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US Politics

Much can happen between now and the convention. As a registered Republican, I will watch the result with great interest.
Have you already voted in the primaries, and if you did, who did you vote for?

Any chance at all retired US general James Mattis could be on the ballot as an alternative to Trump or Cruz, as has been suggested and pushed by some Republican establishment leaders?

If I'm not mistaken, it's not likely due to him needing to have declared his intent to run before a certain date. Right? Or if he did run, he'd have to as a third party candidate.


Here's the link to the proposed "draft Mattis" plan.


That matter can wait till after the nomination has been finalized.
Technically speaking, it’s already too late for an independent candidate to get on the ballots on all 50 states.
Technically speaking, it’s already too late for an independent candidate to get on the ballots on all 50 states.

Independent candidates can act as spoilers in certain key states nonetheless.
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Fraud case against Trump U. will go to trial, N.Y. judge rules; Trump could testify during campaign

By Doug G. Ware | April 26, 2016

NEW YORK, April 26 (UPI) -- A New York judge ruled Tuesday that a civil fraud case against Republican presidential contender Donald Trump will go to trial.

New York County Supreme Court Judge Cynthia Kern made the ruling during a hearing Tuesday. The case stems from accusations from state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman that Trump misled thousands of students at the real estate school.

Officials said the trial could be held this fall and that Trump could himself testify, perhaps during his presidential campaign.

Schneiderman claims that the real estate school was unlicensed and made disingenuous claims, such as the instructors being hand-picked by Trump himself. The attorney general, a Democrat, also said the school often used "bait and switch" tactics designed to get students to enroll in expensive seminars.

Trump, though, has denied any wrongdoing and said the school had a 98 percent approval rating from students. He unsuccessfully tried to have the case dismissed last month.

"Let's see what happens in court," the billionaire said in March. "This is a civil case, very easy to have settled, could settle it now, very easy to have settled."

Schneiderman's suit seeks $40 million in restitution and damages for more than 5,000 U.S. students, including 600 New Yorkers, who paid as much as $35,000 each,Fox News reported. The school operated between 2005 and 2010.

Trump is seeking a jury trial in the case. Schneiderman's office, however, said he is not entitled to one, and wants Judge Kern to decide the matter.

"Why would the attorney general who represents constituents of the state of New York fear the constituents of the state of New York determining if he's right?" Trump attorney Jeffrey Goldman asked. "They don't want to go to trial."

Kern will decide later whether to put the case to a jury or decide it herself.

Any trial is likely months away, though, because both parties agreed Tuesday that higher courts should be allowed to decide whether Trump's motion to dismiss should be heard by the New York Supreme Court.
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From what little i have been following, it seem that the general elections will be mainly a showdown between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump? It looks like these are the two who will secure there respective party nominations?
Right @Syed.Ali.Haider ?
From what little i have been following, it seem that the general elections will be mainly a showdown between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump? It looks like these are the two who will secure there respective party nominations?
Right @Syed.Ali.Haider ?

Both are the current front runners for their respective parties, yes.
Both are the current front runners for their respective parties, yes.
I guess that makes trump a favorite for the next president? Republicans have more chance of getting there man to the White House this time. What do you feel? I have not followed the campaigns closely but considering that the democrats have the office for two terms, it seem likely that it will be republicans now.
I guess that makes trump a favorite for the next president? Republicans have more chance of getting there man to the White House this time. What do you feel? I have not followed the campaigns closely but considering that the democrats have the office for two terms, it seem likely that it will be republicans now.

It is still early in the game. I personally do not pay much attention until the nominations.
It is still early in the game. I personally do not pay much attention until the nominations.
hmmm, you think that the nominations will have that much effect this term? I had a feeling that it will be a republicans, no matter who is nominated. Anyway, i guess we will have to wait and see,
hmmm, you think that the nominations will have that much effect this term? I had a feeling that it will be a republicans, no matter who is nominated. Anyway, i guess we will have to wait and see,

It will be a close and bitterly contested election, no matter who the nominees are, that is for sure.
I guess that makes trump a favorite for the next president? Republicans have more chance of getting there man to the White House this time. What do you feel? I have not followed the campaigns closely but considering that the democrats have the office for two terms, it seem likely that it will be republicans now.
Let’s not ignore other important factor, our demographics have rapidly change since 1952, Asians, Blacks and Hispanics played a very important role in Obama’s wins in 2008 and 2012.

Poll after poll shows that Trump is very unpopular with minority, women and millennial voters, and without their support there’s no way he can win.

Polls also show that he is one of the most un-popular candidate in recent history.

So again, where's you proof Trump's racist?
Sorry I have to hit the bed now, but we’ll discuss that tomorrow.

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