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Indian Army deploys Armoured bulldozers to destroy Chinese bunkers on Bhutan border

I think you are talking about south Indians, North Indians are very different.
But they are our brothers :agree:, South Indian guys are very Inteligent from brain.
There is a reason why all R&D is in south DRDO, NAL, HAL ... many others
I hear that from my Indian friends.
They don't like these North Indians as well, they are so snobbish.
But even among South Indians, they group among themselves and don't mix with other Indians.
I mean the foreign South Indians in Singapore.
I have also local Hindi friends who don't mix with my Tamil friends.
So its good that they are united when in PDF.
So you accept the INSAS can't kill anyone unless they put their face straight in front of it.?

I don't even know whether it will kill anyone even if they plant their face in front of it.

I say we find out. Whaddaya say my sri lankan friend ? :)
I used to believe we India and Chinese are natural partners, We both are developing economies and emerging powers, we both actually compliment each other on strengths China Hardware India software.
Same goals same polices on world stages at WTO, climate change. Similar friends (except Pakistan) and same enemies same threats.
We both were working for multi polar world in past and many -2 similarities. We are neighbors which can not change. US is in totally opposite part of world.
But wrong Chinese priorities changed all equations, now India has no other way accept in US camp.

Had Chinese policy makers understand India sensitivities this world would have totally different place.
Now US, pakistan even Bangladeshis are using our enmity.
See how Pakistanies are so eager for India - China war for there gain. :hitwall:

China should not forget India will be one among top 3 economies in the world in future and they have more to gain then loss by friendship.
Still even with this hostilities have such huge trade. If we were friends then what could be the possibilities and in future when India overtake all major economies (GDP wise) then how much could have China gained.
But all ruined.
Why you used past tense?
Chinese and Indians work together very well in Singapore, especially South Indians which we mainly have here.
Not just Hardware and Software. In Singapore the different races will congregate towards disciplines that they are strong in or have a preference for and all of us contribute to the nation.
Our most popular TV character Phua Chu Kang is actually Indian, Gurmit Singh.
Indian movie Dangal is popular in China, so Chinese don't have hate for Indians.
So it is not impossible for China and India to cooperate, but for external forces working to undermine this relationship.
Imagine how powerful if China and India were to unite.
But wrong Chinese priorities changed all equations, now India has no other way accept in US camp.
Had Chinese policy makers understand India sensitivities this world would have totally different place.
Geopolitics are not so simple.
We are more or less, somehow got brainwashed by western controlled media.
I believe India must first untangle the mystery of the 1962 war by releasing the Henderson Brooks–Bhagat Report.
It will provide answers that will help diffuse any misunderstanding between the 2 peoples since 1962.
Next will be the most difficult, getting the cooperation of Indian media to stop its hate mongering.
This is what modi and his followers have in their heart. It is so refreshing.

What's wrong in asking invaders to leave?
Isn't China the land of Buddhists & Tao? Why did Commies invade it and subjugate it's people?
We have 2 very close relatives (my father's brother) who are big Importers from China one in Automotive bearings and another in Machine Tools (having like millions $ turnover). And they have all praise for China quality and tell many things about China (My Uncle who deal in bearings told me China provide SKF and FAG (GERMAN brands) quality in half cost) while my second Uncle boost he closed all marble & stone cutting blade manufacturing factories in India due to Chinese quality blades at right price.

This should tell the Chinese which country is more important to them.
No Indian hates Chinese people. The Chinese I have met in my life are exceptionally nice & warm. We do not have any historical grievances between us. So, I keep wondering why China would be so anti-India?!
Imagine how powerful if China and India were to unite.
This is exactly what I used to believe :-)
India-China together no power in world can play us, But China took wrong bet on Pakistan. We are big time enemies, Pakistan is openly promoting terrorism in India and Afghanistan, and just mad for Nuclear Trigger.
You can notice even after so much bad blood no Chinese and except 1 Indian no one talked about nuke each other whereas even a hint of conflict there leaders and military (leave illiterate civilians) start singing to Nuke India same way like N Korea do against USA.
China took wrong step to help such a mad country in ballistic and Nuclear tech. ,even supplying them 8 subs. which ultimately be transformed to carry Nuke missiles is very dangerous for India because pakistan is not a responsible power. (Infact my personal opinion abt. it is India should immediately destroy them in Pakistan the moment they receive whether this led to war with them and cause us huge damage).

We can resolve all other issues including borders, with some give and take but here it gives us wrong message and bad blood about China when we see them supporting irresponsible land. Trust is the most imp. ingredient for resolving issues.

Many times qus arises in my mind about what Chinese guys @rott @Two think about, I will be grateful if you answer me honestly.
Didnt Chinese think about Pakistanis are unfaithful people they are the same guys who chant "death to america" and same persons next day stand in long ques outside US embassy for Visa.
Even those working in US and UK, countries which are giving them employment they do terrorist activities and kill civilians there many times in past and will in future.
To steal small quantity of petrol they go how much low and even after losing 155+ still next day they get chance they will steal it.
They are ready to sell anything for money, even allow US to bomb there own civilians, You kill anyone in pakistan and pay pakistan Govt. money they will let you go to your country.
Dont you feel for there personal gains how much are they eager for India-China war? War may bring destruction and deaths to both of us but for there gain they are so desperate to see.
If one day US decided to gain pakistan support and offer then more investment then China like 60 billion + defence equipment (I mean better deal then China) will they not sell you in split of a second ?

