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Arab-Iran growing tensions: Possible solution?


Aug 24, 2015
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Arab-Iran growing tensions: Possible solution?

Before I discuss Arab-Iran growing tensions: Possible solution? We need to know the historic

View of Arab-Iran relations.

By not going far I will start it from Iranian Revolution:

Iranian revolution is not just a political but a religious revolution which entirely changes Iranian attitude and relations

With rest of the world especially with Arabs (Who are mostly Sunnis and ruled by kings and dictators)

Ruhollah Khomeini, leader of the revolution and founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its first Supreme Leader declared that, "The concept of monarchy totally contradicts Islam." Therefore, Arab leaders developed a hostile attitude towards the Islamic Republic of Iran. Khomeini's idea of supporting the mustazafeen (those who are wronged or oppressed) as opposed to the mustakbareen (those who are arrogant) led to many problems with neighboring countries due to some Arab regimes being judged by Iranian jurists to be among the mustakbareen. Ayatollah Khomeini was open about his intention to export the revolution to other parts of the Muslim world. Thus, during the early 1980s, Iran was isolated regionally and internationally. This diplomatic and economic isolation intensified during the Iran–Iraq War in which almost all neighboring Arab states, except Syria, supported Iraq logistically and economically. According to some observers, Saddam Hussein fought on behalf of other Arab states that viewed Iran as a potential threat to their stability.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the revolutionary zeal cooled and a degree of pragmatism was adopted by Iranian policy makers. During the presidency of Akbar Hashemi and Mohammad Khatami, Iranian foreign policy switched to reducing international tensions and Iran tried to normalize its relations with its Arab neighbors. When the United States attacked Iraq in the early 1990s, it unintentionally promoted Iran's political influence in the Middle East.

Since 2000 the situation changed completely. The most significant factor was Bush administration's decision to attack Iraq in 2003 which led to the fall of Saddam, a ba'athist leader with pan-Arab sympathies who was determined to balance Shi'a Iran's regional influence. With the deposition of Saddam, Iran found a major obstacle to its expansion removed. This gave Iran a good chance to emerge as a major player in the Middle East. As Richard Haass quoted Iran will be one of the two most powerful states in the region...The influence of Iran and groups associated with it has been reinforced. Iran could find allies in Arab world comprising Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait and Iraq. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and United Arab Emirates united against Iran, with support from the United States. Other Arab countries continued to have normal relations with Iran.

(Source Wikipedia)

The Sectarianism and Arab-Iran Relations:

As I mentioned above most of the Arab countries and ruled by Sunni Kings and dictators and growing Shia influence because of Iranian revolution they not only feel fear for their rule but also taking it as a potential danger for their Sunni majority population. They try hard to nullify the effect of Iranian revolution by blocking their relationship with Iran on most of the fronts.

A big blow to the relation with Arabs (Sunni Muslims) happens when Iranian backed pilgrimages created riots and try to seize the control of grand mosque in 1987 even Saudi Authorities claims to recover explosives from the Iranian pilgrimages. By not going it further as a result Iran was not only condemned but Saudi put ban on Iranian for Hajj but later lifted in 1991.
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USA and Arab Relation:
Another factor is USA and Arab relations, shortly after Iranian revolution US-Iran relations becomes soar even US embassy in Iran attacked and hostage crises add fuel to that. During the course of time Arab grew deep relations with USA and west and Iran went far away from USA and west over Israeli problem with Palestine.

Iranian Nuclear quest and Arab Fear:

By growing rivalry with Iraq (decade long war) and Israel, Iran started to pursue nuclear weapons to counter growing influence of Sunni Arabs and Israel which will again proved catastrophic blow to Iran relation with Arabs and their ally USA.

Which will resulted a harsh sanctions by west and almost cold relations with Sunni Arab states who sees Iranian weapons as a direct threat to their nation (Iran have long standing dispute over many islands with Arab states).

Palestinian Support (Hezbollah):
Iran supported Palestinian state but only providing material and moral support to Shiaa militant force Hezbollah which Arab consider a direct threat to majority of Sunni Palestinian they think that Iran tries to convert Palestine into iran like Shiaa state and tries best to counter it and as per Iranian allegation Arab supports rival Sunni groups which further continuously deteriorate their relations and trust on each other.

