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‘India will deploy army here (Bangladesh)’

With the current govt in place the deployment of Indian troops inside Bangladesh remains a possibility.

If the Banladeshi citizens don't want to see their countrymen killed like BSF does on the border, they must take a stand against it. When you do, you'll find allies who would 'make sure' that the elephant doesn't run you over, if you help us chain it down.
Ally like Pakistan. :suicide2:
Bangladesh wont give 15 billion dollars to hire Pakistani army.
We will impose a total ban on Hilsha export to India if India tries to deploy army in Bangladesh. :devil:

Our Ashrafool serving Hilsha fry to Sachin in his house. :flame:

If you ban ilish, then be prepared to be at the receiving end of poll vaulting. We can't live without it. :)
On topic, we will deploy whatever we want to in Bangladesh because: Hasina maan jayegi.
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I can answer it. Bangladeshis and Indians are same race but Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are not same in any way apart from majority being Muslims. Even being Muslim majority nations Pakistani and Bangladeshi 'brand' of Islam is not same. Bangladesh and West Bengal share same sentiments since both are parts of Bengal. Bengali nationalism and secularism were very strong during 1971 except a party called Jamaat. India respects Bangladeshi struggle to get an independent nation instead of being treated as a colony to Pakistan's 'main' land 'West Pakistan'.

Bangladeshis urged major help from Indira Gandhi, the then prime minister of India in establishing an independent country for Bengalis. Bangladesh never wanted to join another country as a state after being treated as a colony of Pakistan. Indira Gandhi being a visionary leader understood the sentiments of Bangladeshi Bengalis and gave support in independence struggle. Mrs. Gandhi was asked if she had any plan to make Bangladesh a state of India. She replied that Bangladeshis are fighting for freedom and India respects the struggle as its similar to India's struggle during British regime. India will never occupy the land. Instead it will act as brother nation to Bangladesh.

Mistake was done in 1947, not in 1971. British should not have created two wings of Pakistan which were alien to each other in terms of culture and language. During a talk show in Indian TV channel Bangladeshi politicians say we did mistake in 1947 by separating East Bengal (Bangladesh) from India but in 1971 we tried to undo our mistake by getting an independent nation.
You make so many contradicting statements, you claim that Bangladeshi/Indian people are same, you repeat that India/Pakistani people are same and you claim that Pakistanis/Bengalis have nothing in common
You make so many contradicting statements, you claim that Bangladeshi/Indian people are same, you repeat that India/Pakistani people are same and you claim that Pakistanis/Bengalis have nothing in common

I said culturally and linguistically Bangladesh and Pakistan are not same. Pakistanis will never understand the sentiment of Bengalis as much as Indians do because Pakistani culture and Bangladeshi culture are not same.

I never said Pakistani/ Bengalis have nothing in common. Religion is common.

Pakistan has mainly Paunjabi, Sindhi, Pashton, Balochi. Only Punjabi group has similarity with Indians. Sindhis have very less similarity with Indians if any but Pashtons and Balochis have similarity with Iranians and Afghans, not with Indians.

99% population in Bangladesh is Bengali ethnic group. So Bangladeshi culture means Bengali culture. Bengali culture is not Pakistani culture. Its part of Indian culture. Hindi script and Bengali script share same alphabets. Not Arabic script. Almost all Pakistanis wear long kurta as casual dress whereas Bangladeshis wear shirt / t-shirt and lungi.
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‘India will deploy army here’
Staff Correspondent, bdnews24.com

Published: 06 Apr 2014 21:04 BdST Updated: 06 Apr 2014 21:04 BdST

  • BNP-Goeshyar.jpg
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A senior BNP leader has said India may deploy army in Bangladesh in the name of guarding its power corridor.

Standing Committee member Gayeshwar Chandra Roy made the insinuation on Sunday while speaking at a human chain.

It was held in front of the National Press Club protesting against the government’s decision to give power corridor to India

Roy said the power transmission lines that will link north-eastern and north-western parts of India through Bangladesh will waste 4,500 bighas of land.

“Then India will say their infrastructures need to be protected by their own forces. This way they will take away our independence,” he said.

Roy once again repeated the BNP’s claim that the party’s founder Ziaur Rahman was the first president of Bangladesh.

“Those who do not agree, I ask them, who was the president from Mar 26 to Apr 17, before the formation of the Mujibnagar government? Who led the war at that time?”

Roy accused the government of corruption in issuing awards to foreigners for their contributions in the Liberation War.

“Those gold medals have very little gold in them. The ruling party has pocketed money even when making Liberation War medals,” he said.

BNP Vice Chairman Abdullah Al Noman demanded reelection in the Upazilas, claiming that there had been widespread corruption in the recent elections.

