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  1. JAMMY

    Pakistani media coverage on the death of Rajesh Khanna

    May His Soul Rest in Peace.
  2. JAMMY

    US navy ship did not warn Indian fishermen: Dubai police

    "superpowers dont put themselves in others' shoes..dont be so naiive" : Good, Tell The People Of your Country not to crib about Drone Attacks, as Super Powers Don't Value Life Of People Of Other Countries.
  3. JAMMY

    US navy ship did not warn Indian fishermen: Dubai police

    Americans should Put Themselves in other's shoe, would you like this happen to there country man? When there unarmed fisherman got blown away at water close to your boarder by a forieng navy from another side of the world without warning? It's likely an accident but one's attitude can go a long way!
  4. JAMMY

    UK woman guilty of terrorism offences

    Nice job UK police.
  5. JAMMY

    Tit for tat: Barack Obama underachiever, dubs Outlook India

    India seriously needs to understand that everything does not need to be a competition ,the tit for tat mentality of Indian people must stop.Sometimes dignity can be shown by turning the other cheek .Basically every one will think this was done to get back at Time magazine issue ,Indian people...
  6. JAMMY

    Is Manmohan Singh the most quiet Head of Government in the world???

    Our Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is a highly respected man in rest of the world. Within India he is a misunderstood genius, who never gets his due from an ungreatful nation.
  7. JAMMY

    To all Indians

    Yes we are patriotic & love our country. Won't You Feel Bad, if someone Foul Mouth About Your Country???
  8. JAMMY

    China, Russia block Western-backed draft resolution against Syria

    Pretty sure Russia, China, US, UK and the rest of the first world nations have all come to the agreement that war is needed, and no better way to do that than post a veto against each other. Now if everyone would just point their weapons at the correct enemies of this planet, we'd all be better...
  9. JAMMY

    Between Giants: South Korea and the U.S.-China Rivalry

    This article is incorrect in suggesting that China factor played a role in the postponement of GSOMIA signing. It was purely the public backlash against Japan resulting from an on-going territorial dispute and the historical baggage that cancelled the signing and the ruling party's fear of...
  10. JAMMY

    NCP skips UPA meet, Sharad Pawar may quit government

    Don’t understand this drama... Why don’t you merge with Congress as congress blood runs in your veins or hang on you may want to explore other options to grab power after 2014...
  11. JAMMY

    ‘Entry of Bangladesh garments will hit Indian industry severely’

    Our Garment manufacturers donot know that Government of India has already killed them by allowing import from China of Garments and Shoes free of customs duty of 29%.
  12. JAMMY

    One killed, 40 injured in clashes at India Maruti plant

    No matter what, burning your own employers assets and the products you built with your hand at a place where you earn your bread and salary to uphold your family and nourish your children is totally condemnable. I think it is time for Maruti to close that plant and move to some other place...
  13. JAMMY

    India's tour to Sri Lanka (5 ODIs & 1 T20)

    I am looking forward for an exciting Series & Wish India Wins It. :cheers:
  14. JAMMY

    Baby Girl Buried Alive Because Father 'Didn't Like Her Looks'

    That's disgusting! Imagine how vulnerable we all are when we are babies depending on the people who brought us here, and this poor baby girl was let down by the one person she trusted! sickening..
  15. JAMMY

    Taiwan teenager died after playing computer game non-stop for 40 hours

    "If you die in the game, do you die for real?" "The body cannot survive without the mind". RIP
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