Current issues:
Iranian involvement in Iraq:

Iran significantly grew his influence in Iraq and supported not only Shiaa govt of Iraq but also the groups fighting with Sunni guerrilla fighters in the region. Which Arab countries sees a threat as Iran growing its assets in the region quite core in heart of Sunni lands.

Iranian involvement in Syria:
Iran openly support Al Asad regime by sending serving army experts and ammunition against the forces supported by Arab nation. Both fighting against each other through proxies in Syria and Iraq.

Yemen Crisis:
Yemen rules by Sunni leaders but since 2011 houthis Shia rebels supported by Iran started mass protest and eventually in 2015 through out elected Yemeni leader. Saudi and allies Arab started direct war with the Rebels by bombing them even they send troops to help Yemeni forces against Iranian backed Hothis. Iran and Hothis strongly protested this and call it aggression of Arabs against them.

Hajj stampede and execution of Shia Leader:
In 2015 During Hajj many people including Iranian nationals killed in stampede which resulted a strong protest from Iran against Saudi regime.

More recently KSA executed Shia leader Al nimr which Saudi authorities accuse of spreading hate and terror against Saudi Arabia, Iran strongly protested this and call it a murder by state and an angry mod attacked Saudi embassy in Iran which resulted in KSA cut off diplomatic relations with iran.

After mentioning above events briefly i would like to say Arab- Iran problem is sectarian based both parties support sect based groups which fighting against each others and in near future if the necessary steps was not taken the situation become worse.

Possible solutions:
First they need to build trust on each other that no body is interested to occupy other and stop funding and financing militant group fighting in the region for sectarian issues. Saudi should include Iran into coalition of Muslim nations and decide jointly their goals in Yemen, Syria and Iraq, instead of helping sect based groups they should help unfortunate countries by bringing peace and by forcing their under influenced groups to stop fighting each other and let the people of the country to decide what they want.
Make OIC more strong and build NATO like Muslim force including Iran.

Major Points for possible solution:
Trust building measures:
Stop funding sect based terror groups:
Jointly set goals and policies over Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Palestine.
Use their influence over the groups and leaders to jointly bring peace in war ridden Countries.
Make OIC more powerful to solve disputes between the Members.
Jointly develop NATO like force including Iran.

@Slav Defence
My entry for the best writers contest.
@WAJsal @waz @haviZsultan @Hyperion @Jonah Arthur

@Akheilos @Spring Onion @Zibago @Tipu7
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nice but don't go that far, please write it from modern history like from early 70s.
Actually Persians adopted Islam but they are not adopting Arab culture. It is conflict between cultures, language, religion and human race.
Actually Persians adopted Islam but they are not adopting Arab culture. It is conflict between cultures, language, religion and human race.
As I mentioned earlier Please don't go that far in history please re think it from 70s and 80s.
Major Points for possible solution:
Trust building measures:
Stop funding sect based terror groups:
Jointly set goals and policies over Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Palestine.
Use their influence over the groups and leaders to jointly bring peace in war ridden Countries.
Make OIC more powerful to solve disputes between the Members.
Jointly develop NATO like force including Iran.

Just how any of these can be implemented?
Just how any of these can be implemented?
Where there is a will, there is a way. If there is a chance in a million that you can do something, anything, to keep what you want from ending, do it. Pry the door open or, if need be, wedge your foot in that door and keep it open.

Pauline Kael
Where there is a will, there is a way. If there is a chance in a million that you can do something, anything, to keep what you want from ending, do it. Pry the door open or, if need be, wedge your foot in that door and keep it open.

Pauline Kael

That means you have no practical ideas, only hopes. None of what you hope for is feasible currently. None of it. However, the OP will get you the rewards here. :D
That means you have no practical ideas, only hopes. None of what you hope for is feasible currently. None of it. However, the OP will get you the rewards here. :D
Not expecting troll post from you, enjoy what u like.
Not expecting troll post from you, enjoy what u like.

My intention was not to troll you Sir.

The topic is the problem, with no credible solution possible.

I admire your effort and wish that you are rewarded for it.

Perhaps that is a better way to say the same thing I said above. Apologies if you did not like the previous post.

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