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  1. M

    If Sri Lankan Air Force officers are expelled, we will train them: Pakistan

    We don't lie every time, Only your Government lies every time, when did you people shoot a Indian helicopter? You shot a UAV in 2002?
  2. M

    If Sri Lankan Air Force officers are expelled, we will train them: Pakistan

    Some times truth will taste like a salt, But we have to accept them.
  3. M

    If Sri Lankan Air Force officers are expelled, we will train them: Pakistan

    That is the reason Atlantique aircraft was shot down by Indian Mig-21 aircraft.
  4. M

    If Sri Lankan Air Force officers are expelled, we will train them: Pakistan

    I dont think MQ-1 drone is a stealth drone. Excellent Post, Really wonderful.
  5. M

    If Sri Lankan Air Force officers are expelled, we will train them: Pakistan

    First of all please take action to check air space violations in North waziristan from 2007 to till date there are more than 300 drone attacks, Try to protect your own country from airspace violations, I am not sure how many reconnaissance missions has US conducted in the past, I would also like...
  6. M

    If Sri Lankan Air Force officers are expelled, we will train them: Pakistan

    Yes that is why US drones are entering into Pakistan, That is the reason 4 US stealth helicopters were able to enter and exit from pakistan without getting detected. CC: National Security and Bilateral relations are also not spared in the politics of Indian politicians. What these people have...
  7. M

    Army Proposes To Raise An Additional Mountain Strike Corp

    DRDO deliveries are always behind the schedules. Source: Kargil from War to Peace. Ved Pradish Malik.
  8. M

    Drone Strikes: Why west doesnt care

    The answer is simple, They are fighting the war in enemy's Territory. They don't care about it because their media was successful in revealing that Pakistan shelters a number of terror groups, Lashkar e Taiba, Hizbul mujaheddin, Jaish e Mohammed, Harkat ul Jihad islami, Pakistan members would...
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    17 killed in Illegal US drone attack

    If you read about the history of pakistan, you will get the answer for this particular question.
  10. M

    Azm-e-Nou, Rethinking Pakistan’s defense Doctrine

    General Mishra Aslam Beg is really a excellent general, He introduced this doctrine, I think he framed the doctrine and after that he conducted exercise zarb e momin ( blow of pious muslim). An excellent doctrine!
  11. M

    RAW Operating Against Pakistan

    Some one was doing with the table from 1991-2003 but table again turned ( Hope you understand), After 26/11 we very well know who is crying.
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