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Govt. revoked 'illegal' ex-president Ziaur Rahman's 'Independence Award'

Actually Mujib opened Bangladesh to the Muslim world by joning OIC. Also he founded Islamic foundation in Bangladesh. He was ultra secular leader but he did more for Islam than any other leaders.

Ziaur Rahman was assassinated by Army members because he killed hundreds of army men without any trial. He gave permission to kill Mujib with his entire family including a 10 yrs old kid. One of the killers confessed it in an interview. During Zia's regime minorities fled Bangladesh in large number to neighboring Indian state West Bengal due to massive radicalization by his regime. Tension between Hindus and Muslims in Bangladesh rose all time high during his regime. He gave back citizenship to Gulam Azam, the mastermind of killing squad, Razakar, Al Shams and Al-Badr forces. Thats why fellow Muslims from Army killed him.
How did he serve Islam by voluntarily becoming the proxy for the biggest RAW operation in India's history according to RAW officials and Indian Army chiefs??? He literally expunged "Saya-i Huda-i Zul Jelal" from East Pakistan - the feat even Ebu Jehel or Ebu Lehab or Fetaun or Nemrut couldn't do. They prevented the establishment of Hak, he replaced Hak with Batil...
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They were eventually brought to justice right?....during SHW tenure?

They got death sentence by court Most killers got capital punishment but some are currently hiding in foreign countries. They will eventually be brought back to Bangladesh by diplomacy. One is hiding in Canada. Canadian Govt. will gave him back to Bangladesh if Bangladesh Govt. assures that he will be given life imprisonment instead of hanging since Canada don't support death sentence.
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One is hiding in Canada. Canada Govt. will gave him back to Bangladesh if Bangladesh Govt. assures that he will be given life imprisonment instead of hanging since Canada don't support death sentence.

Is he Canadian citizen or PR?

I wonder if its @asad71
How did he serve

Bangladesh was never too Islamic. Its culture is a mix of Islam and Hinduism. So there will never be an 'Islamic' Bangladesh. Mujib realized the social fabric of the country. So he founded Bangladesh as a secular socialist country but since majority people are Muslim by faith, if not in practice he promoted Muslim culture in secular fabric. Bangladesh joined OIC under Mujib's leadership.

I can assure you that Bangladesh even though secular is more Islamic than your country Turkey. :yes4:
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@kobiraaz How can you put Ziaur Rahman on same pedestal alongside Mujib if all of this is true? Ordering killing of an entire family....that is a big sin is it not?

No wonder SHW is after her pound of flesh eternally.....and she will be extracting it for a very long time.

You won't understand. I am going to tell you a story.

When Zia was killed by one of his very close friends in Chittagong and officers of The Chittagong Cant. Chief of the Army Ershad decided to consider it as mutiny and asked Comilla Cant. to move to Chittagong to arrest those responsible. Troops of comilla cant. had to stop in a place called Feni on the border of Chittagong. And imimmediately they sensed tension. They realized local people could attack on them as they were angry on Army for killing Zia. When the officers explained to the villagers that they were going to arrest those who are responsible, Villagers cheered. That night the entire army stationed there had feast as the villagers brought their Chickens Goats for the Army. [ From the book of an army officer]

Zia was the beloved leader of the people. You won't understand sitting in Canada. Remember in the first democratic election of Bangladesh in 1991 Zia's widow defeated Mujib’s daughter. That should tell you about his popularity.

Well, Bongbang says His family member actively took part in Zia’s murder. So you know! He didn't order anyone to kill. There was a coup by junior officers and counter coup by Senior officers. Zia had no active role.
You won't understand. I am going to tell you a story.

When Zia was killed by one of his very close friends in Chittagong and officers of The Chittagong Cant. Chief of the Army Ershad decided to consider it as mutiny and asked Comilla Cant. to move to Chittagong to arrest those responsible. Troops of comilla cant. had to stop in a place called Feni on the border of Chittagong. And imimmediately they sensed tension. They realized local people could attack on them as they were angry on Army for killing Zia. When the officers explained to the villagers that they were going to arrest those who are responsible, Villagers cheered. That night the entire army stationed there had feast as the villagers brought their Chickens Goats for the Army. [ From the book of an army officer]

Zia was the beloved leader of the people. You won't understand sitting in Canada. Remember in the first democratic election of Bangladesh in 1991 Zia's widow defeated Mujib’s daughter. That should tell you about his popularity.

