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Is Engine such a big deal?

I know its the heart of any product, but its not something that with proper care burns out easily or quickly

Even though the engine will be Yankee we will buy the product through Turkey and I feel with reserves and intermittent good relations its not such a big deal.

Its a big deal if you are buying hundreds with it forming the front line of your defence like your primary jet fightet

Since we are already buying some helicopters from the USA this isnt a big deal for me and we should go for the Turkish platform alongside the Chinese platform and utilise our good relations with both countries to obtain support as the platforms mature
discussions are certainly ongoing, whether they agree is a different matter. the engine NOC could be the main stumbling block. the Turkish pres. during his last visit also tweeted that Turkey will sell 40 helos to Pakistan. the other issues is availability of funds (at least 1.6B$) for which turkey was prepared to offer a soft loan of 400M$. interesting times ahead.

My reason to take this News more seriously is that the statement comes to TAI highest Official , and as some Turkish brother said, he is not a Politician so we can take his words that something is cooking behind curtains . and obviously he would have give some Satisfactory assurance to PA about the Engines NoC as well.
What percentage of components in T-129 will contain US or western-made components? And is this bird going to be sanction proof?

It will be interesting to see if Trump is willing to sell more AH-1Zs to Pakistan beyond the initial order, or if Pakistan is interested to pursue more given their interest in other platforms, including China's Z-10s.

March 23rd would be a great time to formally anounce the arrive of T-219 helicopters into Pakistan by a formal start of project

Possible fantastic annoucenment timeline could be

  • March 23rd , celebrated day in Pakistan for declaration of independence
  • August 14th Of course the Independence day in Pakistan

Both are likely great declaration of start of Project

The big plus with the T-129 project is the immediate impact the technology brings to any fight against Terrorism or other larger crisis

Very important asset to have the T-129 helicopter

With this one standardized model , we can retire all the other old technologies like Cobra etc , the old analog stuff we are flying


  • The sooner we can induct 40-50 Units into our Aviation corps the more secure our borders would be
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March 23rd would be a great time to formally anounce the arrive of T-219 helicopters into Pakistan by a formal start of project

Possible fantastic annoucenment timeline could be

  • March 23rd , celebrated day in Pakistan for declaration of independence
  • August 14th Of course the Independence day in Pakistan

Both are likely great declaration of start of Project

The big plus with the T-129 project is the immediate impact the technology brings to any fight against Terrorism or other larger crisis

Very important asset to have the T-129 helicopter

With this one standardized model , we can retire all the other old technologies like Cobra etc , the old analog stuff we are flying


  • The sooner we can induct 40-50 Units into our Aviation corps the more secure our borders would be
I hope all the deals and transactions b/w Pak and Turkey are done in local currencies - PKR & TL. Already the same is happening in b/w Turkey and Russia, and it's increasing the mutual trade by 4 folds. Reis Erdo'an is hell set and bent on dumping $ from mutual trades with as many countries as possible...

Lets just say that we have a way of surprising the world! ;)
I am pretty sure Pak has some secret sources to fortify it's defenses..

have the usa given honeywell and rolls royce a third party export licence?
After centuries of hiccups the Turkish folks are getting increasingly proficient in making foolproof contracts...
I hope all the deals and transactions b/w Pak and Turkey are done in local currencies - PKR & TL. Already the same is happening in b/w Turkey and Russia, and it's increasing the mutual trade by 4 folds. Reis Erdo'an is hell set and bent on dumping $ from mutual trades with as many countries as possible...

I am pretty sure Pak has some secret sources to fortify it's defenses..

After centuries of hiccups the Turkish folks are getting increasingly proficient in making foolproof contracts...
It is only possible with goods entirely sourced from within Turkey or Pakistan. The moment someone imports from a third-party, especially the U.S. or Europe, USDs will be necessary.
Sounds reasonable ask , as Pakistan / Turkey have free trade agreement.

When countries have free trade , they can obviously trade more easily with local funds / currencies.
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It is only possible with goods entirely sourced from within Turkey or Pakistan. The moment someone imports from a third-party, especially the U.S. or Europe, USDs will be necessary.
But the parts locally manufactured and service costs can be binned into local currencies.

