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  • Welcome back bro! I think all of us need a vacation from Defence.pk .Honestly I am spending more then 10+ hours on this site daily while working on my project.
    Thank you! :) I took it from that Pakistani fashion thread lol. Did you just graduate?
    why are you asking them to look up my IP

    "appropriate action" what, are you talking about... is this a threat

    ---------- Post added at 09:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 AM ----------

    your a sick man
    oops... nonetheless congrats to him, and stay in single piece bro, I wish best for you for your journey, and would be happy to see some cool pictures being posted here of Dara :)
    hey Bilal, before you decide to visit dara, kindly look up for some real guidance from your uncle in Army. the operation in NW might just take place anytime, and the outfall may cause unrest in the whole region....

    by the nice picture :) Im sure you are the guy with the Boston university degree...congrts champ :)
    I was thinking that we who support PTI should change our avatars to PTI logo, IK pics or whatever we like, maybe agree upon one picture as our avatar ? what you say?
    I for one have my original perception hugely altered. All my life i have lived and interacted with Pakistani and nowhere have i come across anyone like the characters in pdf. (I guess i got stuck with the liberals huh?). My best friend is a Pakistani and i have not had to counter this sort of BS with her. My mom taught in a Pakistani school and we had Pakistanis for neighbours. The folks in here are excessively paranoid, and so deep in denial that it comes as a shock to me. Another major irritant for me was the racist remarks i had to endure in here. After spending time in here, i have come to understand that Pakistanis in general loves to dwell in conspiracy theories, loves to highlight others faults to justify their own deteriorating condition, lives in a constant state of denial and are quite racist.

    However, i would like to add that Pakistani food is awesome stuff and i can't help but fall in love with it.
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