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PAF JF-17 Shoots Down UAV from Iran

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I was about to post this.

Anyway, it makes much more sense now. I was surprised and skeptical of the 45 km figure, which is why I was holding back comments. Obviously just a 4 km incursion would indicate some sort of human error. 4 km can be crossed in a matter of seconds (probably 20 or so) when you're talking about MALE class UCAVs.
Good that there was no loss of life on either side and both countries are sharing information so I'm sure matter would be resolved amicably.
I was about to post this.

Anyway, it makes much more sense now. I was surprised and skeptical of the 45 km figure, which is why I was holding back comments. Obviously just a 4 km incursion would indicate some sort of human error. 4 km can be crossed in a matter of seconds (probably 20 or so) when you're talking about MALE class UCAVs.

Yes and a jf17 merits that you think. Do you think that relations are on such level.

Think about it before you reply
I was about to post this.

Anyway, it makes much more sense now. I was surprised and skeptical of the 45 km figure, which is why I was holding back comments. Obviously just a 4 km incursion would indicate some sort of human error. 4 km can be crossed in a matter of seconds (probably 20 or so) when you're talking about MALE class UCAVs.

Yes, but how come Pakistan was able to react in those 20 seconds?
Sir you are old and wise enough , so I guess you can understand my point. Revolution is dying and it need blood and lots of blood , they don't care if they take it In the name of Islam or what ever -ism .
And (credit) history of Persians (Not Iran or all of Iranians) is very interesting , you may find some thing like Akhand-Bharat there too.

The Shahs ambitions took a sectarian cloak during the revolution for many.
I can understand where you're coming from but as of now its just the regime for keeping it simple.
Yes and a jf17 merits that you think. Do you think that relations are on such level.

Think about it before you reply

What are you talking about? I legit can't understand you. Please clarify, and don't be rude.

Yes, but how come Pakistan was able to react in those 20 seconds?

Because while the UAV could have taken 20 seconds to fly into Pakistani airspace, it may have continued to stay in that airspace. That's just one possibility, we don't know the details. Another possibility is that Pakistani radars tracked it flying towards Pakistani borders and shot it down upon entry.
What are you talking about? I legit can't understand you. Please clarify, and don't be rude.

Because while the UAV could have taken 20 seconds to fly into Pakistani airspace, it may have continued to stay in that airspace. That's just one possibility, we don't know the details. Another possibility is that Pakistani radars tracked it flying towards Pakistani borders and shot it down upon entry.

IRGC complained or lamented since i should not be rude of activities inside Pakistan's border a couple of weeks ago.

Now this.

Either it was 3 or 4 kms inside or 45kms.

Many have said 45kms that would explain the scrambling of JF17s.

Now you come here and say it was a human error.

When the foreign office tells its citizens that at a friendly border like that saw action with jf17, relations are at a low.

Or IRGC is conducting activities without the consent of Iran's government

Yes, but how come Pakistan was able to react in those 20 seconds?

Pakistan can strike back quicker than that at a hot border.

Question to foreign ministry is if that border is that hot?
IRGC complained or lamented since i should not be rude of activities inside Pakistan's border a couple of weeks ago.

Now this.

Either it was 3 or 4 kms inside or 45kms.

Many have said 45kms that would explain the scrambling of JF17s.

Now you come here and say it was a human error.

When the foreign office tells its citizens that at a friendly border like that saw action with jf17, relations are at a low.

Or IRGC is conducting activities without the consent of Iran's government

Your own Foreign Ministry saying it was 3-4 km. Not my fault that you don't like that fact.

Can you give any other explanation why a UAV would fly just a mere 4 km inside Pakistani airspace that isn't human error or software glitch?

As for the JF-17, if Pakistan wanted to shoot it down they would likely have to use an aircraft as I doubt Pakistani air defence coverage near Iran is very extensive. What's wrong with using a JF-17?
Your own Foreign Ministry saying it was 3-4 km. Not my fault that you don't like that fact.

Can you give any other explanation why a UAV would fly just a mere 4 km inside Pakistani airspace that isn't human error or software glitch?

As for the JF-17, if Pakistan wanted to shoot it down they would likely have to use an aircraft as I doubt Pakistani air defence coverage near Iran is very extensive. What's wrong with using a JF-17?

What does your foreign ministry says? Shouldn't the Iranians know what happened to their drone and why?

