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Fall of Dhaka: Memories of a bloody December

Hello mr. tom why don't u allow W.bengal to secede from india ?

They want to leave India? Last time I checked our national anthem is in Bengali and Bengali is a recognized official language of India.

Was this the case with pre-71 Pakistan?
you expect bengali babus to secede . Subash chandra bose will come back and kick you in the arse.:lol:

I don't expect them to secede. Just pointing out the hypocrisy and deceit of the indian pagan bengalis who now enjoy a upper hand in the power balance vis-vis uncle toms of BD.

Note. It say's EASTERN COMMAND. Which was tiny part of the Pakistan Army. The combatents were.

Eastern Command Versus Bangali Freedom fighters, Bangla Nation and later Indian Army.

This is like all these guy's


take on this lone guy.

I am personally not sad over the seperation of Bangladesh because it was inevitable as west and east Pakistan could had not worked in long run.

The only part i am concerned about is the surrender(defeat was also inevitable because we were way too far from west Pakistan and outnumbered).

I can't believe that we surrendered to a country like india and that too in such large number.

If america can lose to Vietnam and Russia to Afghanistan then yes we can lose to india/bangladesgh. bangladesh's separation from Pakistan was inevitable with or without indian help. You simply cannot make 1 nation from 2 different land masses separated by 1000 of kms. That to when the people belong to 2 distinct different racial groups who have virtually nothing in common with one another. It would be more realistic to carve up a nation from Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan. We are all Muslim and we are all connected to one another. And we are more physically and racially closer to the Persians and Afghans then with the bengalis. If that can't happen then neither could we and the bengalis truely be 1 nation. Creation of bangladesh was a necessity that should have ideally happened in 1947. Pakistan Army would have eventually lost. indian intervention simply hastened it. As a Pakistani, bangladesh means nothing to me. Other young Pakistanis feel the same way. bengalis are as foreign to Pakistanis as are indians and Africans. It's just another nation that has no connection to us.
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I don't expect them to secede. Just pointing out the hypocrisy and deceit of the indian pagan bengalis who now enjoy a upper hand in the power balance vis-vis uncle toms of BD.
only in your deluded mind. what power balance ? load of bullcrap.
Note. It say's EASTERN COMMAND. Which was tiny part of the Pakistan Army. The combatents were.

Eastern Command Versus Bangali Freedom fighters, Bangla Nation and later Indian Army.

This is like all these guy's


take on this lone guy.


Lol.........bruv's I really love you. No hommo though......lol


Lol.........bruv's I really love you. No hommo though......lol

To be fair it is easy to understand why bengalis and indians would form an alliance. They both have far more in common with eachother than they do with Pakistanis.
Lets us not forget, nobody sacrificed as much as Bangladeshis. Their suffering, deaths and war crimes against them, and the sheer will power of a people not considered fit for war was a sheer victory of human spirit.

Absolutely. No power could have created Bangladesh if they did not fight for it. India just game them a helping hand of friendship to achieve their goal.

Let's also not forget the countries that recognized Bangladesh.

Note. It say's EASTERN COMMAND. Which was tiny part of the Pakistan Army. The combatents were.

Eastern Command Versus Bangali Freedom fighters, Bangla Nation and later Indian Army.

This is like all these guy's


take on this lone guy.

Lolz what a great Picture for an examples. Three questions

1. What was the population of the eastern pakistan and western pakistan, and why was they neglected first hand by the Pakistani leadership.

2. Leave aside picture why do Pakistani Army gave up so easily without much resistance.

3. Did you heard something like Red Diary of a famous Pakistani General.
Blame to be given to Pakistan's policy towards East Bengal / East Pakistan. Had Pakistan not treated Bengalis to be second class citizens of Pakistan history would have been different. Uprising against Pakistan was from inside East Pakistan.
Then we would have seen a Bengali Prime Minister of Pakistani rulling and Pakistani Punjab taking the instructions in Bangla. Hami tamo ko Bhaloo Bashi.
Indira gandhi didn't did any thing, it was the Pakistani Generals, and the leaders and their actions that created Bangladesh, for a role Model, Modi should just wait and watch for the final solution for the Kashmir.
Dost, It was indra gandhi who ordered manikshaw to attack and librate east Pakistan, when Paf attacked iaf bases in west. We should give credit where it's due.
Dost, It was indra gandhi who ordered manikshaw to attack and librate east Pakistan, when Paf attacked iaf bases in west. We should give credit where it's due.
No it was the Pakistani leaders and Army generals who tries to supress the people of the Bangladesh, otherwise this country won't be created at all. Indira Gandhi was the most MARD primeminster so far. And Manekshaw did what he was trained for.
Lolz what a great Picture for an examples. Three questions

1. What was the population of the eastern pakistan and western pakistan, and why was they neglected first hand by the Pakistani leadership.

2. Leave aside picture why do Pakistani Army gave up so easily without much resistance.

3. Did you heard something like Red Diary of a famous Pakistani General.

@ Definitely the Eastern population was larger but sometimes population cannot be considered a vital factor. Well if it had been a continuous geographical territory then it would have been a vital point. Pakistan was not allowed to develop the integrity & co-existence between East and West. The conspiracy started from day one.(from Indian side) From the very beginning Pakistan politics was dominated by the Shia Muslims like Jinnah, Liakiat Ali Khan. The finance back ground came from Aga Khan who were also Shia and most important point was majority of them came from India and they did not have their own local constituency. Even, Liakiat Ali Khan was elected from the then East Pakistan through a by-election. East Bengal had been neglected since long specially once British established their foot hold at Calcutta after Battle of Pallassy in 1757. Though initially some Bengali Muslims joined in Bengal Presidency Army but during Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 most of them revolted and hanged. On the other hand Muslim Pathans & Punjabi's of West collaborated with East India Company and crushed the movement. In 1947, after independence in East Bengal there was a skeleton of one Divisional HQ located in Dacca having only 1 x Punjab Battalion a lonely fighting force- what a joke ! On the the other hand newly formed Pakistan had at least 3-5 Division fighting force with all elements. By September 1965 East Pakistan had 3 x Brigade located in Comilla, Jessore and Rangpur and by 1968 another Brigade was raised probably at Dacca.

@ The above development of military installation in the then East Pakistan was definitely slow but fact was Pakistan did not get respite from the day one so what ever military armaments she got from either America or China or from Iran put on the Kashmir sector with a high hope.

@ Till, 1958 once there was a democracy in Pakistan, the political system was running fine but problem arose once Civil & Military elites started conspiracy against the majority Bengalise without realizing the long lasting effect. During the Ayub's Decades of Development the sytem was running good but 3rd party took the advantage and started conspiracy to dismember Pakistan. Here 3rd party means mainly USA, India and USSR.

@ In1971 in Eastern Sector, the Pakistani main fighting force did not gave up, they were fighting as per the fighting spirit but some upper elements of Pakistan Army both at East Wing and West lost the confidence to fight specially in East Pakistan and started negotiating with USA and other group to stop the war. These groups were mainly the Mahajir group commonly known as Hindustani in Pakistan.

@ About the "Red Diary', an individual General can write and dream many thing ? I have a dream to make greater Bengal by merging West Bengal, Assam and Tripura and I have written it in many "Green Diary". If you want then I can scane it and send it to you !!!
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Good for India, good for Bangladesh, good for Pakistan.

The only thing that's sad is how it all unfolded. Otherwise majority in Pakistan are actually happy for Bengalis.
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