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Army Proposes To Raise An Additional Mountain Strike Corp

It will be better to equally give importance to development of roads and removing of Logistical bottlenecks.

If that is so why then did India resort to the cowardly Peelkhana ops? That's all you can do, being of Hindu mentality. India cannot deploy enough force to come into BD. We have been planning and waiting for that moment to crush India. The moment India makes any such move all the unhappy neighbors and internally subjugated peoples will pounce on India like a pack of enraged wolves, and tear her up.
:D Do not say that you were serious while typing it.:lol::bad:
DRDO gun is in initial testing phase , Production of bofors replica isn't going to start before 2014.

M777 Deal is yet to be signed , it has got CCS node but it is awaiting fiance ministry node ( to best of my knowledge )
Delivery of new gun is expected only in 2014 .

DRDO deliveries are always behind the schedules.

Source: Kargil from War to Peace. Ved Pradish Malik.
If that is so why then did India resort to the cowardly Peelkhana ops? That's all you can do, being of Hindu mentality. India cannot deploy enough force to come into BD. We have been planning and waiting for that moment to crush India. The moment India makes any such move all the unhappy neighbors and internally subjugated peoples will pounce on India like a pack of enraged wolves, and tear her up.

"bara bara korbi na
shol maach khabi na
shol maach e kaata
tor darur bichi fata"- found this engraved on a toilet during my days in kol
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