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UK is ‘leading European power’ supporting Ukraine

Didn't they say that if there's a war they will actually not fight for Ukraine,but only support them? Lol
Didn't they say that if there's a war they will actually not fight for Ukraine,but only support them? Lol

US said there would be heavy sanctions if Russia annexes the Ukraine. lol

U.S. Threatens 'Extreme' Sanctions if Russia Invades Ukraine

Neo-liberalism is dead in the USA. There are zombies keeping the neo-liberal seats warm in league with the opposition.

When warmongering would be justified to defeat cia-bot/Yeltsin-bot/Khazar-bot/Chabad-bot putin... the US is like "peace is the answer". When the warmongering is criminal and only lies, the US is PNAC. The US has PNAC goals of endless wars in the Middle East for the concentration of wealth in New York and London stock exchanges. The US genocides year after year, yet refuses to fight for the Ukraine. If the US fights for the Ukraine, the military brass would want to lose for the cia, because a biden second stay in the white house is 100% against Washington objectives. As I said, there are zombies keeping the neo-liberal seats warm in league with the opposition (the Republican cia).

Russia is already looted by the Bush cia cronies during the Yeltsin years. And the cia wants a conflict with China to loot China.

Trump Demands China 'Pay Reparations' for COVID, Says $10 Trillion Not Enough.

Why would the cia want to remove putin and put a neo-liberal patriot unbiased leader in Russia, that leader would kick out the Russian Oligarchs and restore a prosperous Russia. Russians have a distrust of foreigners, so don't expect a independent Russia to side with the US.

Washington is too pleased to allow putin to annex the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.

And Liz Cheney, the daughter of PNAC neo-con Dick Cheney, is "leader" to the opposition of trump Qanoners. More zombies keeping the "resistance" seats warm.

Liz Cheney vows to lead the Republican anti-Trump resistance​

So cia-bot Dick Cheney has a daughter who is the resistance to cia-bot donald trump.

This is the sh*tshow that is Washington DC. 100% rigged by the oligarchs to have zero resistance to Oligarchs plans. Biden won despite the media, despite wall street, biden won because trump racism/nazism was hated enough and the Dems picked some semi-senile dude to lose, yet biden still defeated trump. Then the cia BIG LIE was defeated.

Iranians reading this, Washington would not mind if putin annexed the Eastern Ukraine for this one reason, then US would extreme sanction the export of S-500s to Iran and Turkey and other interested parties. Russian high tech military weapons would stay in Russia and cia-bot and yeltin-bot putin would smile.

China has the perfect opportunity to strike back at the US economically. There is better than a superfecta in Latin America. You have 5 silver producing countries that would love to be supported in not only nationalization of the mining industry, as the Roman and Greek civilizations did - mining was controlled by the state. These nations would love for there to be a COMEX in China that has zero paper contracts, only physical contracts of delivery. Destroy the shorts and paper market of silver and gold

See how much physical is backing paper in the world exchanges:

328 paper ounces to one physical ounce produced. Meaning if those paper contracts demanded physical delivery, there would not be enough silver at these prices. Silver would be in the thousands of dollars per ounce, with the low demand that is currently happening. With silver and gold as a hot market, not manipulated to low prices, more interest in gold and silver and less in cyptos. Why the Latin Americans would love this is because Latin American countries of Peru, Mexico, Chile, Bolivia and Argentina could retire on the mint and sales of silver.

If you don't organize with silver producing nations, JP Morgan has something like a billion ounces of silver to crash any movement on silver upward. Getting the five major silver producers of Latin America to find the fair value of silver though nationalization (for the 5 nations would hold back silver from the manipulated COMEX and LME - causing shortages of physical), not the rigged manipulated price of today, and those 5 silver producing nation would rise silver's price into the 1000s per ounce. Even JP Morgan selling could not hurt the price with a new exchange dealing only in physical and barring paper silver, that each contract involves physical delivery. The non-manipulated system is the silver producers selling to a new market exchange where silver can be bought anywhere in the world, except there won't be endless paper silver contracts involving no silver, as the majority of silver contracts are today. This new market would have physical silver to back each contract, sending silver to around 5000 an ounce. Today, silver producers sell silver into a market, where the vast majority of buy and selling is of paper backed by paper, with no physical metal needed for anything. It is the largest scam in the world and silver and gold experts are well aware of this manipulation to suppress the price of silver so the dollar appears "strong".

