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  • Тегеран !

    because i was born in iran
    well autonomous regions idea is something new..
    It was not a great thought that time...
    Their proposal of reservation of whole state reservation for muslims alone was not acceptable to those, who fought for a secular media...
    However they should have realised politics...
    U see a muslim majority place in india, is fought by muslim candidates in elections, without reservations..
    U see J&K its a muslim CM with majorityy MLA muslims...
    This would have been the case for muslim majority regions if they had continued to join with us..
    They thought their states will be ruled complpetely by hindu CM and MLA which we proved wrong..
    honestly peace have never been given a chance...
    U could have seen in each war, pakistan had attackrd us first...
    And ideological difference is great u see... The bloody partition have left a scar on everybody on both hindus, muslims and sikh alike...
    And the war have happened each time a general ruled in pakistan...
    So we hope the democratic process there will help solving it peacefully
    Thats a nice view of politics here...
    Indian diplomacy is one of the best in the world at any rate...
    I have read somewhere that Still many russians prefer a communist State like USSR but with a free capitalism encouraging growth...
    They feel that breAkup of USSR have diminished russia's importance in this present world...
    I don remember where i read it,(i think it was THE HINDU editorials) but the info was like this to be exact...
    Is it what really many think in ur country or is it otherwise
    Thank you for your message my friend. Interesting, you surprised me. I would have never thought of you as a Muslim, lol. I would love to hear your story. Also thanks for that interesting link, I'm going to have a look after my prayer..
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