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Must See GAZA video.....Why blame israel?

Better say only Islamist countries don't recognize them because they're so jealous and can't win them right

Give them a chance to fight with Pakistan. :D

Most of them are muslim countries with north korea and cuba.

But some people here were saying 99% of the world accept them.
I still feel Israel shouldn't have given up Gaza. It brought nothing but resolve to Hamas and other terrorist groups. Don't repeat the same mistake.
But already there were Jews people living Palestine..
and for your Info by that time Jews already bought the land......
when they decided to unite all the jews people like how it was during King david and solomon's times..... arabs are the people who went to kill them when they didn't even have a proper military or weapons,....

Arabs are the only one who gave them refuge after holocaust. Very ungrateful they are.

They started killing those who saved them.

And they were a minority in 1948 they were 32%.
There are no accounts of them being "forced to convert", there are accounts of them losing wars to Muslims and living under them eventually most converted because of theological reasons. The Saud family of Saudi Arabia have Jewish roots. Even the Catholic church said how can Jews use theological justification for Israel because it made no sense. That is why Catholic church did not recognize them until 1993 and of course their oppression of Christian Palestinians was another reason.

Who say Islam doesn't force to convert... ha some months ago in your country an Hindu girl was forced to do so.....
A form of forced conversion became institutionalized during the Ottoman Empire (wiki)
also in those times except muslims all other religious people were concerned as second and third class citizens and they're slaves
Ya i agree it's written in your book not to do that but now many Muslims don't follow it....
i've given the link below see that

Forced conversion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arabs are the only one who gave them refuge after holocaust. Very ungrateful they are.

They started killing those who saved them.

And they were a minority in 1948 they were 32%.

Again i deny.... they've already bought the land from Ottoman empire
and it was Arabs first started to kill the Jews when they came to know planes of Jews so Jews fought back.....
I still feel Israel shouldn't have given up Gaza. It brought nothing but resolve to Hamas and other terrorist groups. Don't repeat the same mistake.

You cannot understand a simple fact why israel gave up gaza? :lol:

And you are talking to me about israel's existence. :lol:
Has the majority of the world accepted your view? apparently not.
Yes, it has. It's widely known that it was the Romans, 600 years before there was Islam, who expelled Jews from Palestine. It's also known that it was only under Arab Muslim domination of Palestine that Jews were allowed to re-settle (they had been kicked out before under the Crusaders) and that the Ottoman Empire was regretfully all too nice towards European Jews trying to take roots in Palestine. In the West, these are all widely known facts. If you Indians don't know that, perhaps you should refrain from commenting on this issue altogether, huh?
I still feel Israel shouldn't have given up Gaza. It brought nothing but resolve to Hamas and other terrorist groups. Don't repeat the same mistake.

Man Israel gave up Gaza long ago...yet Israel is the one who provide them funds every year giving them supplies to build home and free flow of electricity... even during the last conflict they are the one who send them medical and food supply....
all these Arabs talk bla bla.. what did they do to Gaza so for..? they only armed the terrorist in Gaza...

Gaza is Under palatine and the Palestinian presidents can't even rule that place... it's Hamas terrorists who have the authority not Abbas...

Both Abbas and Hamas did nothing to Gaza but Israel did everything to them
Again i deny.... they've already bought the land from Ottoman empire
and it was Arabs first started to kill the Jews when they came to know planes of Jews so Jews fought back.....

They had the land but they were minority and their religion do not allows them to make their own country.

Arabs gave them refuge when europeans denied it.
Man Israel gave up Gaza long ago...yet Israel is the one who provide them funds every year giving them supplies to build home and free flow of electricity... even during the last conflict they are the one who send them medical and food supply....
all these Arabs talk bla bla.. what did they do to Gaza so for..? they only armed the terrorist in Gaza...

Gaza is Under palatine and the Palestinian presidents can't even rule that place... it's Hamas terrorists who have the authority not Abbas...

Both Abbas and Hamas did nothing to Gaza but Israel did everything to them

So you also don't know why israel gave up gaza? :lol:

Read post # 50.
Man Israel gave up Gaza long ago...yet Israel is the one who provide them funds every year giving them supplies to build home and free flow of electricity...
Israel dominates Gaza's air and sea borders, as well as any direct contact with the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories. And this control Israel has used to hamper Gaza's economy by, for example, precluding it from trading with the rest of the world. Foodstuff, building materials, toilet papers -- all these dangerous stuff, that no doubt threaten Israel's existence when used by Gazans, have had their entry banned or reduced under the Israeli occupation. Electricity? Why does Gaza have energy shortages on an almost daily basis? If you feel so sorry about Israel having to "provide" Gazans with anything, then let Gazans at least fend off for themselves by developing an autonomous economy, by trading with the rest of the world.

all these Arabs talk bla bla.. what did they do to Gaza so for..? they only armed the terrorist in Gaza...
'Tis quite clear to me by now that you know nothing of Gaza.
Yes, it has. It's widely known that it was the Romans, 600 years before there was Islam, who expelled Jews from Palestine. It's also known that it was only under Arab Muslim domination of Palestine that Jews were allowed to re-settle (they had been kicked out before under the Crusaders) and that the Ottoman Empire was regretfully all too nice towards European Jews trying to take roots in Palestine. In the West, these are all widely known facts. If you Indians don't know that, perhaps you should refrain from commenting on this issue altogether, huh?

So what exactly r u saying... the land which belongs to the Jews people shouldn't be given back to them when they come to claim.....
that's exactly i'm trying to explain....thousands of years ago Jerusalem was named as Israel's capital.....the country Israel Existed long before Arabs came..... Israel is not made in 1948, it was there Thousands of years ago and was crushed by Invaders.... and what's there in getting back there own place?
You cannot understand a simple fact why israel gave up gaza? :lol:
And you are talking to me about israel's existence. :lol:
Kindly enlighten me. Coz I remember why Sharon first say Gaza was an occupied territory and what was the view of the Palestinians especially Hamas after Gaza, they said Today Gaza, Tomorrow Jerusalem.

Man Israel gave up Gaza long ago...yet Israel is the one who provide them funds every year giving them supplies to build home and free flow of electricity... even during the last conflict they are the one who send them medical and food supply....
all these Arabs talk bla bla.. what did they do to Gaza so for..? they only armed the terrorist in Gaza...
Gaza is Under palatine and the Palestinian presidents can't even rule that place... it's Hamas terrorists who have the authority not Abbas...Both Abbas and Hamas did nothing to Gaza but Israel did everything to them
I know that's why I said it was a mistake.
Kindly em\nlighten me. Coz I remember why Sharon first say Gaza was an occupied territory and what was the view of the Palestinians especially Hamas after Gaza, they said Today Gaza, Tomorrow Jerusalem.

I know that's why I said it was a mistake.

Post # 50 is your answer.
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