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Border Patrol agents union endorses Trump

The union representing 16,500 Border Patrol agents has endorsed businessman Donald Trump for the Republican presidential nomination.

“Mr. Trump will take on special interests and embrace the ideas of rank-and-file Border Patrol agents rather than listening to the management yes-men who say whatever they are programmed to say. This is a refreshing change that we have not seen before — and may never see again,” the National Border Patrol Council said in a statement posted Wednesday on its website. The endorsement was reported by the Government Executive website.

Since the beginning of his campaign for the presidency, Trump has advocated for stronger border protections. He has also been criticized for comments he has made about illegal immigrants from Mexico and other Latin American countries, as well as Muslims coming from overseas.

This is the first time the council has separately endorsed a presidential candidate. The council is part of the largest federal employee union, the American Federation of Government Employees, which has supported President Obama and congressional Democrats.

The endorsement by the law enforcement officers comes at a time when the Trump campaign is being criticized for altercations between his supporters and protesters at his rallies and for comments made by the candidate concerning the violence. It also comes a day after his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, was charged with misdemeanor battery by officials in Florida after allegations that he grabbed a reporter by the arm and forcefully pulled her away from Trump.

Trump, however, apparently is so impressive to the council that it is “breaking with our past practice and giving our first-ever endorsement in a presidential primary,” the statement said. “We think it is that important: if we do not secure our borders, American communities will continue to suffer at the hands of gangs, cartels and violent criminals preying on the innocent. The lives and security of the American people are at stake, and the National Border Patrol Council will not sit on the sidelines.”



Hillary and Trump win big in New York.

Hillary won 58% (1,054,083 million), 175 delegates vs Bernie 42% (763,469 ), 106 delegates.

Trump won 60.4% (524,932), 89 delegates vs Kasich 25.1% (217,904), 4 delegates vs Cruz 14.5% (126,151) did not win any delegate.

Note: Hillary won 1,054,083 million votes, vs Trump, 524,932, beat him again. :partay:

Another big Tuesday is coming, on 26th of April, five states will hold their primaries, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island.

Since most of them are primaries closed, in all five states, Hillary is leading in the polls.
Building walls and deporting them will not solve the issue.
... make strict laws, anyone who hires illegal immigrant will not only face heavy fines, but repeat offenders, will also face jail time, and their businesses could either be shut down or the government can auction their businesses..

I agree

It's great to finally see a candidate who's looking out for the interests of White Americans, which is why millions of Whites have voted for him and support him in droves, besides the hundreds of thousands minorities who also support Trump. Whites have a collective interest too and they should have the right to voice their concerns and look out for their racial interests just as any other racial/ethnic group is doing.

If whites come together collectively, its called "racism". Any other ethnic group does it, its called "pride in ones heritage". (I am Caucasian)

Then why are there racist minority organizations like "La Raza" (literally "The Race") which is a hispanic supremacist organization that has endorsed Obama, as well as the Black Panthers, who also endorsed Obama, as well as the Black Lives Matter organization, which advocates terrorist attacks against Whites. Clearly, race is an issue in America, and White Americans who BUILT the ideological foundations of the American Republic, have as much right to racially organize as any other racial/cultural/ethnic group in this country.

Those organizations are not racist in the slightest. They are great community organizations that are simply showing pride in their specific gene pool. Whites are the only racists in the US. /sarcasm

Our political system is a joke. Its always been rigged. They will put in exactly who they want to put in office.

Voting = believing in their illusion.
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Trump terrifies world leaders

By Edward-Isaac Dovere and Bryan Bender

04/21/16 05:25 AM EDT

President Barack Obama is trying but failing to reassure foreign leaders convinced that Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. They're in full-boil panic.

According to more than two dozen U.S. and foreign-government officials, Trump has become the starting point for what feels like every government-to-government interaction. In meetings, private dinners and phone calls, world leaders are urgently seeking explanations from Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry, Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Trade Representative Michael Froman on down. American ambassadors are asking for guidance from Washington about what they’re supposed to say.

“They’re scared and they’re trying to understand how real this is,” said one American official in touch with foreign leaders. “They all ask. They follow our politics with excruciating detail. They ask: ‘What is this Trump phenomenon? Can he really win? What would it mean for U.S. policy going forward or U.S. engagement in the world?’ They’re all sort of incredulous.”

Obama hears world leaders’ fears about the Republican front-runner so often that he has developed a speech meant to ease their nerves.

