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“ The Bared sword upon the neck of the Blasphemer of Rasool Allah”: Defending Article 295-C

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My friend I am sorry to read your words. We as members of forum should not make derogatory remarks on other members. And just for your information I do not belong to Ahmadi community. please refer to my comments above. Regretfully, i have to give you a negative mark for such conversation @Emmie @Horus @Jungibaaz
Sir, it's your prerogative. Just explaining the law of Pakistan.
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My dear this is a forum where people discuss different topics, this is not a platform to wage wars. There may be many non muslims interested in knowing about Islam. We have to develop a tolerant approach.

Do you expect that non-Muslims will be able to comment on the applicability of blasphemy law?
According to Pakistani constitution, Alhamdolillah you aren't... :)

A good thing then that the rules and regulations of the state can decide on the matters of the hearts. You are also mis-directing this thread.
A good thing then that the rules and regulations of the state can decide on the matters of the hearts. You are also mis-directing this thread.

So don't comment on the thread concerning laws of Pakistan... You are enjoying all the benefits which a minority should enjoy in Pakistan...
Most countries that wish to progress spend more time studying science and funding research, meanwhile we bicker about blasphemy, who and who not to put to death.
It's not even that. The behavior of 90% of Muslims today is an insult to the Prophet (PBUH) and Islam (I include myself in this 90%) - but, no we're not insulted or hurt by that...nothing should enrage a muslim as much as a mosque being bombed.

Yet, we've seen across the world, not just mosques being bombed by muslim suicide bombers, but during Jummah prayers - where is the outrage? the hartals? the rallies? No, we'll find some obscure thing and get enraged about it and as for the punishment - we'll overlook all the other steps and skip straight to cut his head off :lol:

It's almost like we've forgotten when the Prophet (PBUH) started preaching Islam - all He faced was insults (insults beyond belief) - and I won't even mention what people called our Deen. If He acted the way some in here act, there wouldn't have been any converts. Everyone would have been put to death :lol:
So don't comment on the thread concerning laws of Pakistan... You are enjoying all the benefits which a minority should enjoy in Pakistan...

I can comment on any laws I want, just like you comment on the situation of other countries. Also, Pakistan is m
But we can't allow anyone disrespecting our prophet (PBUH) on our land, or even talk about the laws restricting blasphemy..
It's not even that. The behavior of 90% of Muslims today is an insult to the Prophet and Islam (I include myself in this 90%) - but, no we're not insulted or hurt by that...nothing should enrage a muslim as much as a mosque being bombed.

Yet, we've seen across the world, not just mosques being bombed by muslim suicide bombers, but during Jummah prayers - where is the outrage? the hartals? the rallies? No, we'll find some obscure thing and get enraged about it and as for the punishment - we'll overlook all the other steps and skip straight to cut his head off :lol:

It's almost like we've forgotten when the Prophet started preaching Islam - all he faced was insults (insults beyond belief) - if he acted some act in here act, there wouldn't have been any converts. Everyone would have been put to death :lol:

Can you imagine the woman who was busy abusing the prophet (saw) while he was helping her carry her groceries. Had she been killed by the order of the Holy Prophet (saw) when he first heard her abuse, I wonder how the proponents of this law expect her to have become a Muslim afterwards.
You are also insinuating that words can hurt the Allah Ta'ala as well as the Rasool (saw). In the verses I presented, Allah Ta'ala is telling the holy Prophet (saw) to ignore their words. Are you now saying nauzibillah that the holy Prophet (saw) will command his followers to do something that he is commanded by Allah ta'ala to not do?
Indeed, those who abuse Allah and His Messenger - Allah has cursed them in this world and the Hereafter and prepared for them a humiliating punishment. Quran 33:57
The Ayat never mentions and promotes inaction against Hate speech and insulting remarks. Allah condemns the blasphemer with strongest punishment in both lives. But never the Quran says that state has no right in this regard. Islamic state has an authority to pass the law to punish the blasphemer. You have to prove it wrong. Which you wont.
There are examples in Ahadith where Holy Prophet PBUH has ordered the execution of the people who have hurt ALLAH and His Apostle. You ask me the question weather someone is capable of doing so or not. The words of Hadith are your answer. (I would apologies for any inaccurate transnationals if you prove).