China going along with cia plans is only hanging China.

China trying to strike back at Washington by siding with cia Russia, is doing what Washington wants China to do.

UK also won't remove putin from the Kremlin.
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Russia knows if they make a move on Ukraine that will be the end of Russia as they know it

problem now is over 130,000 are at the border

they need to somehow save face and stand down

another embarrassment awaits them
Well its easy, the west can call Russkie bluff once and for all. Declare Ukraine a NATO member and move closer to the bear.. LOL... That I would like to see.
Actually the Europe is more powerful without Britain. :rofl:
That still does not explain how come Russia has not responded to the UK and is only focused on American statements and positions.

Russia is not falling for their bag of tricks. It's not focused on America either, rather it wants NATO go back to it's locations of 1997 Agreement. As Russia has positioned itself remarkably well, where it exports natural gas and oil to Europe, a lucrative market.

It's actually America and tiny Britain who are focused on Russia, as Russia has achieved stability by capturing big markets for it's Gas & Oil exports in the West and East. As facts on the ground have shown, despite persistent economic sanctions by America, today Russia remains unperturbed and has steadily consolidated it's economic base.

With an America caged in it's "Forever Wars", drowning in debt of $30 trillion, it's population walking carcasses struggling on a "Gig Economy." Britain with it's Brexit fiasco, rising inflation, flatten wages and a population heavily reliant on "government benefits". It's these two countries, are trying to rerun, what feels like a repeat of WW2. Where America and Britain won the World War and came out on top to lead the Western World century that dominates the planet.

Should they manage to trigger a war with Russia and/or China. They are certain that they will come out as the victor. As they did post World War Two. This why they are pushing for Ukraine, since Russia has already checkmated them in Syrian conflict and in Crimea.
Russia is not falling for their bag of tricks. It's not focused on America either, rather it wants NATO go back to it's locations of 1997 Agreement. As Russia has positioned itself remarkably well, where it exports natural gas and oil to Europe, a lucrative market.

It's actually America and tiny Britain who are focused on Russia, as Russia has achieved stability by capturing big markets for it's Gas & Oil exports in the West and East. As facts on the ground have shown, despite persistent economic sanctions by America, today Russia remains unperturbed and has steadily consolidated it's economic base.
Russia still has a lot of issues to tackle. It is too dependent on oil & gas, and its strategic markets are limited to cold Europe and China alone. While these 2 are big enough to satiate the revenue targets that Putin set for his oil companies, these put Russia in a precariously dependent position vis-a-vis strategic autonomy.

Russia's biggest weakness today would be its inability to diversify beyond weapons, heavy engineering, space, and O&G; these are niche markets that cannot fetch huge revenues. CAATSA made them lose 2 important customers (Egypt, Indonesia), and will result in more people moving away from them due to the threat of US sanctions. Putin needs to find a way to counter and weaken CAATSA. While it doesn't affect the likes of us, other smaller countries might cave in to the pressure.
With an America caged in it's "Forever Wars", drowning in debt of $30 trillion, it's population walking carcasses struggling on a "Gig Economy." Britain with it's Brexit fiasco, rising inflation, flatten wages and a population heavily reliant on "government benefits". It's these two countries, are trying to rerun, what feels like a repeat of WW2. Where America and Britain won the World War and came out on top to lead the Western World century that dominates the planet.

Americans won't be returning the money they borrowed; their entire model is based on prospering off the money of debtors by showing themselves as a going concern. Do you think that Chinese investors would ask their money back from American corporations? Or for that matter European IB companies & the several unlisted shell corporations that have direct stakes in the American industrial powerhouse? No way. So, forget that the US is ever going to repay $$ back, even if it reaches $60 trillion tomorrow.

Regarding the British, they have stabilized themselves from the BREXIT chaos. They have firmly put themselves economically & militarily in the American camp. Given the UK still leads in several critical technologies & has a global industrial base, they will not be so easy to push aside.

Should they manage to trigger a war with Russia and/or China. They are certain that they will come out as the victor. As they did post World War Two. This why they are pushing for Ukraine, since Russia has already checkmated them in Syrian conflict and in Crimea.

China won't take sides. Russia is not a fraction of a buyer to Chinese goods that the West is. In the end, it is economic interests and heft that make all the difference. China may support Russia for political bickering in the UNSC summits, may block sanctions alongside Russia, but when the West asks Chinese to decide, the CCP will abstain where it matters the most - action.

