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  • hey can i have the link of your thread that got deleted- about double identity- thanks
    Salam Bilal,

    I was about to post this message in the 'thread you created about you getting off for a while'. I though to give it a go here since that thread is closed. I've always admired your posts and you've always shown a true patriotism - there's no harm in getting a few days off and I do hope to see you back in full throttle. Good luck

    Take care of you and yours.
    This drama about all that you have mentioned has been going on for some time. This is just for the sake of local populace who will keep on believing that the Army is standing up to the US & A. Internally, a lot of the operations are being conducted in secrecy with a valid input from the US.

    As for blaming PA/ISI, they need someone to blame and who better than someone who will never expose them (US security agencies) for their hypocrisy and double dealing.
    As for your fellow countryman Mr Davis, ISI devised the plan which was outlined by the US and Sauds got involved to keep the damage limited by using Islam.

    The families were made to sign the papers without any information on their own stance, the punjab gov and the courts were indicated of the verdict.

    If the army/ISI did not want to let him go, he would have not gone anywhere.

    Nawaz ran away after this and so did the judge in the case.

    But you keep believing what you want to believe.
    It surely has, never refused it, just given reasons to delay or remove a certain requirement from discussion.

    This connection is real though, every intelligence service has connections. Btw, it not about being displeased but in-agreement with the strategy being employed.

    For the puppet question, it is true because of financial and hardware related dependence but that is in relation to US & A. In regards to our national framework, it is too powerful because it never allowed any other institution to develop. So its a puppet for the US while its too powerful in our national get up to be challenged.
    I see you are quite fond of snide remarks, cant help it can you.

    Has the army refused to cater to the wished of US apart from NW.

    The lawyer of the victims was held by the security agencies and so were the families, the judge acquitted Davis and the deal was finalized by the ISI, the Gov of Punjab and some prominent families of Lahore.

    It was the ISI which planned it this way and others follow, where is the conspiracy in that. I guess you are reading wikipedia on a regular basis now.

    ISI approved it and took the Punjab Gov into confidence.



    Conspiracy theories, what a great argument by you.

    Have a good day.
    What bout those serving in Balochistan and their assessment?

    Members of the Bugti's and Mengals are my neighbors, I know what conflicts are there if any.

    There is only an inter Bugti conflict as of now.
    The same can be said about the Pak Gov then, strategic partners and not on the payroll.

    Can you even read, when did I say that the army got money for releasing davis. All I said was that they get money too and it was the army/ISI who let Davis go. Are you aware of the meeting between the Army and its US counterpart in Oman, the deal was made between the armies then and approved by the Punjabi government. The families of the victims were taken by the agencies where they were made to sign the acceptance of blood money.

    Saudi Arabia was brought in to keep the things calm and Prince Bandar met with COAS finalizing the deal, you have been on this forum but I guess you missed half of the important discussion.

    You follow the line fed to the public.
    We definitely are rectifying our mistakes, things are getting worse quicker than they should have if these improvements were having any positive effect.

    I haven't been to Balochistan in recent times but that does not make a difference, I live next to and know a number of Balochi scions, my uncle hails from that region so I know what I going on.

    Simialrly there is no current conflict between the Marri's and the Bugti, neither is there any other inter tribal conflict. Jundullah is not causing any grave problems for Pakistan but rather Iran. You want me to talk about specifics when you are unaware of the actual problems and how you are deflecting it all onto Zardari.
    Your arguments are highly flawed and uninformed, so Pakistan should 'realtistically take into account the situation of the region & the countries around it'. But we do that already and rather than developing a better strategy, we only exacerbate the situation by playing into the hands of adversaries. Talk about being in cuckoo land.

    As for the civilian gov being on the US payroll, well so is the army, they have got a lot of money and it was the Army who let Davis go. Zardari cannot change a damn thing but I guess with your standing, you are clearly unable to comprehend things realistically.
    If we go by your logic and assessment, things should be excellent in Balochistan.

    You are clearly unaware of the dynamics at this current stage apart from what you see on surface.

    My discussion with you is in the greater context of things and it includes all areas worth discussing for Pakistan.


    The situation is getting worse by the day and you seem to looking at things in a manner that is even more harmful for the country.
    Come on, what kind of official stance are you putting across to me.

    Read this:


    When Shah Mahmood took a different stance from the army in regards to the Davis Affair, he lost his job.

    You are clearly unaware of Benazirs policies, she came into power on the promise of turning Pakistan away from Zia's Islamisation and making the nation progressive but she could not achieve anything and she started to use the same old political tactics to exploit the situation. Manmohans statement is a political one said for political expediency.

    Wait, I just took my goggles off and I can see the reality.

    Pakistan is booming economically, socially, morally and collectively. We are at the best position we were ever at and Bangladesh wants to join Pakistan again.

    There are no bombings, no murders, no nothing, just a roaring Pakistan.
    Look at how the feudals have kept the people under extreme suffering, the mullahs kept them down by using Islam and the industrialists exploit them. What wonders has the army done other than worsen the situation.

    Why should Pakistan lower itself to the same position as its neighbors when it can solve the situation itself and come out better from a situation. Its like you visiting a prostitute every night just because your neighbor does so too.

    I suggest you stop being a blind patriot and look at the reality, if you and others continue this way there will be nothing like Pakistan left.
    So it me who is labeling?

    Feudal lords, industrialists and the mullahs make up our political parties. Its their collective policy to blame 'foreign hand' every time there is a new problem in Pakistan.

    In regards to Balochistan, what exactly has stopped the government to concentrate on bettering the situation of that particular province. Why must other provinces harp up all the revenue while Balochistan is left in squander. The insurgence in Balochistan is a direct result of our policy there for decades but the insurgency is blamed on India. Why don't the political parties concentrate on the real issues of poverty, power and economic opportunities which will quell any dissidence.
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