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PAF JF-17 Shoots Down UAV from Iran

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Pakistan should have no issues with Iranian UAVs tracking terrorists in the border region

Is there any OFFICIAL STATEMENT form Iran that their drone was chasing any Terrorist ....???

even If that was the case why they didn't contact the relevant authorities of Pakistan ... ??

Just that Iran spends on border security
keep your resources at your side of border
if we had nukes , Pakistan would guard its border firmly and wouldn't turning it to terrorist heaven in behalf of KSA .... you will understand my reasoning some day ( although I think all of iranian knew that I'm right but you fear to admit it for various reason )

just read this thread and you can see the mindset of our friendly neighbor ... and I'm sure most of their politician and decision maker have same mind set ... but you guys disarmed Iran base on nonsense like " its immoral " , " its against humanity " , " we don't have enemy " , " we secure ourselves by not having nukes " ...

these past years were hard for me to bear this level of stupidity and cowardliness from my countrymen and look like I have deal it till my death ...
if we had nukes , Pakistan would guard its border firmly and wouldn't turning it to terrorist heaven in behalf of KSA .... you will understand my reasoning some day ( although I think all of iranian knew that I'm right but you fear to admit it for various reason )

just read this thread and you can see the mindset of our friendly neighbor ... and I'm sure most of their politician and decision maker have same mind set ... but you guys disarmed Iran base on nonsense like " its immoral " , " its against humanity " , " we don't have enemy " , " we secure ourselves by not having nukes " ...

these past years were hard for me to bear this level of stupidity and cowardliness from my countrymen and look like I have deal it till my death ...

You guys love playing the victim :hitwall:

Do you forget that AQ Khan of Pak actually helped Iran to build nukes? That was of course before your true face started to show.

And how would nukes ensure pak would guard the border? We have nukes, but you still fire mortar shells; and send terrorists, insurgents, spies and drones o_O how about you guard your own boarder? We've already started by shooting down your drone.
The UAV is clearly NOT from Iran! It's parts are from the Czech Republic a NATO country which suggest it's a UAV belonging to a NATO country operating in Afghanistan!
The UAV may have entered Pakistani Airspace from Iran but it is clearly NOT Iranian! But the fact that some so adamantly want to claim it's Iranian suggest that Pakistan is afraid of angering NATO!

Why we have clarify it was Iranian or not, if it was NATO it came from Iran then Iran should explain. @VEVAK stop being apologatic for Iranian misconduct
Pakistan should have no problems with Iran hunting Baloch extremists in Pakistan.

Pakistan knows itself that it does not want to invest into improving border security with Iran. Anyone not believing this can turn on google maps and see the border region; for every Pakistani border fort there are 5 Iranian ones in between.
It's still not enough to secure the border so Pakistan should have no issues with Iranian UAVs tracking terrorists in the border region, more so because Baloch islamists are not in Pakistani interest.
So if Iran is ready to clean the area, while Pakistan can concentrate on its eastern border, why should they interrupt Irans efforts and destroy an helpful asset like a MALE UAV? Pakistan had no problems either with US drones cleaning the extremists to its north and they were not just doing surveillance.

It should have been a silent, friendly understanding, between Pakistan and Iran. However judging from the timing, a certain interest group, an anti-Iranian one, wanted to stop it.
It's perfectly in Pakistani interest that Iran spend the resources to secure the western borders so that Pakistan can invest everything to it crucial east, profiting for free from the additional surpassing of Baloch extremists.

However now that the rules of engagement are changed, both will loose for no real reason...
Saudis and CIA will benefit only by arming up Baloch islamists as proxy against Iran, creating a potential future problem for Pakistan...

Can Pak also send drones into Iran? Can we also target terrorists, spies and insurgents working from Iran?

Pakistanis are rubbing the iranians the wrong way!

Only penetrati0n left now; then they'd be fukd :azn:
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Is there any commonality between Iran and Pakistan Bcz this question was called sectarian by Mr MOD issued me warning :?

You guys love playing the victim :hitwall:

Do you forget that AQ Khan of Pak actually helped Iran to build nukes? That was of course before your true face started to show.

