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  1. B

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    Hmm the show of a AIM120C-5 from indian side can only mean 1 out of 2: Either it JF-17 can shoot AIMC-5 or one JF-17 kill and one F-16 kill. I believe it can only be two....
  2. B

    Debunking Indian claims of F-16 firing AIM-120C AMRAAM

    Oh dear Oh dear - confusion on a higher level... :help: :p: Lets try to analyse from what we know (or assume we know :-)): One plane is down in Azad Kashmir - Almost sure its a MIG21 bison One plane is down in Indian occupied Kashmir - We actually don´t know what kind of fighter it was One...
  3. B

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    The caputured pilot has been interviewed in a program about SU30 pilots - does this gives us any clue about the second kill? It would be lovely to hear if the kill by JF17 is a SU30
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    Thank you Pakistan Air Force for making us proud

    Chudos to the armed forces not only to PAF but also army and navy...
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    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    isnt this a indirect proof of downing a SU30 - you have a SU30 pilot? Or do u also fly mig21 even if u are a SU30 pilot? Anyone can shed ligth on this....
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    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    So what is it? One SU30? One MIG21? By a F7 and JF17?
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    ISPR press conference

    Take a guess! If u dont belive it go find the info your self bro
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    Reports of fighting on In Sialkot, Narowal sector.

    yes and with 8 mig29 along with 3 SU30 downed also
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    ISPR press conference

    Because u need to be in the range of 60 km to get a kill head to head and 2 km range in chase, Thats why... I believe in ISPR when he says: "our response will be at at time and place of our choise".... So just wait dont make any knee jerk reaktion
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    PAF put on High Alert, low level fighter jets scramble reported near LoC: Media Report

    Can anyone plz explain the release date of the video beeing the 25th february 2019? Very good and bold reply by the ISPR and our ministers
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    PAF put on High Alert, low level fighter jets scramble reported near LoC: Media Report

    Our prophet Hazrat muhammad (PBUH) is no longer in this world. So plz do not indulge in such thinking as they have nothing to do with reality what so ever. Nothing like what u said happende during 1965. Our so called pious people in masjid think they have seen such thing, but there eyes and mind...
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    Saudi Arabia to install oil refinery in Gwadar supplying Pakistan, Cent Asia & China

    So what do u get out of the news popping up? Is there going to be another refinery in Ghawadar? And have you any credible source telling that oil drilling is going to start /is startet in Pakistan? regards
  13. B

    Asif Ali Zardari's declared and disclosed assets

    Read the report from JIT on the fake account case. That case alone is sufficient to lock away all the persons mentioned in the report (Zardari, Bilawal and Zardaris sister included) for good. I will believe accountability is done when Pakistans looted money is taking from these thieves...
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    Interview Questions for JF-17 Program

    Since its a retired leader of the program my questions are more historical: We know that there was a dis-connection between the ew suite and the hardware development in super 7 program. How and who came up with the idea? (the pakistani side or the chinse side). What was the background for this...
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    PAF Chief visits Saudi Ministry of Defence

    Are u serious? Wake up mate....
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    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    Who is talking about the USAF?? Wars are not won by air superiority alone!! U need to come up with another argument bro....
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    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    The US didnt fight Germany alone. The turning point was the russians from the east front. Had Germany won the battle against the russians the US forces would never have been able to win in the western front.
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Having an inhouse production facility probably means that PAF will continue to produce the fighter also beyond 300 - and hence numbers are irrelevant since its an ongoing proces.
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    Expected Cabinet Members of PTI govt and their qualifications

    I have knowledge of both private and public organisations. There are many areas where i would prefer public organisation any day over private. This goes for key areas like defence, healthcare and education.
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    Nawaz Sharif’s treatment in London being considered

    Every cardiac disease can be treated in Pakistan specially ischemic heart disease. This is not rocket science. NS doesnt need to go to London for treatment.
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