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  1. B2B

    IAF issues tender to HAL for 83 LCA Tejas Mk1A fighters.

    Unit cost will be upwards of $40million per aircraft. The old details of 30 to 35 million won’t be realistic. Secondly the whole contract price includes other components/services. https://mod.gov.in/dod/sites/default/files/dppm.pdf_0.pdf Refer for details. The other guys Stop the heart burn...
  2. B2B

    Pakistan mocks Sushma Swaraj for issuing medical visas, calls it 'Indian gimmickry'

    Hi Areesh I believe she can afford to do one big drama because the average Indian toiled their hard *** to achieve something substantial, can Pakistan substantiate that effort in this field before mocking ?
  3. B2B

    Pakistan mocks Sushma Swaraj for issuing medical visas, calls it 'Indian gimmickry'

    I am present in the private healthcare system in India for long enough and actively associated with groups such as Columbia ASIA , Parkway , Aster and NMC. The Pakistanis on this thread are either teenagers who are yet to grow a beard or cocoon bred , their logic defies every possible argument...
  4. B2B

    Pakistan mocks Sushma Swaraj for issuing medical visas, calls it 'Indian gimmickry'

    That is a misnomer Good health to your son , you made all "fathers" feel special. China has no standout medicare western system compared to India or Pakistan for that matter. Chinese since long has been dependent on traditional medicine and are yet to come out of that halo. In healthcare...
  5. B2B

    Duterte eyes cheap medicine from India

    Chinese taking about illegal copies is a joke unheard of before , so congrats on the new line. Secondly please educate yourself a bit about medicine industry( western contemporary medicine and not traditional Chinese ones ) before commenting else you are proving to be a laughing stock. Third...
  6. B2B

    Pak-FA , was there a pre planned destiny this plane starts with word "PAK"

    The name PAKFA is a soviet-era terminology and don't tell me the soviets were designing this for the love of Pakistanis that they had . That's some amazing logic, what did you drink last night ? Think of the corollary terminology :- PAK-FA ( Mods don't put a warning or ban me for this it's in...
  7. B2B

    Pakistan-Russia in talks over S-400 Missile Defence System: Foreign media

    Wake up and smell the coffee , you are in def.pk I doubt you are a newbie though
  8. B2B

    Pakistan-Russia in talks over S-400 Missile Defence System: Foreign media

    The S-400 with provide air defence to these parked SU35BM in PAF service.
  9. B2B

    PSLV-C39 carrying navigation satellite IRNSS-1H failed

    Deployed with heat shield Hard luck , detailed analysis will reveal the issues
  10. B2B

    Does China want to transform BRICS into BRICS-Plus?

    It wont be BRICKS , it would be BRCCCKS. Now you can pull the B , R , K , and S , remember the SU and Warsaw pact countries and its end economic product.
  11. B2B

    Sensational Admissions Of Killing Kashmiri Pandits

    Yet another proof of the pigs being unsettled. The fun has begun they will be settled in due course of time. Time and God is on our side.
  12. B2B

    Astra BVRAAM enters Small Scale Production Quietly

    Exactly it will be launched but will life out before reaching its target as its long range Chinese stuff.
  13. B2B

    China tacitly admits road construction has been stopped at Doklam

    Keep the good wishes you need therapy ( not the Chinese one loser )
  14. B2B

    China tacitly admits road construction has been stopped at Doklam

    ^^ this guy wanted china to withdraw from its own claimed territory Well done Collect your cents from CPC now , your job is done.
  15. B2B

    China and India agree to end doklam stand off

    What to share with you I am not smoking that high stuff Anyways do you get paid like the Chinese for the cheerleading , we Indians don't we are envious of that
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