You are saying yourself you doubt the capability given that area's geography.

So either we agree it's a hot border and Pakistan was vigilant enough to restrict it below the 5km mark or you can present your analysis on it.
Why just why? You dont shoot down drones or planes of countries which are considered friendly. I just hope and Pray that government of Nawaz isnt thinking anything foolish on the behalf of their Arab Masters.
Friendly countries dont send spy drones 45 km deep and provide ground to india to condict opps in karachi.

Yes it could. cross shooting could have easily reminded the operator that they have derailed from the course

the FLIR has a range of 200 kms. so we could easily "spy" on you if we wanted to from far far away. if S-129 comes close to the border its because of its intent to use live munitions against terrorists. not to spy.

threaten you? calm down cyber warrior. i'm just a civilian.

i'm just saying since i know Iranian officials, from now on i doubt that cross-border derailment which happens on a daily basis in neighboring countries, will be tolerated by Iran.

fingers crossed
U will not "tolerate" a nuclear power with a huge airforce:rofl:, nothing u can do to us while there are a lot of very very horrible things we can do to u...so cool of huh boy and stop trying to punch above ur wieght, iran must apologize for intruding into our airspace and promise nothing like this will ever happen again.
But if the US has been able to breach Pakistani airspace, does that mean that we should just give a free pass to whoever wants a swing?

No. I never said that nor i want that. Actually the whole problem starts when few idiots start jumping on you from here and there without going into the details of the whole argument just because you dont go with the popular flow, the real argument is lost and it comes down to personal insults.
Coming back to your post My point was that Pakistan cannot afford another hostile neighbour when we already have 2. Now i understand that Iran isnt too friendly or besties but again Iran is our neighbour and while friends can be changed, neighbours cant. We will have to live with them. Now my argument is that If Iranian drone was violating our airspace, did the same was raised diplomatically before we decided to shoot it down? All I am saying is that we need to tread carefully because rest assured India will take advantage of every situation against Pakistan. India is already using Afghanistan against Pakistan and i dont want the same to happen with Iran as well. With CPEC going on the last thing we need is to be surrounded by hostile neighbours on all sides except for China.
Nothing yet. Have patience.

The capability of what?

I have already said enough on how we downplay these since the Pakistani state considers the state of Iran as friendly.

IRGC has been very vocal and experimental with Pakistan for the past couple of years now. Started by design by them.

Capability of downing them inside 3 4 kms.
Iran must give up their alliance with the bahrtis and come fully into our corner, believe me Pakistan is playing neutral right now due to our deep involvement in strategic depth wars in afghanistan(which we are winning by the way) and as soon as that is over, we will start focusing on other threats in the nieghbour hood and its not big talk, believe me when i say this that " iran really doesnt want the isi howling for its blood", u wouldnt like it and i wouldnt like it because u are our muslim bretherins but if need be things can be turned pretty ugly for iran very very quickly...so iran must choose where it stands right now before the afghan war ends, because after its done and dusted we will go very very hard at those who tried to stab us in the back....
I read in few places that 2 Drones shot down by JF17 by different pilots, what is the clear picture?
so it almost destroyed ...

we need to deploy stealth UCAVs next time ...

its the first time thats why Pak is a bit lenient... if that starts happening regularly, i think u'll get a few lessons that will make u stop doing these kind of shit for a long time...

I know u might have read it but for all my IRanian friends i m sharing it again...

The Scorpion and the Tortoise

A scorpion and a tortoise became such fast friends that they took a vow that they would never separate. So when it happened that one of them was obliged to leave his native land, the other promised to go with him. They had traveled only a short distance when they came to a wide river. The scorpion was now greatly troubled.

"Alas," he said, "you, my friend, can easily swim, but how can a poor scorpion like me ever get across this stream?"

"Never fear," replied the tortoise; "only place yourself squarely on my broad back and I will carry you safely over."

No sooner was the scorpion settled on the tortoise's broad back, than the tortoise crawled into the water and began to swim. Halfway across he was startled by a strange rapping on his back, which made him ask the scorpion what he was doing.

"Doing?" answered the scorpion. "I am whetting my sting to see if it is possible to pierce your hard shell."

"Ungrateful friend," responded the tortoise, "it is well that I have it in my power both to save myself and to punish you as you deserve." And straightway he sank his back below the surface and shook off the scorpion into the water.
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