It appears the Pagan Indian Army will invade Bangladesh.
Sorry to say but this is the only way Bangladesh is going to learn a lesson some countries no matter what happens need a real shaker to wake them up and now Ukraine will also wake up and go for really strong Armed Forces and Bangladesh needs to do same no matter How much you hate Pakistan you can't trust India. Bangladesh needs to focus on its Forces should have around 250 above Fighter Jets try to get 4th Generation and with Missile systems and also Air Defense and far more number of Heavy and Light tanks and Artillery and MRLS also at least 5 Submarines and few more corvettes or Frigates because sooner or later they would face India weather they like it or not because a country like India can't have peaceful existence with its neighbors they would find it hard to mess with us and China because of sheer power of China and our nuclear weapons. Its weaker countries who will become its first target so either you are strong to hit back or you are a piece of cake inviting attackers this is the rule of the world some people may reject this as fascination of some small Indian politician but its their over all thinking only difference is some say it openly some keep it secret @BDforever @Aeronaut @MBI Munshi @Pakistanisage @Slav Defence @Oscar @WebMaster @Icarus @fatman17
I think we seriously need to look more thoroughly into alternative sources to generate power. I know solar is not adequate yet but somehow we need to become less dependent on India.
Solar power is too costly
I said culturally and linguistically Bangladesh and Pakistan are not same. Pakistanis will never understand the sentiment of Bengalis as much as Indians do because Pakistani culture and Bangladeshi culture are not same.

I never said Pakistani/ Bengalis have nothing in common. Religion is common.

Pakistan has mainly Paunjabi, Sindhi, Pashton, Balochi. Only Punjabi group has similarity with Indians. Sindhis have very less similarity with Indians if any but Pashtons and Balochis have similarity with Iranians and Afghans, not with Indians.

99% population in Bangladesh is Bengali ethnic group. So Bangladeshi culture means Bengali culture. Bengali culture is not Pakistani culture. Its part of Indian culture. Hindi script and Bengali script share same alphabets. Not Arabic script. Almost all Pakistanis wear long kurta as casual dress whereas Bangladeshis wear shirt / t-shirt and lungi.

Agree with most of what you said, except that Punjabis have similarities in terms of culture to Indian Punjabis which form only 2% of the entire Indian poppulation, but there are also a lot of differences cuz of different religions. Secondly Pakistan's national dress for men and women is "Shalwar Kameez" not Kurta
Pakistan means Punjab, Afghania (old name of KPK province),Kashmir, Sindh, balochisTAN, there is no B for Bengal. This was mentioned by Ch Rehmat Ali who used the name Pakistan the first time ever in his journal "Now or Never". Iqbal also called for a separate state in the Northwest, and Pakistan resolution called for "one or more than one states".....however the British gave two wings to one country, 1971 happened as it was very natural...Bengladesh is almost 2000km away...to our west 2000km away we have Jordan ...Imagine can we and Jordanians become one country..obviously the stronger one will try to impose his culture and language...thus the separation happened.
The Indian Ocean should be divided into 3 parts...Arabian Ocean, Bangladesh Ocean and Australian Ocean. Insha'Allah after the balkanization of India, it shall be established.

And we thought BD comes in arab nations. :lol:
I said culturally and linguistically Bangladesh and Pakistan are not same. Pakistanis will never understand the sentiment of Bengalis as much as Indians do because Pakistani culture and Bangladeshi culture are not same.

I never said Pakistani/ Bengalis have nothing in common. Religion is common.

Pakistan has mainly Paunjabi, Sindhi, Pashton, Balochi. Only Punjabi group has similarity with Indians. Sindhis have very less similarity with Indians if any but Pashtons and Balochis have similarity with Iranians and Afghans, not with Indians.

99% population in Bangladesh is Bengali ethnic group. So Bangladeshi culture means Bengali culture. Bengali culture is not Pakistani culture. Its part of Indian culture. Hindi script and Bengali script share same alphabets. Not Arabic in script. Almost all Pakistanis wear long kurta as casual dress whereas Bangladeshis wear shirt / t-shirt and lungi.
Seriously, we need to ban the lungi from worn out on the streets. It looks completely silly when you see some people in downtown Dhaka in lungi while most are wearing shirt and trousers. Wearing the lungi doesn't give off a professional image in a vibrant city. The lungi should only be for the home.

And no, Bangladeshi culture is not Indian culture, it's our own culture. This IamBengali could be Hindu Bangladeshi, which in itself is nothing wrong, but it is why he keeps supporting India. Bangladeshis do not want anything to do with India.
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So sad...no bhai bhai system?! @BDforever he says they wanna shove you guys out so they can make it their homes :angel:

We will make them learn how to build houses on water and how to do agriculture on water Aztec style after half of BD will be in water ..... :azn:

I will teach Beedi forever how to swim in water ..... :haha:

Note: BD is not a small territory it is that these guys are not controlling their population, global warming threat is exaggerated one :)

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