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Did Trump Scare Iran: Tehran Reportedly Pulls Missile From Launchpad Following Launch Prep

All we -- meaning the world -- have to to do is look at the current social environments of both US and Iran, and make comparisons as to which country have the most religious influences and to which degrees.

Religious influence in a country does not make that country incapable of making rational decisions.
Iran getting nukes is very dangerous should the mullahs decide to use nuclear cover for unleashing a wave of hostile revolutions...!
well my son you see . your dream of Iran getting this or that is long over, if you only open your eyes is over .
UNSCR chapter 7, 2231 has recognized Iran as nuclear power .
maybe the Obama and John Kerry knew something you don't know . that is maybe why U.S pass that resolution at night in weekend time so nobody pays any attention to it

Pakistan tactical Atom bomb country . and in future histroy will judge whether Pakistan mastered and tested bomb first or Iran .

Pakistan tested its first device in 1998 . i ask uninformed people like you to search 1990's Marivan nuclear test ..

guess what this not what i am say this is UN nuclear watch dog IAEA say which has u.s CIA and MI6 and Mossad intelligence services providing concrete court acceptable avoidances.
guess waht U.S has provided saterlite pictuers of the test to IAEA .
guess what U.S has provided satellite pictures of nuclear test which under PMD secret agreement between Iran and U.S i meant FM Zarif and John Kerry agreed to tell IAEA not to be publish it .

IAEA Board Adopts Landmark Resolution on Iran PMD Case

Iran Confirms Secret Nuclear Agreement

The Secret Side of the Iran Nuclear Deal

keep dreaming kid but realty soon going to catch up to you and from there on you have to deal with it
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well my son you see . your dream of Iran getting this or that is long over, if you only open your eyes is over .
UNSCR chapter 7, 2231 has recognized Iran as nuclear power .
maybe the Obama and John Kerry knew something you don't know . that is maybe why U.S pass that resolution at night in weekend time so nobody pays any attention to it

Pakistan tactical Atom bomb country . and in future histroy will judge whether Pakistan mastered and tested bomb first or Iran .

Pakistan tested its first device in 1998 . i ask uninformed people like to search 1990's Marivan nuclear test ..

guess what this not what i am say this UN nuclear watch dog IAEA say which has u.s CIA and MI6 and mossad intelligence services providing concrete court acceptable avoidances for it.
guess waht U.S has provided saterlite pictuers of the test to IAEA .
guess what U.S has provided satellite pictures of nuclear test which under PMD secret agreement between Iran and U.S i meant FM Zarif and John Kerry agreed to tell IAEA not to be publish it .

IAEA Board Adopts Landmark Resolution on Iran PMD Case

Iran Confirms Secret Nuclear Agreement

The Secret Side of the Iran Nuclear Deal

keep dreaming kid but realty soon going to catch up to you and from there on you have to deal with it

Haram !
The United States will invade Iran soon, with trumps immigration policy being stood down, he'll do what he can as commander in chief.

Iran should start preparing as soon as possible and building nukes.
Religious influence in a country does not make that country incapable of making rational decisions.
To be 'rational' is to decide and/or act base upon reasons and logic.

I do not know if you have ever been alcohol intoxicated, aka drunk, or not. But as infidel -- I have.

Anyway...When you are drunk, your actions and decisions are usually irrational. That does not mean you are not inherently incapable of reasoning and logic processing. Alcohol prevents you from acting from reason and logic.

Religions do not prevent you from acting rationally, but religions often create flawed reasoning and logical processes. The old saying 'Garbage in, garbage out' applies. The process that take an 'in' and produces an 'out' is very rational.

Take the afterlife, for example.

Who knows exactly that the afterlife is like ? No one. But many social policies have been rationally created based upon this flawed notion that we know what the afterlife is like.

No different with global political affairs. The US have a notion about democracy and its acceptance, and we rationally created 'nation building' policies that ended with mixed results, to be polite about saying it. We ended up acknowledging what we believed was flawed. Garbage in, garbage out. Not every people is readied for democracy, no matter its practicing version.

Yes, Iran is a rational actor on the global stage. But that does not mean Iranian theological foundation for Iranian foreign affairs is reasonable and logical.
I doubt someone like Trump would actually scare Iran or make them submit. Most likely the missile removal might be internal reasons. If they didn't worry about a truly belligerent president like GW Bush Jr, it is unlikely that Mr. Toupee would do anything more dramatic despite his unpredictable nature.

The United States will invade Iran soon, with trumps immigration policy being stood down, he'll do what he can as commander in chief.

Iran should start preparing as soon as possible and building nukes.

:lol: No he won't.