Well I don't necessarily see why trading in a particular currency matters, as people also do barter trade
commodity vs object they buy etc.

Dealing with Turkish currency / Pakistan currency is generally all same

At the end what matter is the value for the helicopter is paid for in proper acceptable format


If a toursit goes from Pakistan to Turkey they don't go deal with USD
they take Turkish currency to spend it in Turkey

People already follow a established principle

Now if we were dealing with a commodity that trades internationally like oil , or gold or silver etc may yeah I would think about USD
Currency has become the primary source of domination. It's basically controlling the money supply, productivity and hence the economy. Turkey wants to break that shackle of slavery. And, they have found a very enthusiastic partner in Russia. For example, 5 million Russian folks are projected to visit Turkey this year. I don't know why but the Russians are voracious consumers and spend money like water during vacations. Now, they will be able to pay in ruble and also get it from the Turkish ATMs. And, the same for the Turkish folks visting Russia. Mutual trade and investment is expected to rise by 4 folds within a short period of time. Getting freedom from the NY bankers is the ultimate freedom. Some folks have learnt it in a hard way...
Yes it certainly is a plus when you have proper banks and excahnge in each other's country which I think Pakistan/Turkey have so I don't see a challenge.

Yes tourist from Russia do offer great deal of revenue from Tourism etc , certainly like any other tourist

Its too bad that we do not have not concluded the IRAN-Pakistan gas line , otherwise I am sure we would have had more Russian business companies involved in power / energy sector

Similarly Russian business owners have in past shown interest in Steeles Milles type mega projects

But the T-129 obviously between two nations that have FTA agreement and that offers great amount of flexibity
Well I don't necessarily see why trading in a particular currency matters, as people also do barter trade
commodity vs object they buy etc.

Dealing with Turkish currency / Pakistan currency is generally all same

At the end what matter is the value for the helicopter is paid for in proper acceptable format


If a toursit goes from Pakistan to Turkey they don't go deal with USD
they take Turkish currency to spend it in Turkey

People already follow a established principle

Now if we were dealing with a commodity that trades internationally like oil , or gold or silver etc may yeah I would think about USD

Perhaps this is a good question for anyone who is a Economist by profession to explain benefits of local currency trade vs , a interchange trade with a middle currency
When a Pakistani buys something made in Pakistan in PKR, that money doesn't leave the country, but flows from one Pakistani economic actor to another. While the buyer might have less money at the end of the transaction, the nation as a whole doesn't get poorer from the transaction.

However, when a Pakistani imports something from the U.S., that buyer has to pay in USD, and importing causes USD to flow out of the country. This import causes the country as a whole to be poorer because it has less USD, which in turn means it either has less currency floating in the economy, or (more common) the PKR becomes cheaper (relative to USD).

Conversely, when we export goods, the outflow of PKR (which foreign buyers need to buy our stuff) and inflow of USD allows PKR to become more valuable (relative to USD). This makes it easier for us to import the stuff we just can't produce in the short-term, such as attack helicopters.

That's why trade balance is essential for a healthy economy. You don't want the currency to be so cheap (from a lack of USD) to fail in allowing you to import essentials, such as heavy machinery. On the other hand, you don't want your currency to become so expensive that your goods are too costly (relative to market) to export.

Maximum indigenous sourcing - i.e. where you have alternatives to imports - lets you save on foreign currency, which in turn helps keep your currency valuable and lifestyle affordable for the population. Their essentials (e.g. food, fuel, homes) are locally sourced, they can buy with local currency irrespective of how cheap or expensive it is relative to other currency - mostly local supply and demand dynamics will affect the price.

If you have a local phone maker, and your land doesn't have many rare earth metals, then your 100% local phones will be very expensive at home. But if you have foreign currency, especially a rich currency, you could buy a ton of rare earth metals from some poor country.

Overall, you need a government that is hands on with the local industry in trying to keep up with the market and actively working to achieve a healthy trade and currency valuation balance.
Interesting subtopic I never knew just by virtue of depending on one currency there are such impacts

I just like USD as it is just a universal standard these days to visualize / compare cost

But certainly a valid point we do hold only so much amount of USD in our own banks , makes sense to trade with our own currency when possible or Turkish if they have bank branches with Turkish funds in Pakistan to facilitate such trade
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