Well, Bongbang says His family member actively took part in Zia’s murder. So you know! He didn't order anyone to kill. There was a coup by junior officers and counter coup by Senior officers. Zia had no active role.

I am not sitting in Canada right now....but anyway it seems to me that there are always 2 sides to every story in Bangladesh and there is no absolute truth available to a 3rd party (i.e it always depends who you ask).
What is your response to the post just above yours? I am interested to know.

Nothing. As I wrote it was easy in ancient era not today. People didn't speak of Mujib for 20 years. Yet his lagcy is stronger than ever.. Zia ur Rahman will also stay.

I am not sitting in Canada right now....but anyway it seems to me that there are always 2 sides to every story in Bangladesh and there is no absolute truth available to a 3rd party (i.e it always depends who you ask).

Exactly. Applicable for Idune and Bongbang. But I am trying to tell you the truth. I have an attraction for Zia yes right but I do not hate Mujib either.
How did he serve Islam by voluntarily becoming the proxy for the biggest RAW operation in India's history according to RAW officials and Indian Army chiefs??? He literally expunged "Saya-i Huda-i Zul Jelal" from East Pakistan - the feat even Ebu Jehel or Ebu Lehab or Fetaun or Nemrut couldn't do. They prevented the establishment of Hak, he replaced Hak with Batil...
Mujeeb was traitor He betrayed Bengalees who loved Pakistan and helpd RAW trained Mukti terrorists to infiltrate our borders and kill pro-Pakistan Bengalees, Sylhetis and Biharis with impunity in '71 After Indian intervention, Pak Army surrendered and milliions of pro-Pakistan Bengalees were permanently kicked out of Bengal or killed by Mukti terrorists We have nothing but hatred for Mujib in our hearts He betrayed own country for money and power He is traitor
and milliions of pro-**** Bengalees were permanently kicked out of Bengal or killed by Mukti terrorists

"Millions"??? What was the split between thrown out and killing (I mean you cant throw out millions of people given your only neighbour is pretty much India and which other country will take in millions from miles away)? The number does not sound believable....I have hard time believing the 3 million genocide claim too.
"Millions"??? What was the split between thrown out and killing (I mean you cant throw out millions of people given your only neighbour is pretty much India and which other country will take in millions from miles away)? The number does not sound believable....I have hard time believing the 3 million genocide claim too.
I mean to say they killed lots of pro-Pakistan Bengalees and Biharis Read Sharmila Bose's book Its very unbiased portrays true picture of what happened '71
I mean to say they killed lots of pro-Pakistan Bengalees and Biharis Read Sharmila Bose's book Its very unbiased portrays true picture of what happened '71

I have read this book (I have my issues with some of her analysis but thats another topic)...but I did not read anywhere that she wrote that "millions" were killed/thrown out in the reprisals.

Certainly I can see the elite (of pakistan supporters) being thrown out in return for having all their stuff taken away by the mobs....and those with nothing get decimated (but not exterminated) because they got nothing to give/bribe with.

Thats pretty standard stuff, it happened for many years in Russian civil war if you want 20th century example....same with Vietnam war too.

Tell me your story. How did your family get thrown out of Bangladesh exactly? Did they go to UK straight away?

I have never come across this side of the whole episode and am interested to know some details on it.
"Millions"??? What was the split between thrown out and killing (I mean you cant throw out millions of people given your only neighbour is pretty much India and which other country will take in millions from miles away)? The number does not sound believable....I have hard time believing the 3 million genocide claim too.

This Arefin guy will be killed if he preaches openly in BD both by Zia And Mujib supporters
This Arefin guy will be killed if he preaches openly in BD both by Zia And Mujib supporters

Well he is in UK so he is safe. He has right to give his story and opinion on the matter.

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