So, why placing such a wrong bet, Chinese are very smart people. You Know India however bad relations we have but you know our character Indians can we never go such low. We always stand with our allies like Russia in Past and today with Bhutan.

Regarding 1962, all literate Indians know whose fault was it. So, we dont blame China but yes we have insecurities due to border dispute in general and Pakistan support in Particular.
If China didnt went for CPEC India would have definitely partner in OROB with good investment, unlike free loaders.

I know very much about Singapore (my family went for cruise there) and China, my family visited both countries many times :-)
Indians (generally Tamils) are poor class in Singapore living in groups, and you guys are very very punctual for Time :-)
We are a business family, settled from pakistan while partition.
We have 2 very close relatives (my father's brother) who are big Importers from China one in Automotive bearings and another in Machine Tools (having like millions $ turnover). And they have all praise for China quality and tell many things about China (My Uncle who deal in bearings told me China provide SKF and FAG (GERMAN brands) quality in half cost) while my second Uncle boost he closed all marble & stone cutting blade manufacturing factories in India due to Chinese quality blades at right price. :cry::angel:

Reserve you mad rants for Bharat Raskshak where you can talk yourself blue in the face against Pakistan. This is a Pakistani forum. Have some shame and pride!

You guys over suck and over swallow ;)

You indians do realize you are incapable of an original thought and entirely not funny :) To top it off you are completely beghairat for coming and spreading your crap on a Pakistani forum!
If China didnt went for CPEC India would have definitely partner in OROB with good investment, unlike free loaders.

its not that they didnt tried it, but your elected terrorists are so full of themselves. China killer Agni 5, now stop randi rona ab bhugto.

. We are big time enemies, Pakistan is openly promoting terrorism in India and Afghanistan, and just mad for Nuclear Trigger.

cut the crap, Pakistan only support Kashmiri freedom fighters in Kashmir which is not part of gangadesh. dont bring Afghanistan if you dont want me to bring Tamil tigers, mukti bahini, as for nuclear trigger, its you ugly stinky Hindutva swines who daily threaten Pakistan to divide into four or strike in Pakistan (as it belongs to their whorati mata), what you want to hear back? praises or tit for tat? when you get response you start whining like whores.
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The 1962 "national shame" that has been haunting Indians on a daily basis is real:suicide:


Even with their wrongful sacrifice for their greedy, ignorant regime, looks like Indians did not learn their lesson well, perhaps it may take another "crushing moment" to get 50 yrs of peaceful border once again:pop:
Maybe you guys need one more round of this...what say!
This should tell the Chinese which country is more important to them.
No Indian hates Chinese people. The Chinese I have met in my life are exceptionally nice & warm. We do not have any historical grievances between us. So, I keep wondering why China would be so anti-India?!

Well, PDF Indians may not agree with you. I have read many posts by your countrymen, that don't even bother to hide the deep hatred towards China and its people.

Chinese are not anti-India. Chinese textbook don't teach about 1962, and Chinese media don't promote anti-India rhetoric unlike your media and some of your officials. You see, when you label your ICBM as "China Keller" you should expect a middle finger from Chinese. Besides, Chinese in general just don't take the combination of bragging and incompetence very well. "Talk less, and do more" is considered a virtue in China. In the eye of many Chinese, especially those who frequent international forums, many of your people demonstrate just opposite.
Well, PDF Indians may not agree with you. I have read many posts by your countrymen, that don't even bother to hide the deep hatred towards China and its people.

Chinese are not anti-India. Chinese textbook don't teach about 1962, and Chinese media don't promote anti-India rhetoric unlike your media and some of your officials. You see, when you label your ICBM as "China Keller" you should expect a middle finger from Chinese. Besides, Chinese in general just don't take the combination of bragging and incompetence very well. "Talk less, and do more" is considered a virtue in China. In the eye of many Chinese, especially those who frequent international forums, many of your people demonstrate just opposite.

It is not hate,it is mistrust.Given our history there is legitimate ground for that.Chinese sneaky tactics in border areas and attempted bullying,claim over a whole indian state that speaks hindi and is deeply patriotic,support for jihadists like mahsud azhar only deepens the mistrust.You have also repeatedly tried to sabotage us at NSG and UN.So blame lies on you too.
Well, PDF Indians may not agree with you. I have read many posts by your countrymen, that don't even bother to hide the deep hatred towards China and its people.

You are going by posts on a defence forum where partisanship is at it's peak?!
Come on man. real Life offers you much better examples than here.

Go out and check all over the world where Indians & Chinese are neighbours or co-workers. Talk to them and you will only find nice stories being shared.
It is not hate,it is mistrust.Given our history there is legitimate ground for that.Chinese sneaky tactics in border areas and attempted bullying,claim over a whole indian state that speaks hindi and is deeply patriotic,support for jihadists like mahsud azhar only deepens the mistrust.You have also repeatedly tried to sabotage us at NSG and UN.So blame lies on you too.
Your media, in my opinion, reports a bias news, this time is Indian cross the border stop whatever Chinese are doing. It is Indian violated the international law, China still stay cool, ask Indian to go back their side.

Mistrust is from media, please read more news from other sources, so you will get a balance opinion.

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