And how would nukes ensure pak would guard the border? We have nukes, but you still fire mortar shells; and send terrorists, insurgents, spies and drones o_O how about you guard your own boarder? We've already started by shooting down your drone.
Why whyyyy aq & govt helped Iran we actually stab gcc with that blunder utter shame
In such matters you dont see the price of missile. I think it has given us a good target practice. The price of JF17 as well PL5 in international market must have climbed. I remember when HMS Sheffield was hit by Exocet missile in Falklands war the price of missile in market was doubled. Remember people want accuracy and reliability first. Price in weapons sales comes later.

I have 2 x gut feelings :
1. This was not the first time the drone entered our air space. I think PAF was already ready for them.
2. Drone was more than 4-5 km inside our territory but Pakistan is telling less because it will speak bad on their performance.
This is just an intelligent guess.

Yes ..... early statements clearly says it was 45 KM inside
Is there any OFFICIAL STATEMENT form Iran that their drone was chasing any Terrorist ....???

even If that was the case why they didn't contact the relevant authorities of Pakistan ... ??

keep your resources at your side of border

No official statements. What would a Iranian drone do in 5 or 50km border region? Spy on Pakistani strategic assets?
Turn on google map, you can trust your own eyes; Pakistani and Iranian Balochestan is a very underdeveloped rural region. Nothing there for Iran to spy on and neither for Pakistan within 50km of Iranian Balochestan.

We have many over nationalistic people writing here... just check via your own eyes how both Balochestans look like and which of the two country has almost no border structures and which has.

Well possible that Pakistan was informed about Iranian UAV border patrols and tracking of groups inside Pakistani airspace, a silent understanding. It would be in Pakistani interest if Iran would share surveillance videos about armed illegal militants.
Lets say the timing looks like a Saudi demonstration that US forces in Syria and Pakistani forces can down each one Iranian drone on the same day via the influence and power the Saudis have.

But there is no question that except for fake sentiments, Iran establishing UAV border patrols at the common borders would be beneficial for both countries. Google maps shows you via your own eyes that Pakistan is not ready to invest resources like UAV border patrol, not even rudimentary denser checkpoints...
Yes, no-one beats supapowa Pakistan.
Mind your own matter iranian are nothing in front of Pakistan.go and lick the boots of khamanai
You are just jumping on missile technology and nuclear centrifuges which was donated by Pakistan so be calm other wise next time JFT will strike inside iran on raw hide outs
No official statements. What would a Iranian drone do in 5 or 50km border region? Spy on Pakistani strategic assets?
Turn on google map, you can trust your own eyes; Pakistani and Iranian Balochestan is a very underdeveloped rural region. Nothing there for Iran to spy on and neither for Pakistan within 50km of Iranian Balochestan.

We have many over nationalistic people writing here... just check via your own eyes how both Balochestans look like and which of the two country has almost no border structures and which has.

Well possible that Pakistan was informed about Iranian UAV border patrols and tracking of groups inside Pakistani airspace, a silent understanding. It would be in Pakistani interest if Iran would share surveillance videos about armed illegal militants.
Lets say the timing looks like a Saudi demonstration that US forces in Syria and Pakistani forces can down each one Iranian drone on the same day via the influence and power the Saudis have.

But there is no question that except for fake sentiments, Iran establishing UAV border patrols at the common borders would be beneficial for both countries. Google maps shows you via your own eyes that Pakistan is not ready to invest resources like UAV border patrol, not even rudimentary denser checkpoints...
Let not talk about influence ..Till date No SAUDI Intelligence Officer cross the border and recruit terrorist in Iran from Pakistan side..In contrast a serving Indian RAW agent did cross the border from Iran to Pakistan in order to create terrorism...
So this blame game won't get us anywhere...The issue of terrorism is common but it does not mean we cross each other border without information at the will..
What if somebody cross and Pakistan send drones in Iran ? I know and logically Iran won't tolerate..
Till date none from our Army has ever use harsh language for Iran and Iran is not consider has hostile therefore active Army deployment is not there instead it is on Indian side...While i remember Iranian Army chief use threatening language against Pakistan..
Joint surveillance or border patrol or some other should be developed but crossing the border at will is not a good will gesture as no one knows the intention..
Pakistan has no intention to develop any thing bad for Iran as we won't gain anything from it
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