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Bombings In Hyderabad, India


Jul 30, 2007
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Twin blasts kill at least 42 in India's Hyderabad
2 more bombs defused in city beset by Hindu-Muslim tensions

Aug 26, 2007
HYDERABAD, India - A pair of almost simultaneous bombings blamed on Islamic extremists tore through a popular family restaurant and an outdoor arena on Saturday night, killing at least 42 people in this southern Indian city plagued by Hindu-Muslim tensions.

The restaurant was destroyed by the bomb placed at the entrance. Blood-covered tin plates and broken glasses littered the road outside.

The other blast struck a laser show at an auditorium in Lumbini park, leaving pools of blood and dead bodies between rows of seats punctured by shrapnel. Some seats were hurled 100 feet away.

Foreign groups responsible?

Officials said Sunday that foreign-based Islamic extremists may have been behind the attacks.

“Available information points to the involvement of terrorist organizations based in Bangladesh and Pakistan,” Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy, the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh state, where Hyderabad is located, told reporters after an emergency state Cabinet meeting.

Reddy did not name any groups, but Indian media reports, quoting unnamed security officials, identified the Bangladesh-based Harkatul Jihad Al-Islami. Reddy declined to provide more details. “It is not possible to divulge all this information,” he said.

Harkatul, which is banned in Bangladesh, wants to establish strict Islamic rule in Bangladesh, a Muslim-majority nation governed by secular laws.

The Bangladeshi Foreign Ministry said Dhaka had not been informed of these allegations.

Witnesses described chaotic scenes in the aftermath of the bombings.

“We heard the blast and people started running out past us. Many of them had blood streaming off them,” said P.K. Verghese, the security manager at the laser show. “It was complete chaos. We had to remove the security barriers so people could get out.”

Most of the dead were killed in the Gokul Chat restaurant at Hyderabad’s Kothi market, said K. Jana Reddy, the state home minister. By Sunday morning, the death toll had risen to 42 as victims succumbed to injuries. Some 50 people were injured in the two blasts.

More bombs found, defused

Hindu-Muslim animosity runs deep in Hyderabad, where a bombing at a historic mosque killed 11 people in May. Another five people died in subsequent clashes between security forces and Muslim protesters angered by what they said was a lack of police protection.

Two other bombs were defused in the city Saturday, one under a footbridge in the busy Bilsukh Nagar commercial area, and another in a movie theater in the Narayanguba neighborhood, a police official said. Late-night movie showings were canceled across the city.

“This is a terrorist act,” said Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy, the chief minister for Andhra Pradesh state, where Hyderabad is located.

Much of India’s Hindu-Muslim animosity is rooted in disputes over the Himalayan territory of Kashmir, divided between India and mostly Muslim Pakistan but claimed in its entirety by both countries. More than a dozen Islamic insurgent groups are fighting for Kashmir’s independence or its merger with Pakistan.

More than 80 percent of India’s 1.1 billion people are Hindu and 13 percent are Muslim. But in Hyderabad, Muslims make up 40 percent of the population of 7 million.

There has been little progress in the investigation into the May mosque bombing. Underlying the divide, Muslim leaders have said they do not trust local police to handle the investigation into the attack.

A series of terrorist bombings have ripped across India in the past two years. In July 2006, bombs in seven Mumbai commuter trains killed more than 200 people, attacks blamed on Pakistan-based Muslim militants. .
First of all my regards to all those who lost their loved ones in the blasts and my words cannot explain my sorrow! May their souls rest in peace. It is unfortunate that people living in one city cannot live in harmony.

However did investigations even begin when "foreign extremists" were blamed? I think this is going to be another spitting contest at Pakistan and Bangladesh... is'nt hyderabad famous for its hindu-muslim infighting? Well evrytime i have gone there all I have seen is constant rioting! It could have been any muslim group from Hydrabad. What on earth proved that foreign militants were involved and why would foreign extremists go out of the way and pick Hyderabad to bomb as there are so many muslims there...

I don't understand why India always has to blame foreigners for anything that goes wrong in India. I wonder if the Indian government sets up all these bombings themselves as they are so quick to blame them on foreigners. I do not believe that this was done by foreign terrorists!
Twin blasts kill at least 42 in India's Hyderabad
2 more bombs defused in city beset by Hindu-Muslim tensions

Foreign groups responsible?

