I know the reason for these lies, circling the wagons around the trump voters from the clot shot.

The cia cherishes trump voting Qanon deplorables way more than the Christian Zionists, if the cia succeeds in making bitcoin replace a collapsed dollar, Qanoners could be rich enough to buy whole countries. The Chrstian Zionists were considered duped clowns with crazy beliefs by the cia. The Qanon is the cia. Pro-cia controlled Kremlin. Pro-trump nazism. Pro-bitcoin as the global cia currency. And have the masses of anti-government types demand bitcoin as the "currency". Literally, the cia could go on vacation for 20 years, and then go back to work in 2041, and find out the cia owns anything of value in getting the deplorable masses demanding exactly what the cia want. By then bitcoin would be worth 2.5 trillion dollars per bitcoin (100 million USD in todays dollars), planned hyperinflation by the Fed worked and Washington and London own the globe.

This is why it is imperative that the deplorable Republican Party loses in 2024.
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UK is not Europe. It is 51st state of the USA.
View attachment 812438

The UK is the “leading European power” assisting Ukraine to defend itself against Russia according to an analyst giving evidence to a British parliamentary committee.​

The following exchange happened earlier today as the Scottish Affairs Committee held its first evidence session as part of its inquiry, Defence in Scotland: Military Personnel and Estate.

Chairperson Pete Wishart, Member of Parliament Perth and North Perthshire, asked:

“Is the UK in any meaningful role, has any meaningful role in all of this given it’s mainly going to be the Americans and NATO? I know we’re members of NATO.”

Professor Phillips O’Brien, Professor of Strategic Studies, University of St Andrews, responded:

“Is it going to match what the US can do? No, nowhere close to that. But for a European power, clearly, the Germans don’t know what they’re doing and the French also seem torn. The UK is the leading European power that is willing to provide some support to the Ukrainians. I think that is being recognised”.

What is the UK doing?​

Most notably in recent weeks, the Uk has been flying thousands of anti-tank missile systems to Ukraine after gifting the nation larger stockpiles of the NLAW weapon system.

Before that, British military assistance to Ukraine was increased significantly after 2014 and the Russian annexation of Crimea, a Parliamentary Research Briefing paper has taken a look at just what that involves.

In 2015 the UK launched Operation Orbital, a non-lethal training and capacity building operation that provides guidance and training to the Ukrainian armed forces.

“In August 2020 the MOD announced that the UK will lead a new multinational maritime training initiative that will boost the capacity of Ukraine’s Navy to act in the Black Sea. The UK and Ukraine have also launched the Naval Capabilities Enhancement Programme, which will develop Ukraine’s naval capabilities. To date, over 21,000 Ukrainian military personnel have been trained under these initiatives. The UK has also gifted £2.2 million of non-lethal military equipment.”

In June 2021 the UK, Ukraine and industry signed a Memorandum of Implementation that will push the NCEP forward. Work will now commence on:

• Ukraine’s purchase of two refurbished Royal Navy Sandown-class minehunters in a government-to-government sale
• The sale and integration of missiles on new and in-service Ukrainian Navy patrol and airborne platforms, including a training and engineering support package
• Assistance in building new naval bases in the Black Sea and Azov Sea
• The development and joint production of eight fast missile warships
• Participation in the Ukrainian project to deliver a modern frigate capability.

Additionally, British surveillance aircraft have been keeping an eye on Russian forces. Last week, a British RC-135 ‘Rivet Joint’ intelligence-gathering aircraft once again deployed to Crimea to keep an eye on Russian forces near the border with Ukraine.

Earlier, we reported that there has been an increase in the frequency of British RC-135 aircraft being deployed to the Black Sea region near Ukraine’s border with Russia. The UK has deployed an aircraft for this task every few days over the last month or so. British surveillance aircraft being over the Black Sea near Crimea isn’t unusual but we are seeing a significant increase in the frequency of the flights over the last few weeks. American assets are also present.

The British Foreign Secretary has stated that Britain is “ensuring that Ukraine has the capability to defend itself”.

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said in Parliament:

“In December, I visited British troops forming part of NATO’s enhanced forward presence at Tapa in Estonia, where allies are helping to protect the border with Russia. We are working with our NATO partners to ensure that that protection remains in place and is enhanced so that we can fulfil our commitments. With Ukraine, we are ensuring that it has the capability to defend itself. That involves training, and the UK has trained more than 20,000 troops in Ukraine. We are also supplying extra capability for naval defences as well as support in areas such as cyber-security and other services.”

On top of the above, British military forces are set to be deployed to strengthen Eastern Europe’s borders in the face of rising Russian aggression.
thats understandable, cuz UK is the biggest USA bitch in the region. :cheesy:
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