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Fall of Dhaka: Memories of a bloody December

Bhai logg... bhout hogayi self praising for something tht was done over 40 years back... I would say.. modi shuld take Indra Gandhi as role model and take some decisive bold decision like 1971 to finish long pending issue of Kashmir.:coffee:
Indira gandhi didn't did any thing, it was the Pakistani Generals, and the leaders and their actions that created Bangladesh, for a role Model, Modi should just wait and watch for the final solution for the Kashmir.
At the end of the day, who has the last laugh when your BSF return wrapped up in a Taranga from the Bangladesh border.

Vengeance was taken on those anti-Indian elements via pilkhana. Those elements have got the message and now are more concerned with Burmese :D.

We have Hasina firmly in place kicking out Pakistani diplomats left right and center. She is living off our credit, Bangladesh has higher HDI than Pakistan (and increasing faster too) and growing almost 7% whereas Pakistan struggling to get past 5%. There really is no comparison. They are better off without you.

your needed the help of Muktis against a much smaller army fighting a thousand miles away without supplies, reinforcements or air cover

Pakistani newspapers were reporting this? They were saying massive crushing victories over India till the last day...and suddenly the reality could not be hidden anymore. Nothing like popping a huge balloon of ego!

Poor Musharraf even cried :cry::cry: while we laughed :lol::lol:. Just like that joker niazi sniffing when he is signing the surrender. 90,000 surrendering to a brigade of 3,000 or so. Pakistan's finest hour.

Plus look what your own fellow Pakistanis are saying:

Bangladesh in uproar over Vijay Diwas tweets | Page 4

Barely any dent from mukti bahini according to your compatriots....it was only Indian military that can take the huge credit. Best sort your lot out to get a consistent position among all of you ;)

now compare that with what happened to your soldiers in Sri Lanka despite IAF flying tens of thousands sorties.
Read and weep.

Compare what happened to those we were fighting. Besides we didn't lose any huge chunk of our country and more than 50% of our population....that too after claiming we would fight for 1000 years and stay.

How long was Indian military fighting LTTE compared to how long Pakistan was able to resist India in 71...that too with 1 Pak = 10 Hindus claim? Was northern SL part of Indian territory?
They continue to face discrimination in terms of low pay, no reliable pension, and other benefits. In spite of this, the guerillas of Establishment 22 continued to fight many battles for India. They were involved in the Indian operations in Operation Blue Star, Siachen, Kargil and several anti-terrorist operations in many parts of the country. For some time after Indira Gandhi’s assassination, they were in charge of Gandhi family’s security. A unit of SFF is guarding the inhospitable and freezing terrain of Siachen.Rumor has it that they were involved in capturing the most difficult peak called Tiger Hill during the Kargil war.
To be more accurate it was Special Group (SG), a unit under R&AW whose exsistence is offically denied by the GoI and that is drawn from some elemnts of SFF but mostly Indian SF operators.
I am personally not sad over the seperation of Bangladesh because it was inevitable as west and east Pakistan could had not worked in long run.

The only part i am concerned about is the surrender(defeat was also inevitable because we were way too far from west Pakistan and outnumbered).

I can't believe that we surrendered to a country like india and that too in such large number.
Congratulations Bangladesh!

The Liberation war was A Victory of good over evil.

Wish that Bangladesh continues to work hard and rises to become a developed country soon!
@GURU DUTT Why did u tag me? U know very well abt my views regarding Indian invasion of pakistan in 71. It was india via its proxies that slaughtered muslims to form a puppet subservient state which now can't even defend its borders and kills its own citizens to appease india.
@GURU DUTT Why did u tag me? U know very well abt my views regarding Indian invasion of pakistan in 71. It was india via its proxies that slaughtered muslims to form a puppet subservient state which now can't even defend its borders and kills its own citizens to appease india.

Blame to be given to Pakistan's policy towards East Bengal / East Pakistan. Had Pakistan not treated Bengalis to be second class citizens of Pakistan history would have been different. Uprising against Pakistan was from inside East Pakistan.
Blame to be given to Pakistan's policy towards East Bengal / East Pakistan. Had Pakistan not treated Bengalis to be second class citizens of Pakistan history would have been different. Uprising against Pakistan was from inside East Pakistan.

No use. Such people want Bengalis to be eternal Uncle Tom like people....just keep taking the subpar treatment with no complaint. That is the price they are willing to place on original unaltered 2 nation theory. Sad.

Thankfully they are minority in Bangladesh.
I have no anemosity towards Bengalis or Bangladesh but have deep hatred for Hassinas government. She is openly and purposely inciting hatred in the hearts and minds of Bengali youth against Pakistan. Many of these brainwashed youth talk of revenge and war with Pakistan. Pathetic children need to cone out of this reality. Pakistanis want peace but these people follow the drum beat of Hassina and Modi. Time and time again BD openly threaten to recall their ambassador. Why are they waiting! If they have no desire for diplomatic relations let's end any diplomatic ties. Pakistan should focus its relations with the middle east Europe southeast Asia. This post is not against the genuine youth of Bangladesh nor is it an attack in their culture or language. My comments are directed towards Hassinas supporters.
Blame to be given to Pakistan's policy towards East Bengal / East Pakistan. Had Pakistan not treated Bengalis to be second class citizens of Pakistan history would have been different. Uprising against Pakistan was from inside East Pakistan.
No one can deny what you are saying. Anyone who has researched without putting a biased cap on will agree that West Pakistan was unfair and I would say insulting towards the East Pakistan.

Why did not India invade Bengal in 65, because at that time Bengali people were standing behind their armed forces, the students of Dhaka university were out on the streets in thousands shouting pro-Pakistan and anti-India slogans. Why the same students became so anti-Pakistan within 6 years. No one can defeat a nation that is united.

But I believe that there should not have been a single Pakistan to start with, it was not feasible. At most we could have had a confederation where only defense, foreign policy and currency would have been the same, otherwise both wings should have been completely independent.
Blame to be given to Pakistan's policy towards East Bengal / East Pakistan. Had Pakistan not treated Bengalis to be second class citizens of Pakistan history would have been different. Uprising against Pakistan was from inside East Pakistan.

Without foreign instigation and opportunist politicians on both sides 71 would not have happened. Yes there were regional disparities just like all countries but those were overblown. RAW's involvement decades before 71 has been academically accepted both in india, PAK and the world at large. Indian propaganda war and BD leftist intellectuals also had a major role to play in creating a victim mentality among certain section of BD populace. BD is a good example of what happens when a foreign sponsored stooge minority dominate political narratives - it clogs the minds of people with chetona and make them intellectually colonized. If one fall for indo-awami chetona & myths , then he or she should have no problem giving CHT , "bangabhumi" independence .

No use. Such people want Bengalis to be eternal Uncle Tom like people....just keep taking the subpar treatment with no complaint. That is the price they are willing to place on original unaltered 2 nation theory. Sad.

Thankfully they are minority in Bangladesh.

Hello mr. tom why don't u allow W.bengal to secede from india ?

Majority does NOT mean right and minority does NOT mean wrong. Majority here considers a 2 bit flag and a pagan song more important than lives of a farmer murdered by benevolent BSF. As a muslim I do not want to be part of that majority. What's important to me as a muslim is standing by truth and opposing falsehood.
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I am personally not sad over the seperation of Bangladesh because it was inevitable as west and east Pakistan could had not worked in long run.

The only part i am concerned about is the surrender(defeat was also inevitable because we were way too far from west Pakistan and outnumbered).

I can't believe that we surrendered to a country like india and that too in such large number.

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