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Possible new terror attack in London unfolding.

And we do. You realize there are also quite a few imams in our country that are not on welfare but funded by/from foreign countries?

Don't hold your breath.... it is bound to happen sooner of later, just a matter of time imho.

I know about who sends money and also the collection game... we can't just accept that it is bound to happen... there is always something we CAN do.

I am sorry ... but you recall what happened to Pim van Fortuyn...and how all of us were in deep shock... anyhow, we can not just accept that we have to live with evil and wij gaan gewoon aanpassen...

My heart goes out to the innocent who are victims of this nihilistic hate.

I do have faith in our security services that they will do their utter best to keep all of us safe, including our chidren.

You take care... you are good man with long and deep experience. I respect your views.

I know about who sends money and also the collection game... we can't just accept that it is bound to happen... there is always something we CAN do.

I am sorry ... but you recall what happened to Pim van Fortuyn...and how all of us were in deep shock... anyhow, we can not just accept that we have to live with evil and wij gaan gewoon aanpassen...
Who says nothing will be done, that we just adjust to the new normal? But let's not go overboard on the other side. Ultimately, you also cannot let yourself be forced to fundamentally change your way of life, that would in itself be a victory for the terrorist(s).

It's a fight for values without defined enemies. I don't believe in either leftist or far-right methods. Leftists believe in acceptance of minorities without demanding minorities to accept western values and right wing believes in full blown racism. Is there a middle path?
People with a passport of country X that reject the fundamental values of that country but don't accept the consequence of that (namely, that they should get up and leave to go live someplace else where customs and norms are more in line with what they want them to be) should be addressed somehow. Because it is spoiled behavior of the individual to expect that society to change just because that individual won't adjust to society. This is one thing I like about e.g. people in the US: no matter what their ethnic background, don't you dare question their 'Americanness', their loyalty to the country and its institutions.

Kill them instead of deporting those swines.
Yeah, that will help. And what will we in Western countries be accused of then?
WITHIN 8 MINUTES. Even is adding some time between the first action and the first emergency call, that's a pretty right quick (and deadly!) response. Kudo's.

Impressive indeed. But I doubt had this happened in a rural area or small town,such a quick response would have been achieved. (Where in the first place there's generally a lower security forces presence than in big cities such as London or Paris.)

I am very concerned about those areas. Even if the risk for attacks in those area is low,we cannot rule out anything.
Kill them instead of deporting those swines.

This is one thing I like about e.g. people in the US: no matter what their ethnic background, don't you dare question their 'Americanness', their loyalty to the country and its institutions
Agree, I noticed that as well.
from ramming jets into skyscrapers to chasing pedestrians with knives , we muslims have certainly come a long way .
Another polite reminder to stay on topic. If you want to debate integration, solutions etc there is a thread for this.

More news; all three attackers have been identified. Their names will be released shortly.
And we do. You realize there are also quite a few imams in our country that are not on welfare but funded by/from foreign countries?

Don't hold your breath.... it is bound to happen sooner of later, just a matter of time imho.

yea, i had picked up on that a few years ago already, and sent out emails to that email list of mine that we need to keep madrases in our Netherlands under the same kinda supervision as needs to be done in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
i dont know if Dutch madrases and Mosques are as monitored as they need to be, though.
i never get direct answers from members on that email list of mine.
People with a passport of country X that reject the fundamental values of that country but don't accept the consequence of that (namely, that they should get up and leave to go live someplace else where customs and norms are more in line with what they want them to be) should be addressed somehow. Because it is spoiled behavior of the individual to expect that society to change just because that individual won't adjust to society. This is one thing I like about e.g. people in the US: no matter what their ethnic background, don't you dare question their 'Americanness', their loyalty to the country and its institutions.
Exactly. American with all its flaws has done a better job in this regard. I think contrary to what Europeans believe, nationalism is the key ingredient to integration. America makes people believe that it's great and desirable to be American and whoever feels American is accepted by the society. Europe needs to stop being apologetic to its values and hold them steady.

@waz why did you remove my post because a troll quoted it? The next question is obviously integration so it's related. Don't worry I won't reply him if you quote me to start an argument.
from ramming jets into skyscrapers to chasing pedestrians with knives , we muslims have certainly come a long way .
not all muslims are like that. and i thank you for making that clear to readers on this forum who by their nature tend to stick the terrorist sticker on all muslim(a)s.
yea, i had picked up on that a few years ago already, and sent out emails to that email list of mine that we need to keep madrases in our Netherlands under the same kinda supervision as needs to be done in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
i dont know if Dutch madrases and Mosques are as monitored as they need to be, though.
i never get direct answers from members on that email list of mine.

Keep to the topic please.

@royalharris this thread is not for that. I have already warned people. Please comply.
Here we go again, these lunatics just don't know when to call quits. My prayers, though insignificant, are for the victims.

3,000 terrorist suspects

Bro, last time I checked there were over 20,000 lines of enquiries on terrorism related suspects. The current infrastructure is just not big enough to deal with what we are facing. We need to expand our intelligence services, especially MI5, but even then, there is really no way to monitor thousands and thousands of people.

It is also very hard to gather HUMINT on lone wolves types when these groups are completely decentralized and are most often than not, not part of the original networks in destabilised zones. Otherwise they are a lot easier to identify and neutralize.

In essence, it is nearly impossible to stop lone wolf attacks, unless the people they interact with on a daily bases notice irregularities and report it promptly. But that doesn't always happen. And that is somewhere we still have a lot of work to do.
Sadly the Europeans are committing mass suicide with these current polices, No sane people would take large numbers of migrants and refugees to compensate their own low birth rate. You are way better off without us Muslims.
from ramming jets into skyscrapers to chasing pedestrians with knives , we muslims have certainly come a long way .
We sure did.
Only saving grace is that , these idiots look like amateurs. They were only armed with knives. If these idiots were trained or armed with firearms then the casualties would have been horrible. It also indicates that isil is on its last legs hence trying out such desperate attacks.
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