First, he walks them through the Republican primary process: Trump has had success, but there are big states yet to vote and the front-runner could still stumble. Then he explains the complications of the GOP convention and how weak rules and convoluted balloting could leave Trump a loser. And finally, Obama assures America’s allies that Hillary Clinton can defeat the Manhattan billionaire. Read more

Then why are there racist minority organizations like "La Raza" (literally "The Race") which is a hispanic supremacist organization that has endorsed Obama, as well as the Black Panthers, who also endorsed Obama, as well as the Black Lives Matter organization, which advocates terrorist attacks against Whites. Clearly, race is an issue in America, and White Americans who BUILT the ideological foundations of the American Republic, have as much right to racially organize as any other racial/cultural/ethnic group in this country.
America is a free country, every jackass is free to form his own hate group. The white racists that you are advocating for have hundreds of racist hate groups, according to Southern Poverty Law Center there are 872 hate groups in the US, 180 are black hate groups and the rest are mostly white racists that includes 190 KKK, 94 Neo-Nazi, 95 White Nationalist, and 95 Racist Skinhead.

No doubt, race is an issue, but not as big as you would want us to believe, my point was that majority of Americans are not racists.

Bty, thanks for proving my point that Trump is racist.

If majority of whites were racist, shouldn’t than Trump be getting majority of their vote, since he is the only racist candidate in the race?

Now let me give you a good example to prove my point:

New Hampshire has 93% white population.

Trump won the election there with (35.3%) 100,406 votes and his moderate Republican opponents, Kasick, Bush, Fiorina, Christie and (Hispanic) Cruz and Rubio got (64.7%) 178,857 votes, the point is that majority of Republican whites did not vote for Mr. racist.

And not only that, the Democrat Bernie Sanders who won there, got 151,584 and Hillary, 95,252 votes, far more than Trump.

Conclusion, the majority of whites did not vote for Mr. racist!
Mr. racist!
I dare you to prove Trump is racist.

I agree

If whites come together collectively, its called "racism". Any other ethnic group does it, its called "pride in ones heritage". (I am Caucasian)

Those organizations are not racist in the slightest. They are great community organizations that are simply showing pride in their specific gene pool. Whites are the only racists in the US. /sarcasm

Our political system is a joke. Its always been rigged. They will put in exactly who they want to put in office.

Voting = believing in their illusion.
White Americans built America into an industrialized super power. These late comers who are nothing but freeloaders are bitch!ng and whining because the free ride is about to end :lol:.

Why can't USA have a guy , with long hair and big beard as their Leader / those were the times

Why can't US just pick a Young guy with fresh ideas


Like the good old days

And what about good old family value
Man + Women = Happy family

I have a feeling that this US 2016 presidential elections are going the way 2014 Indian elections went. No one in India could have believed in 2013 that Narendra Modi will be their next PM; there was a lot of criticism for him in every newspaper, political pundits, pollsters were coming with different analysis that it will not be possible for modi to get majority by his own and allies will not align with him but then on the 16 may 2014 something unprecedented happened in india. A party whose earlier best was 165 seats got 280 seats in lok sabha elections. That party(BJP) scored seats where it was impossible for it few years back.
Same going with Donald Trump too. Not to mention their campaign rhetoric also matches somewhat.
What do you think guys??

Delegate tracker


Hillary Clinton has 1,930 delegates she needs 453 delegates to win the Democratic Party nomination.
Bernie Sanders, 1,191 delegates he needs 1,192 delegates to win the nomination.


Donald Trump has 845 delegates he needs 392 delegates to win the Republican Party nomination.
Ted Cruz has 559 delegates he needs 678 delegates to win.
Kasich has 148 delegates he needs 1,089 delegates to win.
The good news keeps coming!

Billionaire Republican donors, Koch brothers plan to spend about $900 million on the 2016 presidential elections, and it seems they don't like Trump.


Charles Koch calls Trump's Muslim registry plan 'reminiscent of Nazi Germany'


Conservative billionaire Charles Koch chastised Donald Trump for his plan to register all Muslims, calling the idea “monstrous.”

“That's reminiscent of Nazi Germany. I
mean, that's monstrous, as I said at the time,” Koch said in an interview with ABC News’ Jonathan Karl.

Koch also said Trump’s proposal to temporarily ban all Muslims from entering the United States is “antithetical to our approach.”

