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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

I love arm chair generals
Israel doesn't have the refueling capacity to launch an attack and they have admitted it. Until they can fix that then we shouldn't even be talking about an attack. And Iran's main defense is its geography. We have a big country with mountains through out. All installations are deep inside mountains and scattered through out the country. Even if they bomb one location they still have to travel hundreds and hundreds of miles to get to location B. An attack by Israel is absolutely impossible and they know it. Has Israel EVER acted like this before? Do they ever advertise before going to a war? Never! This whole thing is an attempt to force the Americans into a war b/c they're the ones that can do some damage.

Read the whole post mate! Israel would attack only after exhausting all other options..... by the way since when was an air strike the only option??? a clever enemy chooses the most impossible route that you don't expect. Surely if the terraine is your biggest ally then its your biggest enemy as well. I can certainly see now that the Israeli's will for sure blow all Iranian nuke facilities and you won't be able to do jack.
Since uncle sam is so eager to make all the Muslim states sign the ******* NPT what stops it from persuading Israel to do this noble deed?
As I've pointed out repeatedly, it's the difference between someone who uses power responsibly and someone who doesn't. Israel has demonstrated great restraint and responsibility in the application of power; much of the rest of the world, the IRI included, sticks to the "might-makes-right-make-war-when-you-can-profit" school of thinking.

After having stolen the land of the Palestinians if Israel is not aggressive then Hitler must have been equally peace-loving.
You live in a country, Bangladesh, where champions of Israel suffer official harassment, if not social ostracism. link The information available is limited, and the context of events absent or even falsified. You can't be expected to judge this matter, but why do you even bring it up in this thread? Don't you perceive that Israel-bashing is an instrument of your own oppression?
As I've pointed out repeatedly, it's the difference between someone who uses power responsibly and someone who doesn't. Israel has demonstrated great restraint and responsibility in the application of power; much of the rest of the world, the IRI included, sticks to the "might-makes-right-make-war-when-you-can-profit" school of thinking.

You live in a country, Bangladesh, where champions of Israel suffer official harassment, if not social ostracism. link The information available is limited, and the context of events absent or even falsified. You can't be expected to judge this matter, but why do you even bring it up in this thread? Don't you perceive that Israel-bashing is an instrument of your own oppression?

I disagree with that part. 926 non combatants were killed in the Gaza Conflict. 116 women 313 Children. While Israel lost 3 civilians and 10 soliders (4 by friendly fire). Plz by all means explain how this great restraint applied to this specific conflict. Also CNN even pointed out who started it in the first place. Also plz help me understand why Israel used White Phosphorus shells in one of the most highly populated areas. (that resulted in confirmed casualties by them)

Also don't give me the "But they pulled completely out of there excuse" talk.

I have also seen a documentary where a British reporter inside a school was talking about something when a Israeli shell/bomb hits the school. (Might i add this person was covering both sides not just one)
Jigs - go to the Israel/Gaza-related threads.

No need my friend i got the numbers right here. As well as what exactly went down. Israel said it responded to rocket attacks and bombarded and invaded Gaza causing massive damage and then pulled out. The results are pretty clear.
Can Israel and Iran, both live in peace with both possessing Nuclear arms.. i think this would some how keep a balance and check onto Israel form not attacking innocent women and children of Palestine and Lebanon.
Oh man finally the God will hear the prayers of the those who suffered the cruelty and barbarism of Israeli Aerial Bombing and Artillery shelling, not to mention the phosphorous weapons being used in urban areas.
So the next 25 years are not looking good for state of Israel..:agree:
An Iran armed with Nuclear weapons would definitely put Pakistan out of Israeli Radars.:agree:
As I've pointed out repeatedly, it's the difference between someone who uses power responsibly and someone who doesn't. Israel has demonstrated great restraint and responsibility in the application of power; much of the rest of the world, the IRI included, sticks to the "might-makes-right-make-war-when-you-can-profit" school of thinking.

You live in a country, Bangladesh, where champions of Israel suffer official harassment, if not social ostracism. link The information available is limited, and the context of events absent or even falsified. You can't be expected to judge this matter, but why do you even bring it up in this thread? Don't you perceive that Israel-bashing is an instrument of your own oppression?

Israel is the most irresponsible, war-mongering state according to most people but of course the so-called champions of democracy and human rights are not among those people.

