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Recent content by prabhusarjen

  1. P

    Sir Creek not to be handed over to Pak

    I highly doubt that India would do that, Actually Modi said that Government planned to give it to Pakistan, but later government slammed Modi's statement saying that non of his claim is correct...and so on...... Post #4 is right We wouldn't do that..
  2. P

    December 21 .. You are all gonna DiE

    Anybody have any idea how to read this calendar
  3. P

    December 21 .. You are all gonna DiE

    End of the world 2012 | Mayan Calendar
  4. P

    Potentially hazardous asteroid to fly by earth tomorrow

    take a dig at this link Mayan apocalypse: Serbia's mystic mountain targeted by believers - Telegraph
  5. P

    Potentially hazardous asteroid to fly by earth tomorrow

    And tomo is 12-12-12 We'll never meet it again so have fun tomorrow
  6. P

    Potentially hazardous asteroid to fly by earth tomorrow

    Trust me tomo morning you'll hear the news saying that asteroid changed the direction to planet earth Headline: "Global Crisis" And tomo is 12-12-12 We'll never meet it again so have fun tomorrow
  7. P

    India expanding submarine force to meet China threat

    Ya... Read 4# and FYI... our killo class is around two decades old and we're going to replace them may be some would be upgraded and wold be kept till 2025... but most of their subs are very older than us but still they keep in service to show the strength,(Big weakness) Theirs only good part...
  8. P

    Israel wants to take India ties to next level

    Arabs deserve my @ss,... even though you support Israel openly, they can do nothing but keep on supplying oil to us.... we buy oil from them so what, in what way they helped us diplomatically.... non and they'll never do in future, too saying again, in whatever situation Israelis will help us...
  9. P

    Must See GAZA video.....Why blame israel?

    You just can't abandon a society(Jews) just because they were expelled ever before the international law existed... Jews didn't vanish k, they lived and suffocated and still they continued to be... your Msg doesn't make sense if international Law recognize human values
  10. P

    Must See GAZA video.....Why blame israel?

    FYI religious proof are good enough, Israel is not the one who paying highly but the surrounding whose aim is to wipe them off the map
  11. P

    Must See GAZA video.....Why blame israel?

    Oh, Did Mayan's ask you back the land? No cause apparently they don't exists as much as before.....and they didn't have the root, but Jews people did.....,you weren't burnt alive and the children weren't used for testing the drugs but their's did... so they wanted to unit and form a country as...
  12. P

    Must See GAZA video.....Why blame israel?

    Sea route was blocked because of the shipping of weapons from Arab countries....How could Israel allow Gaza trade to the rest of the world when Hamas terrorists control Gaza not Palestinian authority,...when only they want to import weapons to attack Israel... No Israel can't do much in Gaza...
  13. P

    Must See GAZA video.....Why blame israel?

    So what exactly r u saying... the land which belongs to the Jews people shouldn't be given back to them when they come to claim..... that's exactly i'm trying to explain....thousands of years ago Jerusalem was named as Israel's capital.....the country Israel Existed long before Arabs came...
  14. P

    Must See GAZA video.....Why blame israel?

    Man Israel gave up Gaza long ago...yet Israel is the one who provide them funds every year giving them supplies to build home and free flow of electricity... even during the last conflict they are the one who send them medical and food supply.... all these Arabs talk bla bla.. what did they do...
  15. P

    Must See GAZA video.....Why blame israel?

    Again i deny.... they've already bought the land from Ottoman empire and it was Arabs first started to kill the Jews when they came to know planes of Jews so Jews fought back.....
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