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Recent content by lein303

  1. L

    Air Force aims higher - Seeks major purchases by 2021

    You lack any basic information. There arnt any mig-21's in service with baf their chinese made J-7's. The Mig-29 bangladesh bought have very week airframe and they were grouded in russia a while back. If bangladesh gets any future fighter I can assure you it will be the jf-17
  2. L

    Air Force aims higher - Seeks major purchases by 2021

    Such fighters shouldnt have been bought in the first place. Your govt didnt even bother to look at the fighters track record and had no other option
  3. L

    Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

    Missiles arnt as expensive as other military hardware. The hardware you stated above (most notably the F-15) are very expensive machines compared to medium range ballistic or cruise missiles. If you talk about ICBM's then I doubt pakistan would use them for purely conventional means
  4. L

    Nehru divided India, not Jinnah: Jaswant Singh

    Good thing the Indians are finally getting over their "superiority" complex. I must disagree with the fact that partition was purely political though. To some degree it was but it also had alot to do with culture, religion, etc.. The vast majority of muslims on the subcontinent were culturally...
  5. L

    India copying Pakistani/Western Culture

    What do you mean? In what way does india today share the same vallues as the indus valley civilization? This is hilarious. Your saying that the indus valley civilization was india now??? I was purely using the indus valley civilization as a example of where a civilization came from ie...
  6. L

    India copying Pakistani/Western Culture

    Muslim culture is generally regarded as persian/arab/turkish culture. A religion cannot be based off a set of 1 culture but different cultures. Where did I say we were superior due to being an older civilization? And you nailed it the Indian subcontinent is exactly what it is and that is a...
  7. L

    India helped in our liberation war for India’s interest

    Funny I never really heard of the baluch cause until a few years back when in memory I and every other indian I speak to could remember the kashmiri issue. It was only after 2001 that india entrenched itself into afghanistan in order to spread fire on the balochistan issue (which is relatively...
  8. L

    India helped in our liberation war for India’s interest

    Keep it up, kill more and more kashimiri's. The khalistan movement was very small and was mostly attempted by singh exiles in the US and Britain. You might be suprised that ive seen quit a few bumper car stickers in the US labelled "free khalistan". The kashmiri's have local support so good luck...
  9. L

    India helped in our liberation war for India’s interest

    Firstly I will not get into the dynamic of the 1965 war as it has nothing to do with the topic. Ill save that for another day but alittle word of advice, even a minimal academia has no respect for wikipedia so why shall we. Should we as grown people steep down to a website used by middle school...
  10. L

    What is Bangladesh doing to counter Indian interference?

    After reading this thread Ive come to the conclusion that Eastwatch is very misguided and needs to be educated
  11. L

    India copying Pakistani/Western Culture

    Lastly I will make 1 last thing clear to you indians who claim that you guys have your own culture. This is indian culture before muslims arrived to civilize it http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/southasia/Culture/Archit/khajuraho2.JPG...
  12. L

    India copying Pakistani/Western Culture

    History shows that india wouldnt be where it is today without muslim culture, which pakistan can rightly claim due to its affiliation with persia, afghanistan, etc.. Pakistan is a islamic state and not a secular one which unites various cultures ideologicly
  13. L

    Council for Independent Balochistan formed (haha!!)

    Balochi's are a minority in balochistan now. You people are forgetting pakistan unlike its neighbors has a large ammount of population that are inter-married. To even think that a province would get independance is absurb. Sure there might be remarks here and their but thats how 3rd world...

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