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China may export J-10B fighters with Russian AL31FN-S3 engines to Pakistan

No what i meant was, Is PAF looking to induct BOTH Su35 AND J-10 or just one them. Because these aircraft are not interchangeable.

Medium fleet can be built around F-16s, 100 of them or beyond are enough. We can have 150-200 JF-17s. Rest, 50 or so can be SU35.

That's a 300-350 combat aircraft fleet all BVR equipped. No way India can have any sort of domination over Pakistan.
Go for Su35, that is beast :devil: ---> Su30MKI be like :fie::girl_cray3:
Go for:

1) 70 Su-35s (18 for navy, 36 for airforce & 16 for CCS)
2) 100 J-10C for replacement of F-7s
3) 150 JF-17 for replacement of Mirage aircrafts
4) acquire more used F-16s to reach the quantity to 100

In this way Pakistan will have 420 4th+ generation aircrafts and still have room for 80 5th generation aircrafts.
If the Su-35 comes in, then there shouldn't be any immediate need for the J-10B.

But once the IAF Su-30MKI fleet undergoes the Super Sukhoi upgrade/MLU and perhaps also Rafales eventually get inducted in the near future ... we may see that our non-AESA F-16s at a serious disadvantage. Which would still be a very significant element in our striking force comprising of 4 Sqd. So, unless we can get an AESA upgrade for the F-16 or get Su-35s in good numbers i.e. at least 6 squadrons (unlikely ... too costly to operate even if we somehow manage the purchasing cost), the PAF may find itself facing a problem.

Speculatively JF-17s future AESA radar may not turn out be as capable as we may want. Due to the fact that AESA requires lots of power and a future uprated engine replacement for the future block may not be enough to power both the added payload requirements and to provide the requisite power for a powerful AESA properly. Also does the JF-17 nose cone provide enough room for a sizeable AESA with decent number of TR-Modules? So the result may be a compromise in installing an ASEA with lesser power requirements and TR-Modules .. hence less capable.

Will we be able to induct FC-31/J-31 (when its ready) in enough numbers to offset the above mentioned scenario? Not to begin with, again, too costly.

If such is the scenario, I see a good likelihood for the J-10B or a later version being inducted as well.

Dear I want to ask just to consolidate ur point that do our MLU F16 are capable to get AESA radar along with capable IRST pod. However it is obvious that lighter Jets may only get AESA with relatively lesser range however shall suffice their role as defensive platforms. Similarly for offence we may Use J31 in near future when available along with SU35 or any Chinese J11 series fighter jets combination. (However I assume that SU35 if obtained may not be more than two squadrons i.e 36 and will be used for naval roles). For PAF J11 series Jets will be more fesibile considering number of sorties and continuous availability of spares, further we have clear clauses in agreement for spares availability with Russia during war even with India.
(So we may not face situation like Kargil war when spares were not available for F16s due US embargo.)
Go for:

1) 70 Su-35s (18 for navy, 36 for airforce & 16 for CCS)
2) 100 J-10C for replacement of F-7s
3) 150 JF-17 for replacement of Mirage aircrafts
4) acquire more used F-16s to reach the quantity to 100

In this way Pakistan will have 420 4th+ generation aircrafts and still have room for 80 5th generation aircrafts.

Your highness Prince Faisal, is King World Bank going to fund all these?
Dear I want to ask just to consolidate ur point that do our MLU F16 are capable to get AESA radar along with capable IRST pod.

APG-83 (Scalable Agile Beam Radar) SABR AESA and Legion IRST Pods are available. Yes they will work on the MLU F-16s of PAF as well. These would help our vipers maintain their edge. But I don't know whether they would be allowed for the PAF.

However it is obvious that lighter Jets may only get AESA with relatively lesser range however shall suffice their role as defensive platforms. Similarly for offence we may Use J31 in near future when available along with SU35 or any Chinese J11 series fighter jets combination. (However I assume that SU35 if obtained may not be more than two squadrons i.e 36 and will be used for naval roles). For PAF J11 series Jets will be more fesibile considering number of sorties and continuous availability of spares, further we have clear clauses in agreement for spares availability with Russia during war even with India.
(So we may not face situation like Kargil war when spares were not available for F16s due US embargo.)

Like I said ... we won't be getting the heavies (SU-35 or J-11D/J-16) and the FC-31 more than 2 or 3 squadrons each. They will be constituting the high-end.

If we get the AESA upgrades then the Viper would be forming mid-end and the JF-17 will be constituting the mid-to-lo-end.

