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India wants infertile Pakistan: PEW

one of the Indian guy said in another thread, "Pakistan has already accepted their no 1 enemy is within than why so many nuclear weapons"....here is the answer....One of us has to be destroyed in order for the other to survive, there isnt just too much water for both of us.

ummmm NO NO NO NO. There is so much water in seas oceans divert a billion dollars that you spend on nukes to water resources and you will see the change. So muh water not enough storage capacity. If all fails water desalination and 1 day population will stabilise and we wont have to do any more of that even.
:lol: So why you lost the case in international courts if we are violating the Indus water treaty??? Dont watch too much Zaid Hamid videos and keep in touch with the reality.

Don't you break his illusions . That is all he is left with !! .

Don't you break his illusions . That is all he is left with !! .

Yeah i dont bother usually replying to too much delusional fanboys but he is one of the good members here so i thought of giving atleast one try.
WW3 could be for dominance over water resources. I could foresee that United States invade (rightfully so) and annex Canada to solve the U.S. water problem.
Point is while we are pointing fingers at others, what have we done to secure our water. The nation that cannot unite even on building a God Damn Dam like Kalabagh, they are bound to doom. Every year the water is wasted in form of floods and thousands gets misplaced and killed, yet all we are interested is in a bloody cricket match and thats it. Put your own house in order before accusing others of destroying you.
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