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Think India should be grateful for colonialism? Here are 5 reasons why you're unbelievably ignorant

Wouldn't we have got railways and institutions anyway? Japan was never colonized, they have railroads, they have modern institutions. Ideas travel.

The South Asians were dragged screaming and crying to the modern age by the British while the Japanese were humiliated in the wars and had to modernise their country.
The worst thing the British did was take away our belief in ourselves
The South Asians were dragged screaming and crying to the modern age by the British while the Japanese were humiliated in the wars and had to modernise their country.
japan was already a modern country when it joined WW2. The Meiji restoration led to the rise of industrialized Japan by the early 20 the century.

My point is only that you don't need to be colonized to modernize.
What about the Muslim rule?

Muslim rule was neither benevolent nor too destructive for India. Hindus would be deluded to think that they would have been some super-prosperous "Sone ki chidiyaa" without the Mughals. Europe had started leaving India behind in economic development as early as the fifteenth century. The problems in Indian society that led to it lagging so far behind Europe were structural. A patriarchal, caste-based, innovation-hating society could not have stayed competitive in any case.

That said, the Mughals were not exactly useful for the subcontinent's progress, either. They were mostly content with ruling for the sake of maintaining power for themselves. Not a good recipe for success at the time when Europe was undergoing Reformation, Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution.
The South Asians were dragged screaming and crying to the modern age by the British while the Japanese were humiliated in the wars and had to modernise their country.

I would look at the transformations of the Meiji Emperor myself.
India and Pakistan should join hands, resolve its problems, especially Kashmir and then we can defeat these colonial conspirators one by one. It does not make sense india just jumping from the lap of one colonial into the other (USA).

Apji baath karo,we have strong & an independent foreign policy
Europe had peferect envionment for reformation and enlightment that gave it economic and technological advantage. The education, equality and democracy is important for the economic progress.
The irony is that the Hindu extremists of India feel fine about the British but consider the Muslims outsiders.

Nearly all the Muslim rulers were born and died here and spent all their money here. While the British took the wealth and created mercantile system where India was a colony to be exploited to build the British industry. Even all the salt in India has to be bought from the British companies and cotton grown here was sent to Britain to be turned into textiles and brought back to be sold here.
You held a woman as a captive, rape her all night and in the morning you give her a slice of bread to eat. Now you want her to thank you and be grateful for that??
wow :cheers:
4 to 7 Million Bengali speaking Indians were dead during the second world war because of famine which let to the changing of population equation

A map of the British Indian Empire in 1909 during the partition of Bengal (1905–1911

and then partition further more divided our lands :(

Bengal (which includes much of modern Bihar), E Bengal and Assam, and Arakan as shown in this map is our home - as Muslims and as Bengalis.
You held a woman as a captive

Look at South and North America the Europeans colonized and converted the population to Christianty. The Muslim never forcibly converted Hindus to Islam else India would be 99% Muslim today. The Muslim ruling elite lived in luxury while ordinary Muslim and Hindus lived in poverty. Nearly all the Muslims in South Asia were converted by the Muslim Sufis whose tombs dot the landscape in South Asia.
In absence of East India Company there would have been dozens of countries in Indian subcontinent. So, Indians should consider Koh-i-Noor as price of "Indian Union"

Exactly. "India" prior to the British was a geographic term synonymous with South Asia, roughly similar to how South West Asia is known as the Middle East. Thanks to the British this massive lump of land was united into one centralized political entity out of which emerged the newly independent nations of the "Dominion of Pakistan" and the "Dominon of India" (which subsequently became the Islamic Republic of and the Republic of, respectively). Both were artificial constructs (despite what the nationlistic history books of both nations say) and if it werent for the British, you would have dozens of States in South Asia today.
If not for britain, thousands of independent kingdoms will exist now in what is called india plus india won't have their national language which is english. India should be grateful for british rule.

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