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  • Bilal - you are one of the best contributors on this forum - keep it up, Ya Ali Madad.
    Do you know, the sufi Sakhi Shabaz Qalander? Nicked named Ali Shabaz Qalander? His actual name is Usman  (much to ponder on here)

    must share a dream someone saw and shared with many people, he said he saw both Prophet Muhammad PBUH and Ali AS praying together, and what was interesting was the way they were praying.
    Muhammad PBUH with his hands open and Ali with his hands closed like Ahle Sunnah.

    Reminds me of the Hadith saying if you hear anything nice you should accept it and don’t doubt it but anything negative you must investigate and question.

    As far as above dream is concerned I only see positive vibe, an invitation to all Muslims to come out of this trivial difference and embrace the essence and spirit of Islam.

    All the best buddy
    Ali AS is everyone's Imam no shia or sunni can claim the sole right on him
    He ensured that Jews and Christians got justice even in trivial matters.
    too much weight is given on his Marshall skills which doesn’t do justice to his spiritual side.
    if you look at any sufi, monk or sheikh, he would have a spiritual link to Ali.
    No doubt he is but a proud slave of our beloved Prophet Muhammad and servant of Allah but due to Allah’s Blessings, and love of the Prophet PBUH, he commands such a place of respect that even Omar and Usman (RA) are not shy in expressing their gratitude.

    The name of the Qwali is Ali Mowla Ali Dum Dum

    Words are both implied and imaginative and need to be understood wwith context and spirit. Might be hard for a close hearted wahabi but then again they even have trouble accepting the greatness of the very Prophet they claim to follow so I wont worry too much.
    when I read your name I think of late Nusrat Fatheh Ali
    you ask me why that so and I recite the verses from one of his Qawali

    حیدر قرار بوتراب علی علی

    ہاشمی چراغ لاجواب علی علی
    Do you really think that there is any difference in the people? No. We all look the same and we all eat the same food and we all breathe the same air in India.

    I don't hold your posts against you, You expressed your opinion as I did express mine.

    I hope we have been able to set the misunderstanding between us to rest and are now better individuals.

    I also like your posts.

    I find you interesting.

    I was surprised it was your comment that I was addressing.

    I looked at the content and not who was posting.

    I understand that Muslims of India feel a bit isolated. It is not the fault of the common Indian Muslim. It is a game of Muslim fundamentalist organisations and political parties to keep this divide going.

    The Muslim religious organisations want the assumed fear to continue so that their power is not diluted. Just like what the Mullahs are doing in Pakistan to keep a hold over the people, even as people are being killed by the TTP.

    The politicians only talk and do nothing worthwhile. Keep people, all religions, poor and illiterate and so it is easy to make them fight and thus create votebanks.
    you should have been in Balouch regiment ....:P the finest and bravest of all...
    arey miyan kya sir var karren?waise tum woh saare movieiyaan dekh lena.Dibakar banerjee walein kaafi badiyaan hain.
    yes.....dont talk about things you cant explain miyan.

    I also don't like to argue when people so compassionately cherry pick and try give the excuse of offtopic.

    The thing is there is no Indian involvement in Balochistan .Period. And what if they say in Senate meeting is true about Indian involvement, ISI is a terrorist organistaion which aided in the heinous massacre of 166 innocents.. Period. No two ways about it.
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