Officials said Sunday that foreign-based Islamic extremists may have been behind the attacks.

“Available information points to the involvement of terrorist organizations based in Bangladesh and Pakistan,” Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy, the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh state, where Hyderabad is located, told reporters after an emergency state Cabinet meeting.

A series of terrorist bombings have ripped across India in the past two years. In July 2006, bombs in seven Mumbai commuter trains killed more than 200 people, attacks blamed on Pakistan-based Muslim militants. .

lol. Do you guys know anything more then just pointing out your bloody fingers towards Pakistan and Bangladesh for every failure that occurs within India. Everytime a bomb is blasted in india, without prove fingers are pointed towards Pakistan or BD. Get real and start addressing the faults that lies within indian security and inteligence rather blaming others for it.:angry:
“Only the Indians have this kind of some supernatural powers that as soon as some terrorist act takes place they know how it happened and who is responsible”.

Above, is what our foreign ministry spokeswomen has to say about Indian claims. How true she is; and below (to finish what I wanted to say, Lol).

“They have been making these allegations, and nothing ever came out of those allegations — and yet they continue maligning Pakistan,” said Tasnim Aslam, a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman.

Just what i expected from the indian govt....blame pakistan with no proof.
As i said before all terrorist acts in pakistan should be blamed on india,give them a taste of there own medicine.

Above, is what our foreign ministry spokeswomen has to say about Indian claims. How true she is; and below (to finish what I wanted to say, Lol).


Exactly... As soon as something goes wrong we are blamed... tomarrow they will be telling us that we have been deliberately spreading Dengue Fever in India or its because of us that animal attacks in India are increasing or we were responsible for the monsoon floods in Lucknow:D

Every time something goes wrong in their country they go on a rampage and start blaming us for all their misfortunes... don't investigations take time?... how do they know who's behind it only a few hours or minutes after the attack. And Hyderabad has always had hindu-muslim tensions... the place is known for its infighting and constant riots and still they present this vague idea that pakistani terrorist groups are involved. Lets see if they provide the same pathetic evidence for the "terrorist groups" involved that they provided for Samjhauta Express.

I think that the Indian government was involved here too as was the case with Samjhauta Express.<If anyone disputes this watch the documentary "The Truth behind the Samjhauta Express Attacks"> I think that the government wants to keep alive the old hatred of Pakistan and tensions between muslims and hindus which is the reason they organize such attacks because there is no chance that militants would pick Hydrabad as their target when they could hit delhi or bombay.
then kind sir can you tell me who is responsible????
Of course we will blame Pakistanis and any bomb blast in pakistan is the handiwork of RAW....

Terrorists are terrorists they just live to kill whether some claim them to be freedom fighters or whether you claim them to be political agents... they are going to hell irrespective of their religion, beliefs and country of orgin..
Its utter foolish top think that India is just playing blame game by accusing Pakstan and B'desh of aiding terrorists who strike inside India. There were credibnle intel much before abt Hyderbad being targeted by Bdeshi militants and now when its happened the accusation is based on those previous intel that Govt recd.
then kind sir can you tell me who is responsible????
Of course we will blame Pakistanis and any bomb blast in pakistan is the handiwork of RAW....

Terrorists are terrorists they just live to kill whether some claim them to be freedom fighters or whether you claim them to be political agents... they are going to hell irrespective of their religion, beliefs and country of orgin..

First, my sympathies to India. This is a horrendous act and I hope the world can work to bring an end to the ideology that promotes this kind of violence.

Ak Singh, The issue that Pakistanis have with Indian statements in the aftermah of such incidents is the rapidity with which accusation of our involvement come spewing out of Indian Officials mouths. It almost seems like it is part of the "Standard Operating Procedure" in your law enforcement manuals. Something to the effect of:

Indian Police Manual​
Steps to Take in case of Terrorist attack:

1. Accuse neighboring countries/ groups in neighboring countries of involvement.

2. Start investigation to determine who is involved.

In recent years, you will be hard pressed to find Pakistani law Enforcement issuing statements condemning RAW for any terrorist or illegal activity in the immediate aftermath of any incident. They may issue statements like "we cannot rule out the involvement of a "foreign hand"" but there is nothing comparable to the foaming at the mouth "Groups sponsored by the ISI" stuff that spews from the mouths of Indian LEA's before any credible investigation takes place.

