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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Let's the problem begin...
FSA lost many recent urban gains in Al-Bab. A few days ago I was thinking that the battle might have ended in the next 7 days but what do you expect when ISIS can still bring in reinforcements.

SAA allowed them to withdraw from Tadif with weapons, also from RAQQA they get support under the eyes of anti ISIL alliance Syrian regime and Russia.

Btw I forgot to mention today 7 brave FSA soldiers were killed. They fought 8 DAESH suicide bombers and 1 VBIED trying to attack Turkish units. RIP.
They killed all 10 attackers, but 7 FSA were martyred cause huge VBIED blast.
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SAA allowed them to withdraw from Tadif with weapons, also from RAQQA they get support under the eyes of anti ISIL alliance Syrian regime and Russia.

Btw I forgot to mention today 7 brave FSA soldiers were killed. They fought 8 DAESH suicide bombers and 1 VBIED trying to attack Turkish units. RIP.
They killed all 10 attackers, but 7 FSA were martyred cause huge VBIED blast.
you are hurshid
been following the operation and so far it has been underwhelming. Erdogan needs to stop playing around with this FSA "tabut" division and send in more Turkish Armed forces troops to besiege Al Bab and capture it as soon as possible.

After that move on to Encircle the YPG/SDF/PKK area's to the east of the Euphrates using Tanks, Air power and Artillery to punch holes in the kurdish defenses and cut their towns off from one another + clear most of the border regions.
send in more Turkish Armed forces troops
Sending more Turkish troops and engaging them in combat = more casualties.

This operation had 2 goals.
- Push out ISIS from the border, so they can't hit Turkish cities with katyusha rockets.
- Prevent YPG to form a belt under Turkey.

So, far both objectives met. I see no reason to make haste.
Well with General Flynn gone I don't think the Trump administration will now hesitate to give the Kurds more weapons especially since they are western partners no1 in Syria and Iraq.

Turkey has to take more precautionary and preemptive measures to tackle the PKK/YPG/SDF threat which is no1 and yes even more so than daesh. It's only a matter of time before US and NATO start to give them more advanced weapons.

Turkey has a large population. It's better to lose 1000 troops this year and getting rid of a threat before they become stronger and cause chaos for the next 10 years due to the territory they control and the partners they have abroad.
you are hurshid
Kendin ile konusma.

Sending more Turkish troops and engaging them in combat = more casualties.

This operation had 2 goals.
- Push out ISIS from the border, so they can't hit Turkish cities with katyusha rockets.
- Prevent YPG to form a belt under Turkey.

So, far both objectives met. I see no reason to make haste.
Thank you.
Well with General Flynn gone I don't think the Trump administration will now hesitate to give the Kurds more weapons especially since they are western partners no1 in Syria and Iraq.

Turkey has to take more precautionary and preemptive measures to tackle the PKK/YPG/SDF threat which is no1 and yes even more so than daesh. It's only a matter of time before US and NATO start to give them more advanced weapons.

Turkey has a large population. It's better to lose 1000 troops this year and getting rid of a threat before they become stronger and cause chaos for the next 10 years due to the territory they control and the partners they have abroad.

Hastening the AL-Bab operation and acting against PYD are different things.

I agree that precautions should be taken and action plans should be made but f we are going to fight against the PKK affiliate PYD. Why not go directly against PKK in Iraq ? Kandil, Avaşin, Basyan.... go in and turn those camps upside down, why striking the tail of the snake while you can crush it's head ?
Hastening the AL-Bab operation and acting against PYD are different things.

I agree that precautions should be taken and action plans should be made but f we are going to fight against the PKK affiliate PYD. Why not go directly against PKK in Iraq ? Kandil, Avaşin, Basyan.... go in and turn those camps upside down, why striking the tail of the snake while you can crush it's head ?

the head of that snake is currently in Syria and not lraq, lf we don't clean Syria now it will become a big problem in the future.
That's a Turk member who has opened perhaps 100 accounts after each new one got banned upon heavy insult (mostly in Turkish) and unfounded claims. I guess originally he was called hurshit. The guy has some crazy idea about German secret service doing nasty things.

Better leave ignored.



you are hurshid
Kendin ile konusma.

Sending more Turkish troops and engaging them in combat = more casualties.

This operation had 2 goals.
- Push out ISIS from the border, so they can't hit Turkish cities with katyusha rockets.
- Prevent YPG to form a belt under Turkey.

So, far both objectives met. I see no reason to make haste.
Thank you.


Interesting. Hürsit seems to be the enemy NUMBER 1 for some Turks, Germans and also Chinese.:lol:

If you @WebMaster @Horus @cabatli_53

believe the conspirators please BAN me .

There is a fact here, some Turks want to dominate this international respected FORUM,
I believe your hated Hürshid wanted to do same and he was banned.

For me , JUSTHAPPENED, I have no problems.

My opinion is that GERMANY (BND) is one of the severest enemies of Türkiye and a super ally of PKK/YPG terrorists;
an evidence for this challenege is that today 4 Turkish IMAMs were arrested accused syping for MIT in Germany.


Sorry, every TÜRK is a HURSHID CELEBI
Some people really think that the Turkish Forces are not aware of the reinforcement for IS from Raqqah. We know exactly the route they use for transport. We already know the spots in Al-Bab and if we want we can take it over but there is no reason for haste. Reinforcement from Raqqah will weaken Raqqah itself and make it easier to capture on later dates.
Some people really think that the Turkish Forces are not aware of the reinforcement for IS from Raqqah. We know exactly the route they use for transport. We already know the spots in Al-Bab and if we want we can take it over but there is no reason for haste. Reinforcement from Raqqah will weaken Raqqah itself and make it easier to capture on later dates.
i call that bulsh**t how are we gonna take raqqa when the the sdf/ypg. are 10 miles away and we are 100 miles. every time erdogan says we are gonna take this and that like its a piece of cake and you are all falling for it, which is pathetic, erdogan shouldn't even talk about the operations thats is the job of the army and the inteligence to decide where and what we should be doing.
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