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Indian Army deploys Armoured bulldozers to destroy Chinese bunkers on Bhutan border

Lol. UNMOGIP is never posted on LoC:
Following a terrorist attack on an Army base in Indian Kashmir last September, New Delhi conducted a highly publicized operation against militants across the Line of Control. In
Updated: Jul 02, 2017 10:50 IST

Sutirtho Patranobis
Hindustan Times, Beijing

Five decades ago, then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi came under attack from Beijing for committing to protect Bhutan against intruding Chinese troops in the Doklam plateau --the scene of the current standoff.

In 1966, Beijing lashed out at Gandhi for supporting Bhutan and accusing China of intruding into Bhutan; the Communist country was particularly angry because she did it at a press conference in New Delhi on October 7.

Quoting from official papers exchanged by the two governments in 1967, Hindustan Times reported last week that months of allegations and counters between India and China had preceded the violence that broke out in the Sikkim sector that year.

A set of new official papers accessed by HT now show that accusations of territorial intrusions between China and India started a year before in the Doklam (Donglang) area, which was disputed between China and Bhutan even then.

Bhutan, like now, had asked for India’s help to counter the intrusions and New Delhi had agreed.

China wasn’t happy.

“The Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi openly asserted at the press conference on October 7 (1966) that India was committed to protect Bhutan. It is thus quite clear that in slanderously charging China with ‘intrusions’ into Bhutan, the Indian government not only wants to create a new pretext for opposing China and sow discord between China and Bhutan but also is vainly attempting to realise its sinister design of tightening its control over Bhutan under the guise of ‘protection’. But these despicable schemes will not succeed,” official news agency Hsinhua (now Xinhua) said in a report the same month.

This time, China has accused Indian border troops of trespassing into Chinese territory on June 18 and asked New Delhi to withdraw its troops from the Donglang area as a precondition for a “meaningful dialogue” to resolve the issue.

Union minister, Arun Jaitley, told a news channel that the statement from Bhutan makes it clear that the land in question belongs to them.

“Bhutan government had issued a statement yesterday (June 29) in which it made it clear that the land in question belonged to Bhutan. It is located near India’s land. There is an arrangement between India and Bhutan for giving security,” Jaitley said.

The Chinese government has dismissed India’s version of events in a manner recalling its response back in 1966.

“In its note to the Chinese government dated September 30, the Indian government concocted stories about ‘intrusions’ into Bhutanese territory by Chinese herdsmen and patrols and claiming to be acting on behalf of Bhutan, lodged a so-called protest with the Chinese government,” the report from 1966 added.

“Following that, with much fanfare Indian government set its propaganda machine in motion raising a hue and cry about ‘Chinese intrusions into Bhutan’ and the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi came out in person to conduct the campaign against China,” the official news agency wrote.

The argument and the language used to argue by the Chinese was similar to what the ministry of foreign affairs (MFA) and ministry of defence (MOD) have used last week – clearly there is a template.


Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang released photographs showing two vehicles of the Indian Army crossing the boundary.

The red line in the middle of the photographs is the boundary line according to China. Both photos have vehicles of the Indian Army allegedly crossing the line.

China claims the photos showed India on "China's side" of the boundary line. It did not mention the location but the photographs are thought to be from the Doklam plateau, which China refers to as Donglang, near the India-China-Bhutan tri-junction.

Wait- wasnt china the 1 that destroyed 2 indian bunkers n the latter maintained silence about it?
You mean now the factual roles has been reversed? BIG lolz.

Oh n what has your thread title got to do with the photos n commentary? I dont see any 'Indian bulldozers demolishing any Chinese bunkers' in them.

Bharatiya lying culture @work again?
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Wait- wasnt china the 1 that destroyed 2 indian bunkers n the latter maintained silence about it?
You mean now the factual roles has been reversed? BIG lolz.

Oh n what has your thread title got to do with the photos n commentary? I dont see any 'Indian bulldozers demolishing any Chinese bunkers' in them.

Bharatiya lying culture @work again?
Beijing is crying like a little girl as your soldiers got spanked:rofl:
Beijing has privately complained that Indian troops attacked a road-construction unit on the night of June 4-5, leading to an unarmed brawl in which two Chinese personnel sustained minor injuries.
What will I do with fake rank ?

No need to ask from anyone Its sufficient after reading the quality of you comments.
I actually felt sorry for you

Actually you dont need to feel sorry for Indians because we have already prepared the list of those nations with whom we will close trade and end immigration and even ToT we will place . Brain dead , we Indians are not going to see because the tribes of Indus Valley Civilization believes in Supreme Creator and Indian Establishment has already proved that.
Updated: Jul 02, 2017 10:50 IST

Sutirtho Patranobis
Hindustan Times, Beijing

Five decades ago, then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi came under attack from Beijing for committing to protect Bhutan against intruding Chinese troops in the Doklam plateau --the scene of the current standoff.