As for my bearing to hear insults of the Holy Prophet (saw), well then that is none of your concern. I was taught to show my love for the Holy Prophet (saw) by forgiveness and when I hear insults about him, I present to them the beautiful teachings and life examples from his life to say there is no justification. I choose to send Durud on him, instead of killing a person, that is the teachings of the Holy Prophet (saw) that I know. I don't recognize this blood thirsty religion you have turned Islam in to
As I have already said it, It is a great practice if you do so, But dont associate it only with Holy Prophet PBUH. Do the same thing when someone insults you, your beloved ones, your community or whenever you come across any form of hate speech. Then you will be exempted of any personal action which might be required of people.

Yes it can be related to an Ijtehad after Holy Prophet (PBUH) where it was decided that blasphemer is to be executed.
This is my whole point and I mention it many times. There is an Ijtihad which is in complete compliance with established procedure of Islamic jurisprudence. Blaspehmy does not come under Hadood laws but Islamic state has an authority to pass any such law which punishes the perpetrator using any form of punishment necessary.
@Gillani88 how can a person (saw) order a hit on person just on the bases of blasphemy
The individual has no authority to do anything. It's the responsibility of the state to punish a person whose blasphemy is established. Criminal Justice system of the state will establish whether a person has committed blasphemy or he is innocent.
if the same person(saw) stopped an angel from crushing whole taif between mountains and make dua for them even after they stoned him (saw)till his shoes were filled with his(saw)own blood. surley there must be something more to the story.my nabi was too merciful and polite to order a hit just for a personal reason.
Please refer to last sentences of the opening post.
another major problem with majority of the so called educated muslims think that islamic scholars are all idiots. they want proof of everything from Quran and hadis but when they are shown that it is instructed in Quran to follow the quran and the Prophet and the people appointed on you they ignore it.
probably the educated lot takes UNO by these instructions.
Probably is, depends on which religion though. Which one are you talking about?

Although if I have a right to say there is only one God, they have the right to say whatever they want as long as the bounds of civilised discussion is not broken.
one god or multiple gods does not matter with Indian religions. But it may offend Jews and Christians right ? They have their concepts and views on Jesus and God and prophet Muhammad and vice versa.
So the very concept of Blasphemy law is skewed .
ONE EXAMPLE. As per my understanding : God is same in all three Religion of Book. problem is with Prophets.
1. As per Islam : Prophet Muhammad is the final prophet and Jesus is one of the Prophet. It also believes in all other past Prophets. But does not believe that Jesus is Son of God.
2. As per Christianity : Jesus is Son of God as well as Prophet and also believes in all other past Prophets. But does not recognise Prophet Muhammad as the final prophet.
3. Judaism : Rejects both Jesus and Prophet Muhammad.

Now the very existence and concepts of these three Religions make them mutually Blasphemous to each other.
so should not be go easy on punishment part of Blasphemy?
Indeed, those who abuse Allah and His Messenger - Allah has cursed them in this world and the Hereafter and prepared for them a humiliating punishment. Quran 33:57
The Ayat never mentions and promotes inaction against Hate speech and insulting remarks. Allah condemns the blasphemer with strongest punishment in both lives. But never the Quran says that state has no right in this regard. Islamic state has an authority to pass the law to punish the blasphemer. You have to prove it wrong. Which you wont.
There are examples in Ahadith where Holy Prophet PBUH has ordered the execution of the people who have hurt ALLAH and His Apostle. You ask me the question weather someone is capable of doing so or not. The words of Hadith are your answer. (I would apologies for any inaccurate transnationals if you prove).

As I have already said it, It is a great practice if you do so, But dont associate it only with Holy Prophet PBUH. Do the same thing when someone insults you, your beloved ones, your community or whenever you come across any form of hate speech. Then you will be exempted of any personal action which might be required of people.

This is my whole point and I mention it many times. There is an Ijtihad which is in complete compliance with established procedure of Islamic jurisprudence. Blaspehmy does not come under Hadood laws but Islamic state has an authority to pass any such law which punishes the perpetrator using any form of punishment necessary.

The state can do what it wishes, we already see the state doing whatever wishes while claiming to act under the teachings of the Holy Qur'an. Deash or so called Islamic State also claim to be working under the teachings of the Holy Qur'an, your logic can also be then applied to them if you say they have simply the right to legislate on a matter which the Prophet (saw) did not.

There are a lot of things I can tolerate, but trying to put violent actions by saying they are commanded by the Holy Prophet (saw) is a vile act. His actions and life is proof enough against the so called punishment of Blasphemy law, let alone anything in the Holy Qur'an. Who's teachings are reflected in the life of the Holy Prophet (saw). I will take my cue from there, and not the Ulama who have come afterwards.
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