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Israeli air strike on Syria

Germany leases Israel Aerospace Industries' Heron 1 drone — on display at the Berlin Air Show

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An Israeli 'Ethan' drone, in the service of the Israel Air Force


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So all Russian super duper systems are not protecting even the capital? What they are doing there then?

- Israel bombs Assad:
- Thats because SAM systems were old!

- Assad gets Pantsyr.
- Israel bombs Assad.
- Ummm, thats because Assad had not Buk!

- Assad gets Buk M2.
- Israel bombs Assad.
- Ummm, thats because Assad had not S-300!

- Assad gets S-400.
- Israel bombs Assad.
- Thats because... Thats because... They did not want to shoot down the Israelis. :jester:


It was just an example. sqrt (50) = 7.07*3.6 = 25.45 km.

If jet is flying at 200 m then horizon will be sqrt (200) = 14.14*3.6 = 50.9 km.

ahahhahhaahhaah.............Let them cry/whine, even PAPA Russia wont be able to protect them from Israel's wrath/might..:rofl:

Please feel superior fighting Arabs with inferior weapons.

Bengladesh can always offer to help its 'inferior/weak' Arab brothers with its super high tech weapons/capabilities. How is that?:D
HMMMMM...............Oupppppss.....sorry forgot Bengladesh the poorest/most backward country in S. Asia.:hitwall:
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I've already replied here:

"Let Them Fly There Now": Putin Threatens To Shoot Down Turkish Jets In Syria, Calls Erdogan An *** | Page 4

Kids who know nothing about the air defence are drawing such pics:


However they miss one important fact. The earth is not flat. Its round. And SAMs cant hit targets below the horizon. The range of horizon is determined by this formula:


S - range in km, h - jets altitude in meters.

If jet is flying at 50 m then S-400 will see it only from 25 km. Thats the major reason why air force always prevails since 1980-es.

So you mean Pakistan can also work around those Indian SAMs in case of war with India?? India also getting S-400.
There are some misunderstanding in the comments here. There are radars which can detect the airplanes over the horizon but those radar are only suitable for detecting targets when it come to destroy them then you need a radar that usually can't work when the target is out of line of sight.And about what Hezbollah will do I guess their response will be like last time . they will send a commando unit and attack an Israeli convoy . and it will be it as both side don't want to escalate the situation there.
?? This means they were given the ok after communication. Russia and Israel are on good terms and Russia doesn't give a damn about Hezbollah. Although, I'm pretty sure Israelis could come up with stuff to avoid the s-400. Some of the smartest people there..
There are some misunderstanding in the comments here. There are radars which can detect the airplanes over the horizon but those radar are only suitable for detecting targets when it come to destroy them then you need a radar that usually can't work when the target is out of line of sight.And about what Hezbollah will do I guess their response will be like last time . they will send a commando unit and attack an Israeli convoy . and it will be it as both side don't want to escalate the situation there.
last time they attack an Israeli vehicle with an anti tank missile near the border
Hizballa in it's current position in Syria wouldn't risk going out all war with Israel.
In my opinion tho, in any future war, Israel should strike any place which rockets are shoot from, regardless of civilians nearby or not.
Hizballa is shooting on populated Israelie areas and yet we strike with precision weapons and can't hit mosques and houses which serve as military base. We should learn from the Russians on that issue

Dude can't rule out anything.. Expect a strike at patrol party anytime.. IDF should be Vigilant. remember the last time when IDF took out a Iranian Military person, tey did attack.
Yep its just earth's horizon. Thats why cruise missiles are so hard to shoot down. Thats why AWACS planes are needed - to see over the horizon.

View attachment 280759

(R+h)^2 = R^2 + S^2

S^2 = R^2 + 2Rh + h^2 - R^2

S^2 = 2Rh + h^2 (h^2 can be ignored coz its too small compare to 2Rh)

S^2 = 2Rh

S= Sqrt (2Rh)

R= 6400 km

S= Sqrt (12800) * sqrt (h)

S= 113 * sqrt (h) - This is a formula for both h and S in km.

For h in meters S = 113/srt(1000) * sqrt (h) = 3.6 * sqrt (h)
This equation shows just the potential detection range.

The actual detection range depends on the radar's power, sensitivity, and on RCS of the target.


I.e, even the most powerful radar won't be able to detect incoming aircraft over the earth's horizon, but even the stealthiest target can be detected by the weakest radar - at a very close range, of course.
Thanks, you learn something new everyday:cheers:
Dude can't rule out anything.. Expect a strike at patrol party anytime.. IDF should be Vigilant. remember the last time when IDF took out a Iranian Military person, tey did attack.
if the IDF gets into a war, it should quit from it's western strike war style and act like Russia, they shoot on whatever moves in Syria with unguided bombs.
In lebanon 2 Hizballa shoot unguided rockets and missiles on populated civilian areas.
today's war is guerilla warfare, enemies shoot at anti tank weapons from mosques, hospitals and houses, shooting rockets from populated areas so u won't attack them and that's Israel's achilles heel
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if the IDF gets into a war, it should quit from it's western strike war style and act like Russia, they shoot on whatever moves in Syria with unguided bombs.
In lebanon 2 Hizballa shoot unguided rockets and missiles on populated civilian areas.

Israel should try its best to avoid any war now... We've already been accused of forming ISIL.. now this will give the kids reason to demonize Israel. I'm certain that Hezbollah would make a small attack not to the level of going for a full scale assault.

So they've already fired!!! I hope IDF doesn't respond to that..
So you mean Pakistan can also work around those Indian SAMs in case of war with India?? India also getting S-400.
- we have AWACS to see over the horizon
- we have multiple radar stations and SAMs...for example you can fly lower than the horizon to avoid S400 ,which will deep inside our borders but we have short range SAMS installed very near to border and you cant fly below the horizon for them..even you guys have it..thats why every airspace violation is reported.
Israel should try its best to avoid any war now... We've already been accused of forming ISIL.. now this will give the kids reason to demonize Israel. I'm certain that Hezbollah would make a small attack not to the level of going for a full scale assault.

So they've already fired!!! I hope IDF doesn't respond to that..
The IDF should respond to any rocket or bullet shoot toward Israel,if they won't the enemy will take it as a weakness from our side.
Military power is the only factor that matters in the ME these days
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