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Why do some Pakistanis think they need ICBM?

well you read wrong than. Pakistan is too big of a country for anyone to invade and even for india. Pakistan has many strong allies in the world and the ramifications of any such invasion will be enormous to put it lightly. Also no country in the world has or will have the capability to take on the americans. So instead of hoping for war work towards better relations.
The effort that is put into slogans against the U S should be diverted for a better use.

Now you will be labelled false flagger too!

On a serious note, you are absolutely right in your post. Totally agreed. Pakistan needs to get its act together. Somehow, when I try to drive across the point that it needs to develop itself and be pragmatic that India is not going to be attacking them in next .... ummmm century too and they can achieve their objectives in Kashmir too by allowing economic development over few decades, I meet a steady stream of hard headed responses.

If education and jobs flow, development on lines of Europe will take place and the societal maturation will lead to exactly the same situation which we see in EU now, better integration and greater openness. Objectives achieved in a pragmatic manner!!
ICBMs are the most freudian modern weapons ever built.


Hmmm.. get your mind out of the gutter:angel:
well you read wrong than. Pakistan is too big of a country for anyone to invade and even for india. Pakistan has many strong allies in the world and the ramifications of any such invasion will be enormous to put it lightly. Also no country in the world has or will have the capability to take on the americans. So instead of hoping for war work towards better relations.
Pakistan is too strong to be invaded like Iraq or Afghanistan were. That is precisely why NATO have set up base to her west in order to spread destabilization and weakening her up. A death by a thousand cuts is the philosophy. Pakistan only has China and should Pakistan disintegrate or actually be invaded when she is weak enough, no-one else will do anything except utter condemnations in the UN.
They who have power in the Modern West do not wish to see a Muslim country on the map that has nuclear weapons. They are not sincere. What their tongues utter should not deceive you. Get this into your head.
Pakistan is too strong to be invaded like Iraq or Afghanistan were. That is precisely why NATO have set up base to her west in order to spread destabilization and weakening her up. A death by a thousand cuts is the philosophy. Pakistan only has China and should Pakistan disintegrate or actually be invaded when she is weak enough, no-one else will do anything except utter condemnations in the UN.
They who have power in the Modern West do not wish to see a Muslim country on the map that has nuclear weapons. They are not sincere. What their tongues utter should not deceive you. Get this into your head.
So you are comparing Pakistan to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Pakistan has over a 100 nuclear weapons with an indigenous delivery program. It is the 6th largest country by population, while iraq doesn't even come close yet the americans are still bleeding in iraq and the whole region is destabilized. I will not even bother comparing Afghanistan. China is not Pakistan's only friend but pakistan is china's only friend. Pakistan has powerful allies in the muslim world and in Europe. Eve the americans hope for good relations with pakistan and want it stabilized. It is our own stupid fault that we don't help ourselves by rooting out the extremists in our society and elect corrupt politicians.
So you are comparing Pakistan to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Pakistan has over a 100 nuclear weapons with an indigenous delivery program. It is the 6th largest country by population, while iraq doesn't even come close yet the americans are still bleeding in iraq and the whole region is destabilized. I will not even bother comparing Afghanistan. China is not Pakistan's only friend but pakistan is china's only friend. Pakistan has powerful allies in the muslim world and in Europe. Eve the americans hope for good relations with pakistan and want it stabilized. It is our own stupid fault that we don't help ourselves by rooting out the extremists in our society and elect corrupt politicians.
I like your optimism. But do not underestimate the external enemy. Just because Pakistan has 100 nukes or a large population or so called allies in the Muslim world, does not mean they wish to destabilize Pakistan using internal and external means. Sometimes Pakistanis are their own worst enemy.
Instead of going for icbm, wise step would be to go for satellite launch vehicle.
So you are comparing Pakistan to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Pakistan has over a 100 nuclear weapons with an indigenous delivery program. It is the 6th largest country by population, while iraq doesn't even come close yet the americans are still bleeding in iraq and the whole region is destabilized. I will not even bother comparing Afghanistan. China is not Pakistan's only friend but pakistan is china's only friend. Pakistan has powerful allies in the muslim world and in Europe. Eve the americans hope for good relations with pakistan and want it stabilized. It is our own stupid fault that we don't help ourselves by rooting out the extremists in our society and elect corrupt politicians.
Having a lot of meat (6th ;largest population) won't do rat's *** for us... most of this meat isn't even literate, plus i am not counting the mullah's here.
We have no allies except China, and Turkey (More like a good friend who pats your back)...
Pakistanis are their country's biggest enemy. Mostly religious bullcrap... other than that we're fine...

Pakistan doesn't need ICBMs and should;t go for them however Pakistan does need a sustaible space program and corporations developing space tech. (long shot tho)
we need ICBM to contain EU & US, then see how they dictate or bully us
Why do some Pakistanis think they need ICBM?
We also think that we should cancel all ties with Afghanistan and America...but we have not...yet... So why start a thread on what we think or not?
Why do some Pakistanis think they need ICBM?

Do they really have any enemy in any other continent?

When was this idea first stated in public domain? Just who suggested this unnecessary thing?

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