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Obviously israel is a 10---and what their perception of arab armies is---it is anywhere from a 3 to a 5----so when the arab army of egypt performed between 6.5 to a 7---it shook the israeli up quite a bit---.
And for that they get the praise---.
The 2nd part of the equation is the deceit behind the praise---and that is most important---
A praise like that to someone who is of fickle personality will make him believe that he really is something---a superstar---which the arabs are---and in that belief they would not want to excel further from where they have gotten to---they will live satisfied with that praise and be content---.

This is no loss for Sharon---this is what generals do---his loss of his troops had no impact on the end result of the war---.

@CriticalThought plz have a look at these posts mate ^^^

I got the ideas which are in between these lines ---

@CriticalThought plz have a look at these posts mate ^^^

I got the ideas which are in between these lines ---

hmmm,Somehow he is right actually another reason for arabs to perform better was that this time there was less political influence in armies so that why they perfomed quite above average thats what I think as of now.
hmmm,Somehow he is right actually another reason for arabs to perform better was that this time there was less political influence in armies so that why they perfomed quite above average thats what I think as of now.
weren't the military dictators also running the show back in 67 ?
weren't the military dictators also running the show back in 67 ?
naseer was there in 67 , he was pan-arab socalist he and he came to power through coup and named it revolution like the hafeez ul asad , sadaam.
Naseer greatly influenced his army politically another thing which we need to think is that in 67 eygpt was fighting a baseless war in yamen that was alo a reason that they got defeated badly,67 was purly due to naseer's own mistake rather blunders.
The real phase will start when Hazret-i Azrail (AS) and his entourage show up....
Bro, these are "biological" equivalents of "WMDs in Iraq" or "Taliban leaders in Pak"!!!!! These are demagogues from Iblis and his cohorts, who by the by, are the majority in this Dunya and fill Jehennem to the full!!!!

this ^^^ constitutes a fine piece of literature

عالی بود @HAKIKAT pasha :thank_you2:

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