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Can India become a superpower?! CAN INDIA BECOME A SUPERPOWER?!!

India will become the second superpower by 2020, less than 5 years away!
Let it go……Maybe Indian perfer that kind of speech but it's nonsense....
There is no need to take them to heart.:-)
:laugh:Their news are always amusing,don't take them seriously.They're only jokes.(Although some Indian believe them..)
Many democracies have no problems with land acquisition. Here in the U.S., the eminent domain laws give the government the power to take away private land for infrastructure and commercial development. Other developed democracies have similar laws as well. You can't justify India's inability to pass a basic land acquisition law on her democratic system.

India is densely populated country especially cities. You just can't yank people from their homes and businesses to a new place. Unless a valid reason is provided like Metro train or road expansion people will resist and the project will come to a standstill. There are dams which have been stalled either for environmental reasons or village displacement. It is a compex issue and in democracy like in India it always difficult to come to consensus.
Let it go……Maybe Indian perfer that kind of speech but it's nonsense....
There is no need to take them to heart.:-)
:laugh:Their news are always amusing,don't take them seriously.They're only jokes.(Although some Indian believe them..)

He has nothing else in life to do. Sad fellow.
He has nothing else in life to do. Sad fellow.


Let it go……Maybe Indian perfer that kind of speech but it's nonsense....
There is no need to take them to heart.:-)
:laugh:Their news are always amusing,don't take them seriously.They're only jokes.(Although some Indian believe them..)

No, I'm not taking it seriously at all; I find it hilarious. Only Indians take it seriously, which is even funnier.
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Speaking of shit...

Trust me, it won't hurt them. Indians are very thick-skinned, partly because they are shameless, and also because most them aren't the brightest bulbs.
yes, gonna be 13 pages of shit :pop:

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