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India will consign him to the dust, wait for next elections: Yashwant Sinha on Modi


Mar 6, 2011
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India will consign him to the dust, wait for next elections: Yashwant Sinha on Modi


Dona Paula (Goa): Veteran BJP leader Yashwant Sinha on Saturday tore into Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government, saying there is no dialogue and they may meet the same fate as the Indira Gandhi-led Congress which was drubbed in the elections after Emergency.

Sinha, who along with some other BJP veterans has been marginalised in the party, was speaking at a panel discussion at the ‘Difficult Dialogues’ conference here, where CPI-M general secretary Sitaram Yechury also spoke.

“There is absolutely no scope of no dialogue… This is the great strength of Indian democracy. There will be aberrations here and there, there might be concerns about the present situation. But the great Indian society will take care of it and consign to dust those who do not believe in dialogue in India,” Sinha said.

“The people of India will consign him to the dust, you just have to wait for the next elections,” Sinha,
who was finance minister in Atal Bihari Vajpayee government, said without naming Modi.

Alluding to the general elections in 1977 when Congress was ousted from power, he said such a neglect (of dialogue) will make the government last “19 months”, the same duration as the Emergency.

We all know how the people of India reacted to the Emergency which was the “most concerted democratic effort in our country to still the voice of dissent”, he said.

Replying to intervention from Yechury on need to ensure that dialogue in the society doesn’t get stifled, he said, “I would only say that the stifler is in for serious trouble.”

The veteran BJP leader also rued the fact that Opposition was not letting Parliament function.

Without naming, he took a potshot at a Congress leader, who he said never raised concerns on the GST Bill in the standing committee meetings but later raised objections.

Under Vajpayee, the NDA government was able to pass several important legislations with the help of dialogue (with opposition), Sinha said.

His onslaught comes on the same day when another BJP leader, actor-MP Shatrughan Sinha, said that veteran leaders Vajpayee, L K Advani and Murli Manohar Joshi “deserve much more than what they have been given”.

“Currently these leaders including me are trapped between oppression and respect,” Shatrughan said in Pune.

Come on man...in democracy popularity sells like a brand...Yashwant Sinha is shouting because he did not get his berth in the minister list...But again, what is the point in saying the same thing which every one knows it...If any Gov does not deliver to the expectation of the people...They will bite the dust...It is same for Modi..it was same for Mr Sinha when he was minister too...
This is the problem with much of criticism in India. It is based on personal ego and revenge or in many cases simple old fashioned religious hatred. These critics don't care what happens to the country so long as they get their man! This is true of both the sources themselves and the hate filled army that scurries around getting the message out on Twitter, Facebook, what's app and everything else.

There are very few in India that does the job of an informed critic well. I think Arun Shourie is one of the few, whatever may be his motivations, he makes cogently argued and relevant points.

This guys is ridiculous, every PM is entitled to make his own choice for cabinet. No central government has ever communicated more. Partly because technology itself has made it so much easier. Grow up Yashwant!
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This is true of both the sources themselves and the hate filled army that scurries around getting the message out on Twitter, Facebook, what's app and everything else.
And what do you have to say about the hate filled army in here who at any given instance spew venom on fellow Indians. Is that good for India? Modi/BJP's criticism is made out to be as hate against India. The so called neutral posters over here either stay mum or meekly support these hate mongers who prowl these threads and attack anyone critical about their masters and their ideology.

There are very few in India that does the job of an informed critic well. I think Arun Shourie is one of the few, whatever may be his motivations, he makes cogently argued and relevant points.
Since you claim Arun Shourie to be an informed critic, Here are some of his statements. I hope you won't change your opinion about Mr Shourie after going through them..

Arun Shourie calls PM Narendra Modi a narcissist


Prime Minister Narendra Modi is narcissistic and is running a one-man presidential government, the direction of which was dangerous for India, said veteran journalist Arun Shourie.

In a 40-minute exclusive interview with India Today TV's Karan Thapar in the programme 'To The Point', Shourie analysed the two years of Modi government and warned that over the next three years, he expected a more systematic attempt to curb civil liberties and an increase in decentralised intimidation besides choking of inconvenient voices.

Shourie even went on to psycho-analyse the PM. He accused Modi of narcissism, which he described as both self-love to an exaggerated extent and insecurity, as well as Machiavellism, which meant that he exploited events to his benefit.

Source: http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/...an-government-says-arun-shourie/1/660804.html
lol modi has extreme likings n disliking. need to give him 6 more months before judging him in totality
looser on his account...

but, there are high chances that modi govmt wont get elected so easily..specially, looking at the job that jaitely is doing as finance minister....every other day there is some or other new taxation...this man has increased the service tax like never before....now adding more taxes...I dont know if that stupid man all of a sudden started feeling that india is a country of rich people and we should earn more by levying all possible taxes....I see no difference in Biritish India and today's India as far as taxation is concerned!
And what do you have to say about the hate filled army in here who at any given instance spew venom on fellow Indians. Is that good for India? Modi/BJP's criticism is made out to be as hate against India. The so called neutral posters over here either stay mum or meekly support these hate mongers who prowl these threads and attack anyone critical about their masters and their ideology.

Since you claim Arun Shourie to be an informed critic, Here are some of his statements. I hope you won't change your opinion about Mr Shourie after going through them..

Arun Shourie calls PM Narendra Modi a narcissist


Prime Minister Narendra Modi is narcissistic and is running a one-man presidential government, the direction of which was dangerous for India, said veteran journalist Arun Shourie.

