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  • Hey! I've just been busy with school and all that, so haven't had time to post here really. How have you been?
    Hello Brother
    we arent much familiar with each other
    but i want to ask you how is every thing
    hope you and your family are doing good
    after the tragedy
    All the best
    Take care
    Hassan Riaz
    Sorry about your Grandma, bilal. Allah Talah unhain jannat e firdous main Jaga day.
    Actually, a death while sleeping isin't great. It doen't give you chance to say the Kalima.
    For me... martyr while fighting on frontline and dying in Sajdah is the best death..

    Don't worry buddy. In Sha Allah everything would be fine. my great grandmother was over 100. But she was too weak, with all bones visible and everything you could imagine. She prayed on bed, laid on the bed 24/7, used the same bed for sanitary and everything.

    But one thing was, she could speak and could remember many things...
    Sorry about your Grand mom Bilal.

    One day we all have to go back after this joke of a life to the real one.
    Take me for instance. I take death as a way to join real life.

    As far her, May Allah give her the life in Jannah. Ameen. Dont be down buddy :)

    Same as S.M.R wrote, it means you want to do what actually Indian trolls want to keep you away from forum. So in my point of view better way is to report trolls or inform MODS over any abusive and offensive posts and surely they will take action. Don't take it serious and keep your ideas and contribution up as it was.


    Naa yaar, spending little time is not the solution. These indian trolls try to get a member banned. The only way is not to let them succeed in their mission. Just ignore the post which derail the thread.
    Got into a spat with Hindustani, I used some bad words for him because he insinuated certain things about Pakistani girls, & due of that, my 1 post was banned for 3 reasons:

    1. Using inflammatory/offensive language
    2. Post off the topic
    3. Trolling

    Anyways, I've decided to invest as little time on the PDF as possible, because people take offense quickly, & frankly, I've realized it isn't worth it. Screw it.
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