Ukraine is like a Mexican Standoff situation for all the stakeholders, including the Ukrainians themselves. Germany has already given up and has formally joined on NATO's side, given its subservient position to Washington. The only one who is objectively trying to sort this out is France.

But then again, Putin has a lot to gain with Macron "winning" in this negotiation. If Putin relents on Macron's proposals, it strengthens the French case for a Eurocentric military order for Europe, weakening American influence (except in pockets like the Baltics & Poland). It would also ease Germany as they won't have to pick sides any more. Russia then will ask some sort of assurance from France for ensuring that Ukraine never joins NATO. Can Macron give such a guarantee, given that France itself has stayed out of NATO's machinations for a long time, despite remaining a member?
Russia still has a lot of issues to tackle. It is too dependent on oil & gas, and its strategic markets are limited to cold Europe and China alone. While these 2 are big enough to satiate the revenue targets that Putin set for his oil companies, these put Russia in a precariously dependent position vis-a-vis strategic autonomy.

Russia moving on from long-running policy of just extracting mineral wealth​

Published: 9 Feb 2022 | 16:50 GMT
Russia moving on from long-running policy of just extracting mineral wealth

© Getty Images / vnosoki

By Evgeny Tugolukov, a former member of the Russian State Duma and Chairman of the parliamentary committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. He is now an investor and founder of the medical holding Medskan and the agricultural holding Don Agro LLC @EvgenyTugolukov

A number of new initiatives show a break with the country’s long-running policy of just extracting mineral wealth
When I was elected to the Russian parliament, a decade and a half ago, my colleagues put their trust in me to chair the Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Ecology. Since then, this body within the State Duma is called the “Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.” On the surface, little seems to have changed – after all, every schoolchild knows that a change of name doesn’t always mean a change of function. But, in fact, there are nuances, and they are very significant.
The rebranding reflects the evolution of attitudes towards environmental issues in Russia’s highest legislative levels and in government – ecology has become one of the main priorities in domestic policy. Previously, the emphasis was on the natural resources that our country is so rich in, and the extraction of which, let’s be honest, is an important contributor to our national economy and well-being.
During decades of industrialization in the USSR, no one seriously thought about ecology as a system of relationships between man and nature.

Russia's biggest weakness today would be its inability to diversify beyond weapons, heavy engineering, space, and O&G; these are niche markets that cannot fetch huge revenues. CAATSA made them lose 2 important customers (Egypt, Indonesia), and will result in more people moving away from them due to the threat of US sanctions. Putin needs to find a way to counter and weaken CAATSA. While it doesn't affect the likes of us, other smaller countries might cave in to the pressure.

Hence the reason why Russia and China will be moving toward a comprehensive alliance structure that will incorporate member states that are of geostrategic importance.

Russia moving on from long-running policy of just extracting mineral wealth​

Published: 9 Feb 2022 | 16:50 GMT
Russia moving on from long-running policy of just extracting mineral wealth

© Getty Images / vnosoki

By Evgeny Tugolukov, a former member of the Russian State Duma and Chairman of the parliamentary committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. He is now an investor and founder of the medical holding Medskan and the agricultural holding Don Agro LLC @EvgenyTugolukov

A number of new initiatives show a break with the country’s long-running policy of just extracting mineral wealth
When I was elected to the Russian parliament, a decade and a half ago, my colleagues put their trust in me to chair the Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Ecology. Since then, this body within the State Duma is called the “Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.” On the surface, little seems to have changed – after all, every schoolchild knows that a change of name doesn’t always mean a change of function. But, in fact, there are nuances, and they are very significant.
The rebranding reflects the evolution of attitudes towards environmental issues in Russia’s highest legislative levels and in government – ecology has become one of the main priorities in domestic policy. Previously, the emphasis was on the natural resources that our country is so rich in, and the extraction of which, let’s be honest, is an important contributor to our national economy and well-being.
During decades of industrialization in the USSR, no one seriously thought about ecology as a system of relationships between man and nature.

Hence the reason why Russia and China will be moving toward a comprehensive alliance structure that will incorporate member states that are of geo-strategic importance.

My point exactly. Russia as a major power cannot afford to depend on either one side for good. It has to be omnipresent in as many countries as possible, trading, building stuff, generating new tech industries, boosting startups and creating wealth and influence for itself.

Becoming a second fiddle to China may not be as bad as West for the moment, but it will weigh in on their independent foreign policy in the future.
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