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Raghuram Rajan, Narayan Murthy Add Voice Against Rising Intolerance

Great!!as usual, it was a waste talking to you.move on..

LOL....... I can see that as usual you are lost for words.

What comes next ? ....... calling me Names ? That is the usual modus operandi right ? :lol:
What it has to do with the topic? Nuns were publically made naked by these organisations. What is your excuse for that?

My point is you are indulging in fear mongering by quoting a guy who has been sacked by the group you say is trying to spread communal disharmony. At least try to be honest in your criticism.

Well Nuns were raped and killed in premises of churches by priests also. what excuses were given then? were hindus blamed for that too?
My point is you are indulging in fear mongering by quoting a guy who has been sacked by the group you say is trying to spread communal disharmony. At least try to be honest in your criticism.

Well Nuns were raped and killed in premises of churches by priests also. what excuses were given then? were hindus blamed for that too?

Din't the nice kerala bishop ask Iggys group to have more kids to increase the christian population of kerala ? :D

The same group who held beef parties to mock hindus but suspended their own when pork was served to muslim students :P
Do not divert the topic and bring your usual excuse of strawman.. Answer the question in today's context..Kalam become president when India was not a Hindu Rashtra..I am asking what will happen to minorities in a Hindu nation?Are they allowed to take top position?
1. Yes, Kalam would still have been President.
2. Hindutva-vadis don't demand a nation for the supremacy of Hinduism.

Din't the nice kerala bishop ask Iggys group to have more kids to increase the christian population of kerala ? :D

The same group who held beef parties to mock hindus but suspended their own when pork was served to muslim students :P
Second sentence is apt.

The first is NOT.
Din't the nice kerala bishop ask Iggys group to have more kids to increase the christian population of kerala ? :D

The same group who held beef parties to mock hindus but suspended their own when pork was served to muslim students :P

They can reproduce like rabbits for all I care but if they want to convert people I will support Ghar wapsi wholeheartedly let them beat their breasts on media. My constitution gives me that right.
They can reproduce like rabbits for all I care but if they want to convert people I will support Ghar wapsi wholeheartedly let them beat their breasts on media. My constitution gives me that right.

LOL...actually in kerala their population is shrinking. The well to do emigrate to US, UK, Canada, Australia or New Zealand........... more "secular" lands.

Ghar Wapsi by Hindus is a bad Joke. Christianity in India rose by a whopping 13%. Hindu population has Shrunk from 88 to 83%. There are no Ghar Wapsi for you to support.
Narayana murth is a known congress supporter, his views against Bjp is well known, and we kannadigas don't like him, he has not done any thing good for the Kannada community, after getting rich he has forgotten from where he has come from, typical arrogance of rich men. And for rajan who was appointed by congress govt, what does a common man has to do with RBI, Common hindus like me has nothing to do with RBI They are only for elites.
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