Trump has previously said, if elected president, he’d support creating a database of all Muslims in America. He later backed off the comment, saying a reporter had suggested the database.

Koch also said during the interview that “it’s possible” that another Clinton would be better than a Republican president.

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I have a feeling that this US 2016 presidential elections are going the way 2014 Indian elections went. No one in India could have believed in 2013 that Narendra Modi will be their next PM; there was a lot of criticism for him in every newspaper, political pundits, pollsters were coming with different analysis that it will not be possible for modi to get majority by his own and allies will not align with him but then on the 16 may 2014 something unprecedented happened in india. A party whose earlier best was 165 seats got 280 seats in lok sabha elections. That party(BJP) scored seats where it was impossible for it few years back.
Same going with Donald Trump too. Not to mention their campaign rhetoric also matches somewhat.
What do you think guys??

Let's wait until the nominations are formally decided. Then the real race starts.
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Poll: Millennials don’t like Trump


Millennials don’t like Donald Trump, a Harvard Institute of Politics poll released Monday shows.

Hillary Clinton crushes Trump among millennials, who would overwhelmingly support the former secretary of state over the real estate mogul in a general election. Clinton holds a 36-point advantage over Trump, 61 percent to 25 percent, with 14 percent undecided.

Support for Clinton is bolstered by 18- to 29-year-olds increasingly favoring having a Democrat in the White House. More than 60 percent of millennials surveyed said they want a Democratic president in 2016, while just 33 percent want a Republican in the White House. The gap has nearly doubled from this point last year, when just 55 percent preferred a Democrat in the White House and 40 percent wanted a Republican president.

Harvard IOP polling director John Della Volpe told reporters Monday that Trump is playing a similar role in helping the Democratic nominee as former President George W. Bush did during Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign.

“I don’t think there’s a question about that,” he said, “and there’s a lot of evidence that suggests that that’s the case.”

Though Trump is the Republican presidential front-runner, he has the lowest net favorability rating of any remaining presidential candidate among millennials, who also reject Trump’s assertion that he would be the best president for women. Trump’s favorability is minus 57 percent (17 percent favorable, 74 percent unfavorable). Clinton’s favorability is minus 16 percent (37 percent favorable, 53 percent unfavorable).

Only 16 percent of young voters identify as socialists, and just a third support socialism. Nevertheless, Bernie Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist, is the only candidate with a positive net favorability: plus 23 percent (54 percent favorable, 31 percent unfavorable).

Trump supporters are also split on whether they’re enthusiastic about backing the New York billionaire. Fifty-one percent said they were enthusiastic, while 49 percent said they weren’t. In contrast, 60 percent of Clinton’s young backers said they were enthusiastic.

Millennials point to Clinton (29 percent) and Sanders (25 percent) as the top candidates who would improve women’s lives. Ted Cruz, Trump and John Kasich are all in single digits, though nearly one-third don’t know who would do the most for women.

Clinton could become America’s first female president, but 74 percent of young voters are optimistic that they will live to see a female president even if Clinton doesn’t win in November.

The poll was conducted with the government and academic research team of GfK between March 18 and April 3. It surveyed 3,183 18- to 29-year-olds in English and Spanish and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.4 percentage points.

Let's wait until the nominations are formally decided. Then the real race starts.
I’m looking at a brokered convention, the way things are going I don’t think Trump will be able to get 1,237 delegates to win the Republican nomination, what is your opinion?
I’m looking at a brokered convention, the way things are going I don’t think Trump will be able to get 1,237 delegates to win the Republican nomination, what is your opinion?

Much can happen between now and the convention. As a registered Republican, I will watch the result with great interest.
Much can happen between now and the convention. As a registered Republican, I will watch the result with great interest.

Any chance at all retired US general James Mattis could be on the ballot as an alternative to Trump or Cruz, as has been suggested and pushed by some Republican establishment leaders?

If I'm not mistaken, it's not likely due to him needing to have declared his intent to run before a certain date. Right? Or if he did run, he'd have to as a third party candidate.


Here's the link to the proposed "draft Mattis" plan.

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Any chance at all retired US general James Mattis could be on the ballot as an alternative to Trump or Cruz, as has been suggested and pushed by some Republican establishment leaders?

If I'm not mistaken, it's not likely due to him needing to have declared his intent to run before a certain date. Right? Or if he did run, he'd have to as a third party candidate.

That matter can wait till after the nomination has been finalized.
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