In a 40-minute exclusive interview with India Today TV's Karan Thapar in the programme 'To The Point', Shourie analysed the two years of Modi government and warned that over the next three years, he expected a more systematic attempt to curb civil liberties and an increase in decentralised intimidation besides choking of inconvenient voices.

Shourie even went on to psycho-analyse the PM. He accused ....Modi of narcissism, which he described as both self-love to an exaggerated extent and insecurity, as well as Machiavellism, which meant that he exploited events to his benefit.

Source: http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/...an-government-says-arun-shourie/1/660804.html
Wow !! So much emotion over a guy who by and large is providing good leadership to India that has been lacking for the last half century.

No shy, self effacing lambkins ever became an effective leader of any country ever in history. Certainly not of one that has as much sh1t to sort out as India.

Unless you are planning to marry him, I suggest you overlook aspects of his personality that don't jive with yours and stick to policy.

Repeating silly tweets on his fashion sense, or taking a sentence out of context to vilify Modi is a children's game,

If you can logically critique his policies people will be interested. If you simply mock and laugh because of personal (possibly religious)hatred, then people will ignore you. Simple as that.

In this I feel the Chinese do much better. Their critics speak facts and use primary sources not simply copy paste silly tweets. That is useful. This is not.

Anyway...Who cares what happens to the country as long as we can hang Modi by the tail!! :woot:
Sigh !

Another Ex Leader who does not accept the fact that his ' best before' date has long gone.
Wow !! So much emotion over a guy who by and large is providing good leadership to India that has been lacking for the last half century.
Something similar can be said about you. Why so much emotion over his defence. I've been here long before Modi gained prominence, so No, my emotions are not over an individual but my country and I can see my country going down under his leadership. Modi providing "Good governance" is your opinion and not a fact and even the "informed critic" like Arun Shourie doesn't seem to agree with you.:agree:

No shy, self effacing lambkins ever became an effective leader of any country ever in history. Certainly not of one that has as much sh1t to sort out as India.
Neither did narcissists ever made good leaders...

Unless you are planning to marry him, I suggest you overlook aspects of his personality that don't jive with yours and stick to policy.
No I don't intend to but as said earlier I wouldn't want my country to be lead by a loon either..

Repeating silly tweets on his fashion sense, or taking a sentence out of context to vilify Modi is a children's game,
People do make fun of politicians and Modi is no exception, if that troubles you then its time for you to develop a thick skin.

If you can logically critique his policies people will be interested.
I've done that quite a good number of times, may be you failed to take notice of them

In this I feel the Chinese do much better. Their critics speak facts and use primary sources not simply copy paste silly tweets. That is useful. This is not.
Well these "silly tweets" do put their point forward with witty one liners. If you don't like them, nothing much can be said about it.

Anyway...Who cares what happens to the country as long as we can hang Modi by the tail!! :woot:
Looks like you are more fixated to Modi than me, you put up so much in defence of him.. Commendable I must say
Modi providing "Good governance" is your opinion and not a fact and even the "informed critic" like Arun Shourie doesn't seem to agree with you.:agree:
Arun Shourie criticized some of the GOI policies and showed the way to make it better. He did not as you suggest say that everything this government does is garbage, I think some of these recommendations have actually been listened to by the current government. There are other critics who have also critiqued the government and quoted both good and bad things. Criticism is a way to improve it is not a hate filled shouting match.

Neither did narcissists ever made good leaders...

Is that your professional opinion as a psychiatrist that Modi is a "narcissist" or is it a politically expedient insult casually thrown about because it suits your purpose?

Many others would say he is a humble man. A low caste son of a tea seller who got where he is through his personal qualities without any family connections to help him.

It is a quality of adults that when they listen to another person, they judge for themselves whether what he is saying makes sense or not. No human being is always right in everything they say, you take what is useful and discard what is not. It is only children who take all criticism without the filter of personal experience. ... Adults appreciate the parts that are good and use the criticism to better ourselves.

No I don't intend to but as said earlier I wouldn't want my country to be lead by a loon either.

He seems perfectly sane to me and to several hundreds of millions of regular folk and world leaders from Abe to Obama, so again I assume this is just a lot of hatred and vengeance blowing hot through your veins.

People do make fun of politicians and Modi is no exception, if that troubles you then its time for you to develop a thick skin.

Make all the fun you want. I never objected. I only pointed out in my previous post that we don't have enough fair minded serious critics.

I've done that quite a good number of times, may be you failed to take notice of them

I have not seen them, but I will keep an eye out in future. I am interested to know what your real opinions are, if you have them. I am truly interested to see what you think has been done badly and how it should be improved. Source it to facts though, not partisan tweets.
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Sigh !

Another Ex Leader who does not accept the fact that his ' best before' date has long gone.
This greedy fellow is not even satisfied that his son's future is now secure as the SIC's SIC.
Don't agree overall. India could do better with lesser dialogue and consolidated decision making powers. Spend less time in parliamentary dramebaazi. Devolve more power to states and increase competition between them to invite investment. I want to see states with high economic growth being rewarded and others being humiliated. India already has an activist media and judiciary to keep check on authoritarian tendencies. Not everyone is owned by Ambanis and Adanis. India's whole problem is politicians with 5 year term visions. That is why they give free laptops, TVs, Mixer-Grinders etc. I won't mind a weak opposition for the next 10-15 years, if someone can actually concentrate on nation building.
So be it. NaMo welcomes challenges, he's no MMS.
Let us see what happens, its still 3 yrs away.
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