Interesting comment by our Foreign Ministry spokesman:

India should have probed into Hyderabad blasts before starting blame game: Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: Strongly commending blasts in Indian Hyderabad, which have left 42 people dead, Pakistan said Monday that India should have probed into Hyderabad blasts before starting blame game.

&#8220;They have been making these allegations, and nothing ever came out of those allegations &#8212; and yet they continue maligning Pakistan,&#8221; said Tasnim Aslam, a Foreign Office spokeswoman said while giving weekly briefing here.

&#8220;Only the Indians have this kind of some supernatural powers that as soon as some terrorist act takes place they know how it happened and who is responsible,&#8221;she said.

Pakistan rejected accusations that Islamic fighters based in the two countries were responsible for the pair of bombings that tore through a popular restaurant and a park in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad couple of days ago.
Its utter foolish top think that India is just playing blame game by accusing Pakstan and B'desh of aiding terrorists who strike inside India. There were credibnle intel much before abt Hyderbad being targeted by Bdeshi militants and now when its happened the accusation is based on those previous intel that Govt recd.

They may have had intel that certain groups were planning to do something like this, but that does not mean that these incidents can be then blamed on those groups without a proper investigation.
What is happening in India is seems a deep conspiracy by the communal Indian forces who can't see the prosperity of Indian muslim community. The record shows that they have mostly targetted the cities where muslims were getting prosperous and self reliant, which they can't see. On the other hand the communal security forces are arresting and torturing muslims after eah and every incidents of terrorists act even if it happens in a muslim majority areas or even inside a mosque, while the communal forces such as Bajrang Dal, VHP, RSS cadres are roaming free even after caught red handed in midst of making bombs or after stealing military ammunitions from military camp near Nashik or midst of bomb blast in explosive assembling factories in Maharashtra.
It's seems a deep conspiracy by Indian communal forces, communal security agencies and communal bureaucracy to stage more "Gujarats" in near future in India.
What is happening in India is seems a deep conspiracy by the communal Indian forces who can't see the prosperity of Indian muslim community. The record shows that they have mostly targetted the cities where muslims were getting prosperous and self reliant, which they can't see. On the other hand the communal security forces are arresting and torturing muslims after eah and every incidents of terrorists act even if it happens in a muslim majority areas or even inside a mosque, while the communal forces such as Bajrang Dal, VHP, RSS cadres are roaming free even after caught red handed in midst of making bombs or after stealing military ammunitions from military camp near Nashik or midst of bomb blast in explosive assembling factories in Maharashtra.
It's seems a deep conspiracy by Indian communal forces, communal security agencies and communal bureaucracy to stage more "Gujarats" in near future in India.

My sincere request to you would be 'get a life, dude'.
Its utter foolish top think that India is just playing blame game by accusing Pakstan and B'desh of aiding terrorists who strike inside India. There were credibnle intel much before abt Hyderbad being targeted by Bdeshi militants and now when its happened the accusation is based on those previous intel that Govt recd.

Are you suggesting that india had intel and still you people were unable to do anything about it.:disagree: What a shame. Even based on previous so called Intel no arrest were made or anything that could have stoped those innocent lives getting killed. Seriously give pakistan a break here and start addressing your faultlines here. Nothing will happen just by blaming others for your mistakes.
Are you suggesting that india had intel and still you people were unable to do anything about it.:disagree: What a shame. Even based on previous so called Intel no arrest were made or anything that could have stoped those innocent lives getting killed. Seriously give pakistan a break here and start addressing your faultlines here. Nothing will happen just by blaming others for your mistakes.

Who said there were no arrests were made based on intel. But then if we arrest somebody it would be victimisation as per the enlightnened ones across the border, wouldnt it be?
Who said there were no arrests were made based on intel.
If the arrest were made, why didnt it helped india in stoping this blast.

But then if we arrest somebody it would be victimisation as per the enlightnened ones across the border, wouldnt it be?

And like you care about what Pakistan says. spare me the crap.

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