In 1966, Beijing lashed out at Gandhi for supporting Bhutan and accusing China of intruding into Bhutan; the Communist country was particularly angry because she did it at a press conference in New Delhi on October 7.

Quoting from official papers exchanged by the two governments in 1967, Hindustan Times reported last week that months of allegations and counters between India and China had preceded the violence that broke out in the Sikkim sector that year.

A set of new official papers accessed by HT now show that accusations of territorial intrusions between China and India started a year before in the Doklam (Donglang) area, which was disputed between China and Bhutan even then.

Bhutan, like now, had asked for India’s help to counter the intrusions and New Delhi had agreed.

China wasn’t happy.

“The Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi openly asserted at the press conference on October 7 (1966) that India was committed to protect Bhutan. It is thus quite clear that in slanderously charging China with ‘intrusions’ into Bhutan, the Indian government not only wants to create a new pretext for opposing China and sow discord between China and Bhutan but also is vainly attempting to realise its sinister design of tightening its control over Bhutan under the guise of ‘protection’. But these despicable schemes will not succeed,” official news agency Hsinhua (now Xinhua) said in a report the same month.

This time, China has accused Indian border troops of trespassing into Chinese territory on June 18 and asked New Delhi to withdraw its troops from the Donglang area as a precondition for a “meaningful dialogue” to resolve the issue.

Union minister, Arun Jaitley, told a news channel that the statement from Bhutan makes it clear that the land in question belongs to them.

“Bhutan government had issued a statement yesterday (June 29) in which it made it clear that the land in question belonged to Bhutan. It is located near India’s land. There is an arrangement between India and Bhutan for giving security,” Jaitley said.

The Chinese government has dismissed India’s version of events in a manner recalling its response back in 1966.

“In its note to the Chinese government dated September 30, the Indian government concocted stories about ‘intrusions’ into Bhutanese territory by Chinese herdsmen and patrols and claiming to be acting on behalf of Bhutan, lodged a so-called protest with the Chinese government,” the report from 1966 added.

“Following that, with much fanfare Indian government set its propaganda machine in motion raising a hue and cry about ‘Chinese intrusions into Bhutan’ and the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi came out in person to conduct the campaign against China,” the official news agency wrote.

The argument and the language used to argue by the Chinese was similar to what the ministry of foreign affairs (MFA) and ministry of defence (MOD) have used last week – clearly there is a template.

According to the 1890 British-Qing treaty which delineated the boundary line using n describing geographical features in concise details- the area in dispute(Donglang plateau) indeed belongs to China, beginning down south at Mt Gipmochi.

India's did not dispute any of the treaty clauses and her only arguement- is they did not affirm it.
Wait- wasnt china the 1 that destroyed 2 indian bunkers n the latter maintained silence about it?
You mean now the factual roles has been reversed? BIG lolz.

Oh n what has your thread title got to do with the photos n commentary? I dont see any 'Indian bulldozers demolishing any Chinese bunkers' in them.

Bharatiya lying culture @work again?
No man India didn't destroy any bunkers ,the bulldozers are Extraterrestrial.
Cheeni spokesperson Lu Kang us lying..
According to the 1890 British-Qing treaty which delineated the boundary line using n describing geographical features in concise details- the area in dispute(Donglang plateau) indeed belongs to China, beginning down south at Mt Gipmochi.

India's did not dispute any of the treaty clauses and her only arguement- is they did not affirm it.

About which Treaty you are talking about ?

Qing dynasty in 1820, with provinces in yellow, military governorates and protectorates in light yellow, tributary states in orange.

"The Cambridge Modern History Atlas", 1912
About which Treaty you are talking about ?

Qing dynasty in 1820, with provinces in yellow, military governorates and protectorates in light yellow, tributary states in orange.

"The Cambridge Modern History Atlas", 1912

According to the treaty, the border begins at mt gipmochi- which is further south of where the current tri-junction is.

According to Indian source, India is not disputing any of the treaty clauses. Her own only arguement is that India did not affirm it. (<== lulz.

Since India refuse to play by the rules set in stone by their forner master n and Qing dynasty China- then why should China even recognise the whole of India as a nationstate? Or the annexation of Sikkhim by India?
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According to Indian source, India is not disputing any of the treaty clauses. Her own only arguement is that India did not affirm it. (<== lulz. Then why should China even recognise the whole of India as a nationstate?

Indian Establishment is holding border dispute talks with the Chinese Establishment. Do you even understand that you are under violations ?
Fauj e Hind /Indian Military is always prepared to face the enemy/enemies. We are well aware who are our real enemies and who are our hidden enemies. Trade will be closed, if you continue your shit ways and even ToT , this is clear warning to EU Nations .
There is no such thing as "fauj e hind".

You don't even know what indian army would be called in Urdu.

Pakistan Army is called AFWAJ E PAKISTAN.
Bhutan will say the land belongs to them (what else their will said besides this?)
India will say it is their land (we all know Indians)
what Chinese say? of course, they will say it is on their side of the border (I don't think their will say anything else either)
so who is right?

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