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  • Jordan will soon attack Syria, and other ME countries (Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, etc, and later KSA). People are in for a big surprise. Zionists have been planning big plans.
    You are right about their “jihad” thing. They have made a mockery of it. According to Shia beliefs, primary Jihaad (being the first attacker) is forbidden unless commanded by the porphet (sAwa) or an Imam. So until Imam Mahdi (as) comes, there can be no primary Jihaad. (This is a difference between Shia/Sunni, hence the Wahhabis blowing up on a daily basis in their "jihaad" against whatever they think should die.) The Defensive Jihaad (defending against outside attacks) is however necessary at all times.
    You are right about Ummayads. They were the ones that tainted Islam and pushed it off track. They lead the biggest hadeeth fabrication campaign which has confused sunnis, now.
    Did you know that the first two caliphs banned hadeeth narration from the prophet sAwa. And they didn't do this because the prophet had ordered it, but they gave their own ideas and reasoning for it. This situation continuted for about 150 years at which point people started to think that Sunnah is about to be lost and they have to start recording it. You can imagine how easy hadeeth fabrication was easy in such a context. It's a confession by hadeeth scholars of that era that has been recorded in history. It's a long story... However, the followers of ahl-albait punched a hole through Ummayads era. We were recording the ahadeeth from the time of the prophet (sAwa) and Ali, defying the ban!

    See a funny example here:
    Salam (what's is "hello"? :)

    We are not separating ourselves from them. Iran's government was and is the biggest voice in the Muslim world in calling for alliance of Islamic sects. And your are witnessing their response on this forum, first hand. Our scholars have declared that the so-called "Wahhabis" are Muslims, although misguilded. But what do they say about us? Shia are Kaafir, just burn'em all.

    Please do research about "mutawaatir" hadeeth. And that it's impossible for such ahadeeth to be fabrication.
    The belief of the 12 Imams and Imam al-Mahdi (as) can be fully proved by Quran and authentic hadeeth from Sunni books.
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