But the mid-end might also be comprised of FC-20/J-10B or later if the F-16s don't get the AESA upgrade. In that case the Vipers might get relegated to the mid-to-lo-end along with the Thunders.

We can only afford to operate a limited number of total high-end fighters i.e. 4 to 5 Sqd of FC-31 and (SU-35 or J-11D/J-16).

We may eventually need more than 4 Sqd of FC-20s stage wise induction from 2023 and onwards so that the MLU's can be easily be started to be phased out from 2030 without any drop in fleet effectiveness.

Keep in mind that somewhere between 2023 to 2025 the IAF would be having 300+ AESA equipped MKIs and Rafales.

But this is just my opinion.
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I think pakistan should buy 200 su-35 from russia on 50% discount. Pakistan should also buy F-35 from usa arou d 100and pay usa through imf.
Pakistan should also go for j-10 c from china on soft loan.
If saudis will fund pakistan then they should buy rafael around 100. Euro fighter is a good plane and pakistan have very good connection with england so they can also buy it around 100 and pay them through overseas remittances.
After that pakistan will IN SHA ALLAH challenge Usa and israel and endia simultaneously.
I think pakistan should buy 200 su-35 from russia on 50% discount. Pakistan should also buy F-35 from usa arou d 100and pay usa through imf.
Pakistan should also go for j-10 c from china on soft loan.
If saudis will fund pakistan then they should buy rafael around 100. Euro fighter is a good plane and pakistan have very good connection with england so they can also buy it around 100 and pay them through overseas remittances.
After that pakistan will IN SHA ALLAH challenge Usa and israel and endia simultaneously.

Mere Bhai kuch p k aai ho ya wese hi Demag me yeh sb aagya?

Keyboard mil gya to kya kuch bhi post kro gai.... Pani pee mera bhai
No what i meant was, Is PAF looking to induct BOTH Su35 AND J-10 or just one them. Because these aircraft are not interchangeable.

Medium fleet can be built around F-16s, 100 of them or beyond are enough. We can have 150-200 JF-17s. Rest, 50 or so can be SU35.

That's a 300-350 combat aircraft fleet all BVR equipped. No way India can have any sort of domination over Pakistan.
Funny that's my projection as well. We have 76 F-16s right now, if PAF can acquire another 36 (I.e. 2 squadrons, ideally new), it'd be at its original fleet plan pre-Pressler. As for Su-35s (or heavy twin-engine jets in general), I expect the plan would be around 40 (2 active squadrons plus some for CCS). The rest, I.e. 150-200, would be JF-17.

Stop quoting FICTION you sound like a desperate 8 year old .

YOU LOSING CREDIBILITY RAPIDLY. Massive industrial GIANTS like india ( compared to your Pakistan) CANNOT ADD $4 billion forex a MONTH consistently.

PAKISTAN HAS A FORX to balance your import bill and BELIEVE ME $15 - 16 BILLION is peanuts.


Nigeria 28,335 Jun 2015[53]

Bangladesh 26,175 Aug 2015[54]

Pakistan 15,692 June 2015

Guarnteed PAF wil acquire used F16 again on the cheap

I am losing credibility???? LOL, I am like the US Army on here and I strongly believe our Army's slogan "An Army of One :usflag:". I am An Army of One vs. 1.2 Billion Indian people on here and I love it. My dad raised a very brave and courageous son :enjoy:.

What was the reason you decided to waste some of your life and wrote me that hateful post above??? I didn't see any point.....Bangladesh has been a KNOWN exporter for DECADES for their Yarn and Textile stuff. Of course they are ahead of Pakistan in terms of exports and the GDP. And their Textile exports even beat India :yahoo: :enjoy:....OUCH, what happened there??? Got beat up in Textile exports by the Bangladeshi's??? I am sorry. 1.2 BILLION people couldn't beat a 10 times smaller county's exports in Textile?? Sorry man, you guys got work to do. Go focus on these real issues instead of just bashing on here!!!

Now let's talk about it. Pakistan was mismanaged through military and all in term of power grab, Marshall laws and all, so naturally its behind. And it doesn't produce Cotton and Yarn like Bangladesh does. So yes at this time, it is slightly behind. BUT.....Pakistan is the 6th largest population with over 200 million people, and 33rd largest country area wise. Bangladesh on the other hand is 8th largest population around 160 million and 92nd largest country area wise.

Use your head if it can do anything outside of Indian maths and tell me who's going to grow with the current standards, technology and all? Pakistan will beat Bangladesh and even Malaysia in the long run. It has MUCH more to offer and has much stronger relationships with the Chinese, the ME and now the Russians that the trade and growth avenues are insanely large. Add the Western organizations who've put Pakistan in the newly released economic forecast (BRICS +11) = for this forum's context (BRICS + P).

