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Turks down 'Russian plane violating their airspace'

Israel also shot down a Russian plane some time ago and Russia didnt do jack-shit against it.
This ismt a game nobody will start a war because a plane is shoot down.
(I dont even think this is true)
Operation Rimon 20
vastating bombing campaign in Syria after President Vladimir Putin declared war on Islamic State (ISIS).


BATTLE: Putin's forces are currently fighting the Islamic State in Syria
Turkey's Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Russia's entry into the conflict in Syria had escalated the crisis and that Moscow admitted its warplane's violation of Turkey's airspace was a "mistake".

Russia's ambassador in Turkey was also summoned in protest at the provocative action.

Turkish officials have warned Moscow would be held "responsible for any undesired incident" that may occur in the future.


STRIKE: Russia said it has hit 110 ISIS targets in just over a week
And earlier this week former MI6 chief Sir John Sawers warned of a cataclysmic clash between Russia and the US as tensions boil between both superpowers.

It came after Defence Secretary Michael Fallon announced Britain is to station a "small number" of troops in the Baltic states in a further move to deter Russian aggression.


ALERT: Mr Sawers warned of increasing tensions between world superpowers
Mr Sawer said: "It is going to be quite hard to continue this campaign unless there is a degree of military co-ordination between the Russians and the West.

"You can't really have two air forces fighting different campaigns aimed at different objectives over the same territory without the real risk of a clash."

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Well Turkey does have a very credible powerful military, if you think Russia can 'easily' finish Turkey then i think you need to revise your knowledge about Turkey. Moreover Turkey is part of our NATO and we will be force to defend Turkey if Russia started a war against Turkey, not just because we want to, but simply because we have to. And we will all know how that will turn out for Russia in case it got into anu conflict with NATO.:D However Russia might try and play the nuclear card since its conventional forces will be no match for an expeditionary war against NATO.

Anyway, i dont thnk this news is a credible news , will need to wait for more infos. even if it is, it will be more likely a failed state syrian fighter jet than Russia. :D

After seeing the Russian performance against ISIS and American performance against ISIS lol. I doubt your analysis totally.

Plus there are several exotic weapons that Russian federation has.

what could be the consequences

Check the list of ottoman/turko-russian wars. The trend is clear to me.
Check the list of ottoman/turko-russian wars. The trend is clear to me.

those consequences are for both not just for Turks, what can Russia do bring in a contingent of army and invade Turkey...no they cant
Russia will be quiet on downing of their airplane, they crossed into Turkey and if they cross again they will be shot down again.
those consequences are for both not just for Turks, what can Russia do bring in a contingent of army and invade Turkey...no they cant
Russia will be quiet on downing of their airplane, they crossed into Turkey and if they cross again they will be shot down again.

a bunch of tactical nuclear weapons . boom ,turkish military collapse and surrender to Russian forces.

@mike2000 is back

Is there any evidence ? It would fit the bomb blast in Ankara ( KGB and Muhabarat ) and Putins immediate condolency to Turkey.

Could be part of a puzzle?

I doubt it. The bomb blast could be disgruntled jihadis also.
I wouldn't worry about that. Turkey has no ballistic missiles. F-16's carrying nukes will be promptly shot down with Ease.

Wrong. Fun fact that recently Yildirim I(150km range) and Yildirim II(300km range) have been confirmed in service and that Yildirim III(900km range) is rumored to be in service aswell. Currently tests of a 2000km Ballisic missile are under going.
Wrong. Fun fact that recently Yildirim I(150km range) and Yildirim II(300km range) have been confirmed in service and that Yildirim III(900km range) is rumored to be in service aswell. Currently tests of a 2000km Ballisic missile are under going.

Does turkey have nuclear warheads for ballistic missiles.. It has free fall tactical nukes for Airforce. Not ballistic missiles.
Anyway , it's not the time for nukes .. Turkey respond to Russian violation to their airspace can be really hard , not to mention economic response , Gas line which was transfered to Turkey instead of Bulgaria

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