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Must See GAZA video.....Why blame israel?

that's exactly i'm trying to explain....thousands of years ago Jerusalem was named as Israel's capital.....the country Israel Existed long before Arabs came..... Israel is not made in 1948, it was there Thousands of years ago and was crushed by Invaders.... and what's there in getting back there own place?
I didn't know that international law was retroactive, that it applies to events that took place some 2000 years ago. Thanks for instructing me, though.

But just out of curiosity, what do you think of us in the Americas? Do you think peoples in the Americas who are of White, Black, or Asian ancestry, should give the land back to the Natives and be made to return to Europe, Africa or East Asia?
Israel dominates Gaza's air and sea borders, as well as any direct contact with the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories. And this control Israel has used to hamper Gaza's economy by, for example, precluding it from trading with the rest of the world. Foodstuff, building materials, toilet papers -- all these dangerous stuff, that no doubt threaten Israel's existence when used by Gazans, have had their entry banned or reduced under the Israeli occupation. Electricity? Why does Gaza have energy shortages on an almost daily basis? If you feel so sorry about Israel having to "provide" Gazans with anything, then let Gazans at least fend off for themselves by developing an autonomous economy, by trading with the rest of the world.

'Tis quite clear to me by now that you know nothing of Gaza.

Sea route was blocked because of the shipping of weapons from Arab countries....How could Israel allow Gaza trade to the rest of the world when Hamas terrorists control Gaza not Palestinian authority,...when only they want to import weapons to attack Israel...

No Israel can't do much in Gaza against Hamas..., if Hamas want to improve their place building Energy supply and so on why don't they do....?, it's not controled by Israel as you claim...

And i'm standing on my claims firmly... Ya the Arabs did nothing but Arming them with Rockets to fire at Isarel
I didn't know that international law is retroactice, that it applies to events that took place some 2000 years ago. Thanks for instructing me, though.

But just out of curiosity, what do you think of us in the Americas? Do you think peoples in the Americas who are of White, Black, or Asian ancestry, should give the land back to the Natives and be made to return to Europe, Africa or East Asia?

What is the beef if laws are not retroactive and status quo is the de-facto guiding principle?
What is the beef if laws are not retroactive and status quo is the de-facto guiding principle?

The Zionist claim over Palestine is based off of Bronze Age religious myths. If the status-quo was the guiding principle, then no Jewish claim over historic Palestine should've been recognized. Unfortunately the folly of the international community allowed that religion dictated current international affairs, and for this the world is paying dearly, for the region surrounding their experiment (Israel) is one of the world's most unstable.
I didn't know that international law was retroactive, that it applies to events that took place some 2000 years ago. Thanks for instructing me, though.

But just out of curiosity, what do you think of us in the Americas? Do you think peoples in the Americas who are of White, Black, or Asian ancestry, should give the land back to the Natives and be made to return to Europe, Africa or East Asia?

Oh, Did Mayan's ask you back the land?
No cause apparently they don't exists as much as before.....and they didn't have the root, but Jews people did.....,you weren't burnt alive and the children weren't used for testing the drugs but their's did... so they wanted to unit and form a country as before, i don't see any harm in that....
and as long as there is a proof to claim the land, you don't have to worry about 2000 years old or more
Then Jews would have no claim to historic Palestine. Their claim over Palestine is based on some Bronze Age religious myths; only folly of the international community could've allowed that religion dictate current international affairs. And they're paying the price dearly, for the region surrounding their experiment (Israel) is one of the world's most unstable.

Even Palestine would or have any claims as status quo dictates that Israel is present now and status quo be maintained..
Even Palestine would or have any claims as status quo dictates that Israel is present now and status quo be maintained..

But you see, if we just allow countries to constantly expand their borders, there will never be peace, as stronger states will always be trying to annex the lands of weaker ones in case they're economically or strategically valuable. And since everyone can just do what each one wants, there will be no need for international law. There needs to be some limits as to that; I consider the international law's delegitimation of the "right of conquest" as a good step in suppressing wars of aggression. About the Jewish question, when the Jews were expelled from Palestine, there was no notion of international law; hence, in my view, there should be no need for reparations for them. But when Palestinians got expelled, there were active international law institutions, and that's why their grievances need to be addressed.
The Zionist claim over Palestine is based off of Bronze Age religious myths. If the status-quo was the guiding principle, then no Jewish claim over historic Palestine should've been recognized. Unfortunately the folly of the international community allowed that religion dictated current international affairs, and for this the world is paying dearly, for the region surrounding their experiment (Israel) is one of the world's most unstable.

FYI religious proof are good enough,
Israel is not the one who paying highly but the surrounding whose aim is to wipe them off the map
But you see, if we just allow countries to constantly expand their borders, there will never be peace, as stronger states will always be trying to annex the lands of weaker ones in case they're economically or strategically valuable. And since everyone can just do what each one wants, there will be no need for international law. There needs to be some limits as to that; I consider the international law's delegitimation of the "right of conquest" as a good step in suppressing wars of aggression. About the Jewish question, when the Jews were expelled from Palestine, there was no notion of international law; hence, in my view, there should be no need for reparations for them. But when Palestinians got expelled, there were active international law institutions, and that's why their grievances need to be addressed.

You just can't abandon a society(Jews) just because they were expelled ever before the international law existed...
Jews didn't vanish k, they lived and suffocated and still they continued to be... your Msg doesn't make sense if international Law recognize human values
Approx 57 countries do not accept israel.

where did you get that list from, do have you any links that don't support Israel being in the place they are now. Be careful now, it's not about diplomatic ties, it countries saying that Israel needs to up and move...
Yes, it has. It's widely known that it was the Romans, 600 years before there was Islam, who expelled Jews from Palestine. It's also known that it was only under Arab Muslim domination of Palestine that Jews were allowed to re-settle (they had been kicked out before under the Crusaders) and that the Ottoman Empire was regretfully all too nice towards European Jews trying to take roots in Palestine. In the West, these are all widely known facts. If you Indians don't know that, perhaps you should refrain from commenting on this issue altogether, huh?

Let's try this again, if the theory he put forth- 'they were to only have that land if a messiah came through'--- is that theory the basis of nations "accepting or not" the right of Israel to exist? If you don't understand the question, ask ... I could care less about your historical views, they have their version ... I'm living in the now

again how's it working out with majority of the nations?
Israel is the rightful owner of whole of Israel as long as it wield power over them , it doesn't belong to Arabs alone anymore . Just like Australia belongs to Australians and America belongs to Americans. The one who conquers or captures, is the one who owns. Didn't Muslim rulers do the same thing with Jews.
That's wrong many countries in the world not not recognize israel.


And those are very prosperous countries.... :lol:
But you see, if we just allow countries to constantly expand their borders, there will never be peace, as stronger states will always be trying to annex the lands of weaker ones in case they're economically or strategically valuable. And since everyone can just do what each one wants, there will be no need for international law. There needs to be some limits as to that; I consider the international law's delegitimation of the "right of conquest" as a good step in suppressing wars of aggression. About the Jewish question, when the Jews were expelled from Palestine, there was no notion of international law; hence, in my view, there should be no need for reparations for them. But when Palestinians got expelled, there were active international law institutions, and that's why their grievances need to be addressed.

When Israel wanted to settle the issue and define the boundaries Palestine with the so called support of the Arab world rejected the proposal and now it cries foul...

Grievances need to be addressed, but there should be a reasonable person who leads them... Firing rockets will not help their case.
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