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Discovery Channel reveals what it takes To Be in the Indian Army's Premier Strike Force

Combat experience.

Take U.S Navy seals--why are they so respected by everybody? Combat experience. They have had so many failures, they have had so many successes---but all of this adds to their combat experience across globe in different environments--something unmatched by majority of other SFs in the world.

Now, just google SSGs and Paratroopers..and see the difference in combat experience.

SSGs have operated in foreign wars (Soviet-Afghan war), have conducted operations in Middle-East, have been part of a decade long war on terrorism in some of the toughest terrains in the world, and have successfully conducted operations whether dealing with plane hijackers or clearing out terrorists from extremely complicated set ups in real life.

Paratroopers don't have that real life combat experience in so many different situations etc.

SSGs training regime is tougher than Paratroopers as well. For example, while paratroopers did 100km march in the video, SSGs are required to go 120km to 150km with heavier loads and harsher conditions (no paved roads here).

Idiots like @sms will bring up one or two operations from 40 years back to put down SSG...but they don't realize that the very fact SSGs have been involved across spectrum of operations is what makes them superior to other, less experienced, forces. Do you know how many bouched operations one can pull out for Navy seals or British SAS? lol...
Resorting to name calling! Burn baby burn :haha:
Kid, stop quoting me and writing your gibberish when the senior members---with much more knowledge and some of em having actual military experience with Indian military--have already discussed this to length.

You can keep your smileys and idiocy to yourself and go get a gf loner...

Not quote you? Why?
Truth to bitter for you?

I hav been here long enuf to see enough of these discussions and as such my comments stand true.
Your reposte being completely ad hominem and personal diverting from the discissions prove how i hit your oh so tender nerve.
But since you started it.
The difference between both our comment count and just your-ve ratings shows who the real loner is and who spends most of their time "prematurely evaluating" on the internet.
Neither, why would the PARA (SF) need training from anyone else?
LOL.... history pal... The Royal marines and then the SBS had perfect the role of the collapsible canoe and used it in combat operation since WW2

One of this - is the Famous "Operation Frankton" - depicted in the movie "The Cockshell Heroes" . It a fun see :)

Hence the Q, did they get training from them to use the canoe!


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LOL.... history pal... The Royal marines and then the SBS had perfect the role of the collapsible canoe and used it in combat operation since WW2

One of this - is the Famous "Operation Frankton" - depicted in the movie "The Cockshell Heroes" . It a fun see :)

Hence the Q, did they get training from them to use the canoe!


I'm sure they have the ability to learn from others but train themselves bro ;)
DEVGRU are respected but many US Army/SOCOM units have serious dislike for the SEAL teams and their lack of basic soldiering skills (especially in the early days of the "War on Terror").

Yes yes and 1 SSG is equal to 100000 PARA (SF), what else would we expect from you?

You can beleive the SSG are the best in the world, i have no problem with that it only highlights your cognative bias, but please leave that for another thread.

The PARA (SF) are one of the most expereinced SF units anywhere in the world,are one of the oldest SF units in the world, they have been deployed in CT ops for the past 3+ decades as well as having taken part in 3 (conventional wars) inside India's mainland as well as missions in Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Mynamar, Sierre Leone, Maldives etc etc.

But sure, the SSG is just better, happy now?


I am still to come across any game changing operation undertaken by the SSG ever against India.

As for PARA SF..
*71 Dacca airdrop
*cross border raid on Pakistani arty units in Kashmir
*Charchao raid almost 500 killled and 18 SSG held captive? LOL
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