A rabid anti-Muslim calls exposing Israel's dirty tactics as "Israel bashing".
Israel is the most irresponsible, war-mongering state according to most people -
"Most people"? What kind of condemnation is that? Mob justice? Yeah, right.

Look, all that has been done in the Arab states is that the strong men have said to their subjects, "Hate Jews or die!" People aren't even allowed to argue Israel's case. Thus their own dictatorships are strengthened. How do you consider that justice? After three or four generations, the poison of hate has bitten them deep. Pakistan, which surrendered much of its education system to the Gulf Arabs two generations back, is suffering from religious-based hatred as well. Bangladesh has essentially outlawed Israel advocacy, and it's no coincidence, imo, that democracy is suffering and corruption increasing there as well.

The current Iranian leadership is both intolerant (as their domestic repressions have demonstrated) and calculating - they know they have a "go" from people like you for building nuclear weapons as long as they say its for use against Israel, not their immediate neighbors. Yet if you re-read this thread you can read Iranians who start out objecting to the regime and protesting my description of its ambitions, then end up championing Iranian strength and issuing threats.

They want their ancient Empire back. Given these ambitions, if the IRI get nukes, how can it fail to have a conflict with Pakistan?
"Most people"? What kind of condemnation is that? Mob justice? Yeah, right.

Look, all that has been done in the Arab states is that the strong men have said to their subjects, "Hate Jews or die!" People aren't even allowed to argue Israel's case. Thus their own dictatorships are strengthened. How do you consider that justice? After three or four generations, the poison of hate has bitten them deep. Pakistan, which surrendered much of its education system to the Gulf Arabs two generations back, is suffering from religious-based hatred as well. Bangladesh has essentially outlawed Israel advocacy, and it's no coincidence, imo, that democracy is suffering and corruption increasing there as well.

The current Iranian leadership is both intolerant (as their domestic repressions have demonstrated) and calculating - they know they have a "go" from people like you for building nuclear weapons as long as they say its for use against Israel, not their immediate neighbors. Yet if you re-read this thread you can read Iranians who start out objecting to the regime and protesting my description of its ambitions, then end up championing Iranian strength and issuing threats.

They want their ancient Empire back. Given these ambitions, if the IRI get nukes, how can it fail to have a conflict with Pakistan?

Is this photshoped,Hel Yeahhhh ...:agree:
Like the way the govt of Pakistan sold out to the Gulf Arabs, yielding control of education and leading to the creation and popular support of the Taliban?

Not having a good education can have major effects in ones ablity to communicate and getting the correct facts instead of fantasising world events as your post clearly shows this.

But what the real issue you should be concered as well as with all your jewsih zionists is your country trying to imitates its first class hero Adolf Hitler. You know the one you keep making up stories of "the Holocaust"
So its kinda stupid that you are worried about other people affairs and not your own.

yeah you keep with you useless comments its no wonder Hamas and Hesbollah are fire rockes in your back yard.
Lets hope it lands on you.
But what the real issue you should be concered as well as with all your jewsih zionists is your country trying to imitates its first class hero Adolf Hitler. You know the one you keep making up stories of "the Holocaust"
Three of my grandparents, one of my uncles, and one of my aunts died in the Holocaust, as well as many cousins. There is a great deal of evidence for demonstrating the Holocaust was a reality and that its extent - some 5,850,000 Jews slaughtered - was not exaggerated.

In response to a question earlier, I pointed out that one American academic had calculated in 2007 that over the past sixty years the TOTAL of civilian dead - Arab plus Jewish - in the Israeli-Arab conflict was around 8,000. That includes Jewish victims from Arab terror attacks as well as Arab victims of terrorists who employ them as human shields.

Furthermore, the Jews were promised Palestine as a National Home after World War I, not World War II - and the Ottoman Caliph endorsed doing so in the Treaty of Sèvres.

I could go on and on, but as you say,
Not having a good education can have major effects in ones ablity to communicate and getting the correct facts instead of fantasising world events

no wonder Hamas and Hesbollah are fire rockes in your back yard. Lets hope it lands on you.
I'm an American. I am also Jewish. Hezbollah has stated they want all Jews to return to Israel so they can kill all 14 million or so at once. Is that where your sympathies lie? Then it's no wonder the Iranians can pull a fast one on you, is it?

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