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Possible new terror attack in London unfolding.

Quite Strange SIS and MI5 did not caught this one in time to be honest.

From the last attack (The Ariana Grande Concert attacks) is merely 11 days, the person responsible is most likely the same group of people and preliminary intel suggest these group is also on SIS watch list, but still, both GCHQ, SIS and to some extend MI5 did not do anything for it.

This attack is also called "Ripple Attack", this cell is most likely have some sort of connection and/or relation toward the May 23 Attack, and the effect of the last attack was brought on with this one.

However, there are also chances that this is an individual attacks (ie two or more cell operate in the UK) but somehow I feel that this attack was let down by the British Intelligence Community
I suspect this attack was a lone wolf type with isis only acting as an inspiration
  • Six people killed: London Metropolitan Police have confirmed that six people were killed in the attack. Dozens of others were injured, including 48 taken to five hospitals across the city.
  • The attackers: Police officers pursued and shot dead three attackers within eight minutes of the first emergency call, London police said. The suspects were wearing what were later found to be fake suicide vests.
  • London Bridge: Just after 10 p.m. local time (5 p.m. ET), a van speeding south across London Bridge struck several pedestrians.
  • Borough Market: The van drove onto Borough Market where three men jumped out and started stabbing people. Images from the scene showed some severely injured.
  • British Prime Minister Theresa May: Conservative Party suspends election campaign Sunday. May will convene a Cobra emergency meeting.
  • London Mayor Sadiq Khan: "Furious" about the attacks. Terror threat level has not been raised from "severe," the second-highest level.
I suspect this attack was a lone wolf type with isis only acting as an inspiration

It can be, but to be honest, quite unlikely.

A lone wolf would be just that, lone wolf, so you are looking at one or maybe two attacker at most. But this attack have more than 3 (possibly 5) person involved. Unless they decided to attack at random during a Saturday night out have beer or what not. That mean the must have been pre-planned and as with every plan, you want the people involve to be in minimum, because the more people involve, the more clue or source can be leaked.

So for 5 people to involve in an attack, some degree of coordination must have been followed, and there are most definitely planning involved (Saturday Night, packed London City and the fact that the rampage last 8 minutes but 6 people were killed (that equal to 1.5 minute per victim) there are no way you get that quick if you did not center yourself for the attack to being with.

Would that be affiliated with ISIS or other Terrorist Org is another story, but most likely than not this is not a lone wolf attack.
However, there are also chances that this is an individual attacks (ie two or more cell operate in the UK) but somehow I feel that this attack was let down by the British Intelligence Community
Agree. I said it earlier on. I'm surprised as well. For there to be an attack less than 2 weeks after the last one (and a coordinated one involving 3 or more people means it's probably a cell) is indeed a major failure by our intelligence services, and we are suppose to have one of the world's best intelligence services and communication collection capabilities on the planet(shy only of the U.S).
Agree. I said it earlier on. I'm surprised as well. For there to be an attack less than 2 weeks after the last one (and a coordinated one involving 3 or more people means it's probably a cell) is indeed a major failure by our intelligence services, and we are suppose to have one of the world's best intelligence services and communication collection capabilities on the planet(shy only of the U.S).
Increased surveillance is one answer to this spike in terrorism in the past people objected to it but i think Brits will slowly embrace it

Its a common theme prior to an election

The aim is to create chaos influence a election with the aim of supporting or getting the 'right wing' candidate elected
It will be exploited but real culprits are sharia4uk type guys i wouldnt just call it a conspiracy we lost so many to same breed of savages
Agree. I said it earlier on. I'm surprised as well. For there to be an attack less than 2 weeks after the last one (and a coordinated one involving 3 or more people means it's probably a cell) is indeed a major failure by our intelligence services, and we are suppose to have one of the world's best intelligence services and communication collection capabilities on the planet(shy only of the U.S).

Talk to my guy in the MI-6 after the last one. My source said they have their eye on some people that might have gave material or financial support to the suicide bomber, and they have file a report with the attack last time with the resource overseas (where the Abedi had money and receive bomb training from) and compiling a report for the local intel agency (MI-5 and SIS) to link with domestic connection. And that was 8 days ago....I would have imagine MI-5 people would already have the report done and the dot connected and raid those fuckers...

Or maybe they are too late for some reason and the people involve in this brought forward the plan? Not sure, but in all, I think this attack is the result for intelligence failure...The police should have had action related to the last attack done and that will at least found some clue about this one. Given if both attack are connected somehow

Increased surveillance is one answer to this spike in terrorism in the past people objected to it but i think Brits will slowly embrace it

It will be exploited but real culprits are sharia4uk type guys i wouldnt just call it a conspiracy we lost so many to same breed of savages

I think London is already one of the most (If not the most) surveyed city??
RIP to the victims, Fast recovery to the injured.
Jihadists have gone wild again.
Does your hindutva give you such great insight into these people?

There are plenty of salafis in your nation such as zakir naik and his ilk... must give you sleepless nights knowing so much...
Mod deleted my previous reply to you.. anyway

Fine, let's wait for the identities of the perps to be made public and find out more about what type of mosque they used to go to. Salman Abedi used to go to http://mosques.muslimsinbritain.org/maps.php#/mosque/1799,.

Check the theme and management bottom left.
Its all power politics, based in revenge and anger
That i agree on the only motivation of the groups carrying out killings is hate
They want to kick start a cycle of hatred where they bomb a target eg London, which puts pressure on western muslims who are forced to protect themselves and withdraw from a hostile society and where muslim majority countries then respond with their own hate
These groups actually attack before the elections so that right wing statement becomes acceptable and more Muslims join their fold
Agree. I said it earlier on. I'm surprised as well. For there to be an attack less than 2 weeks after the last one (and a coordinated one involving 3 or more people means it's probably a cell) is indeed a major failure by our intelligence services, and we are suppose to have one of the world's best intelligence services and communication collection capabilities on the planet(shy only of the U.S).
You can't blame your intelligence agencies over this one. This new kind of attack is very hard to prevent, The only means necessary for this attack was a vehicle and some knives, how can they prevent this if every single car owner with some knives in his kitchen is a possible terrorist attacker?
RIP to the innocent souls. Really sad to hear this news this morning. Pray for everyone who caught off in this tragic incident.
Can't do anything. Wait for the next attack.

BTW, Britain and all of EU must bring back Capital Punishment.

During Ramadan, Nations across the world must be extra vigilant, because at that time this virus attacks...Must be declared by WHO or UN.
I think London is already one of the most (If not the most) surveyed city??

Yes not just London(which is the most surveiled city in the world), but even Britain as whole itself is the most surveiled country on the planet.

The Brits: Most Surveilled in World

Today, the English are the most surveilled in the world. With less than one-quarter of America's population, Britain has nearly three million surveillance cameras in the country.

Read more: http://www1.cbn.com/content/brits-most-surveilled-world

So I don't believe surveillance is what we lack. The thing is it's also difficult for our security services to detain(maximum is 28 days )/imprison suspected islamic terrorists/radicals without enough prove to put them behind bars until they commit a terrorist act themselves. It's sad but true as well. So the only solution is to keep watching them until they are just about to strike or even better still(for security services and the sake of prosecution) when they start striking. That's the sad truth

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