Sure he's not aware of all the geopolitical equations, but he is a businessman. And businessmen of that stature aren't idiots to risk catastrophe and the consequent impeachment.

Iran isn't some failed state with a no economy and a weak population. They are the most powerful militarised nation in the Middle East and have a very trained population (conscription is mandatory there). A centralised government structure means that there is going to be little or no political chaos in an ensuing war while Trump will face adverse local backlash due to reneging on his words of pulling US out of Middle Eastern conflicts.
I doubt someone like Trump would actually scare Iran or make them submit. Most likely the missile removal might be internal reasons. If they didn't worry about a truly belligerent president like GW Bush Jr, it is unlikely that Mr. Toupee would do anything more dramatic despite his unpredictable nature.

:lol: No he won't.

Sure he's not aware of all the geopolitical equations, but he is a businessman. And businessmen of that stature aren't idiots to risk catastrophe and the consequent impeachment.

Iran isn't some failed state with a no economy and a weak population. They are the most powerful militarised nation in the Middle East and have a very trained population (conscription is mandatory there). A centralised government structure means that there is going to be little or no political chaos in an ensuing war while Trump will face adverse local backlash due to reneging on his words of pulling US out of Middle Eastern conflicts.

I hope he does, I just want to see the combat.

I hope he does, I just want to see the combat.


You want a complete collapse of Asian economies, including yours?

Middle East is still the largest oil supplying region to entire Asia, despite China, India and others trying to move away and diversify their supply baskets.
You want a complete collapse of Asian economies, including yours?

Middle East is still the largest oil supplying region to entire Asia, despite China, India and others trying to move away and diversify their supply baskets.
war is quite profitable to supply chain that goes into support its combat services.

the world economies boomed when the US invaded Afghanistan and iraq.
I hope he does, I just want to see the combat.

me too cant wait to find out the whether any americans can fire bullet and get away with it ,
come on Trump we are waiting . bring it on
You did not know that the US and Russia have been slowly disarming our respective nuclear weapons stocks since the collapse of the Soviet Union ? And people say Americans are ignorant...:rolleyes:

But there is a greater goal here. Disarmament by one or some does not mean others should build up theirs. When I was stationed at RAF Upper Heyford, I was on rotating Victor Alert duty.


VA status is when a bunch of jets are loaded with nukes, readied to take off in less than one hr, and often time must be less than 15 minutes.

You brought on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That is the closest you will ever come to being with a nuke. You are separated by physical distance and time. On the other hand, I, and many other Americans in the US military, were, and still are, separated by only one event -- that of a nuclear detonation. It is one thing to look at the before and after photos of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it is quite another to have actually touched the thing that could produce such devastation.

Some of us are nonchalance about being around nuclear weapons. Probably some were just putting on tough faces. But you are talking to one person -- ME -- who was and still is thoughtful about the thing and its effects on humanity.

YOU are careless about nuclear weapons. I am not.

It was your wording:

"...All Iran has to do is copy the proven methodologies of creating a nuclear warhead up to the point of an actual test detonation and keep it secret. Tel Aviv can be that test detonation. If it fail ? Too bad and back to the drawing boards. If it went 'Boom', the Jews are without a capital, grievously wounded, and Allah rejoices.

This could happen to Washington D.C. Or London. Or Paris. Am sure you get the picture..."
And I just wanted to point out the only one that has ever used a nuclear weapon in a war is your country and now you've come here lecturing us about what Iran could do with a weapon or Tel Aviv can be that test detonation . Hiroshima and Nagasaki are tip of iceberg regarding American usage of WMD against civilians.
Your wording is like Bin Ladan comes and teaches us about terrorism ... how you dare to say "..the Jews are without a capital, grievously wounded, and Allah rejoices.." ?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki are tip of iceberg regarding American usage of WMD against civilians.
And it was in war time. Are you saying that Iran is at war ? Do YOU support the nuclear destruction of Tel Aviv and/or Washington D.C ?
And it was in war time. Are you saying that Iran is at war ? Do YOU support the nuclear destruction of Tel Aviv and/or Washington D.C ?

So does it mean that you have right to use nukes against civilians in war time? and who said that Iran is after nuclear destruction of Tel Aviv and/or Washington D.C? where did you get that? I said unlike your country that has used WMD in its constant wars like nuclear weapon in Japan, orange agent in Vietnam which effected 4 million civilians and depleted uranium in Iraq and Afghanistan Iran does not possess any type of WMD and has never used them in fact Iran is one biggest victims of WMD in the world , about 100 k Iranian people were killed or injured due to use of chemical weapons by former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussain back in 80s during Iran-Iraq war and your country prevented any condemnation or resolution against him in the UNSC for 10 years ...
And now you have come here teaches us about WMD?
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