So if the top economy houses, and majority of the super powers have put their bets and money on Pakistan's economy, fools like you and a few others, have NO representation in this case. So you can continue to cry. Before you know it, you'll be competing with Pakistan for IT and Software Development work. You can mark my words and come back here in the next 5-7 years. You'll be ashamed of your prediction and depressed reading how much BPO stuff is going to Pakistan!!!

Last: Older -16's.....they will STILL take out your SU-30's!!!! Mark my words. Even if the Pakistanis get SU-35's, the biggest beating that the SU-30 will take in ANY future war, it will be by the VIPER (and SAID by the VIPER too)!!!! If you can prove me wrong on this one, I will NEVER write on this forum and will de-activate my account. If I win (which I know I will as I've seen the performances myself and comparisons), all 1.2 billion Indians will have to leave this forum so we can ALL peacefully live and post stuff!!! Let me know if I have a MAN to MAN deal

Sorry, forgot. But do let me know if I have an agreement. We'll execute the contract with ONLY one man, i.e. myself. The rest "whatever" is fine!!
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I think pakistan should buy 200 su-35 from russia on 50% discount. Pakistan should also buy F-35 from usa arou d 100and pay usa through imf.
Pakistan should also go for j-10 c from china on soft loan.
If saudis will fund pakistan then they should buy rafael around 100. Euro fighter is a good plane and pakistan have very good connection with england so they can also buy it around 100 and pay them through overseas remittances.
After that pakistan will IN SHA ALLAH challenge Usa and israel and endia simultaneously.
Mere Bhai kuch p k aai ho ya wese hi Demag me yeh sb aagya?

Keyboard mil gya to kya kuch bhi post kro gai.... Pani pee mera bhai
Mere bhai peene ki zaroorat nahi pari. Masha allah apne bhaiyon ke comment se hi itna nasha char gaya hai. Pese hain nahi plane kie batein chal rahi hain. Endia se competition is decade mai bekar hai. Next decade ka socho ke kese beat karna hai endia ko. Time to built economy and mame sure that in sha allah we will come harder later to challenge opponents. Time is asset and resource so utilize it to work in future.
Your highness Prince Faisal, is King World Bank going to fund all these?
Did ever any of our F-16S & THUNDERS were funded by WB ?
Or even our nuclear assets ?
If we were making all that from loans & fundings ? No one ?
by hook or crook we made that all up !
We , still made thunders & our nuclear assests our missiles by our selfs ?
Kid is right !
don't unse$atimate us ?
& we can go for the fighters configration as he was suggesting ?
Even if we can reduce the numbers , but again thats what the right path ?
J-10 bs ,SU-35s & thunders will be the next horses for the big & long air marathon ?

Su 35 is surely a misinfo, J10 may be the reality.
Its surly a misifo to all Indians , which was announced by RUSSIAN DFM ?lolzz

Looks better then F-16S ?

No what i meant was, Is PAF looking to induct BOTH Su35 AND J-10 or just one them. Because these aircraft are not interchangeable.

Medium fleet can be built around F-16s, 100 of them or beyond are enough. We can have 150-200 JF-17s. Rest, 50 or so can be SU35.

That's a 300-350 combat aircraft fleet all BVR equipped. No way India can have any sort of domination over Pakistan.
Pakistan needs to develop , a PNAF too ?
So 350 PAF & 120 TO 140 PNAF , fighters can become a lighting force , challenging not only India but , also throwing the challenge any other force , thinking to test us ?
I think PAF should make up a deal of 50 J-10B/J-10BS with China and sell out 18 F-16s Block-52s with USA permission to Greece/Egypt/Poland or any other operators.

"Poland took delivery of its first F-16C Block 52+ aircraft on 15 September 2006. The "Poland Peace Sky program" includes 36 F-16Cs and 12 F-16Ds. All 48 aircraft were delivered in 2008.[9] The Hellenic Air Force took delivery of its first F-16C Block 52+ aircraft on 22 May 2008. The total Greek order is for 20 F-16Cs and 10 F-16Ds. The remaining 26 aircraft should be delivered by March 2010.[10] The Israeli F-16I and its Singapore equivalent variant are based on the block 52+ aircraft. In March 2010 it was announced that the Egyptian Air Force would purchase 20 Block 52 aircraft (16 F-16Cs and 4 F-16Ds), the first of which arrived for testing in April 2012[1"

Source: General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon variants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

150 JF-17s
100 J-10Bs-J-10Cs
100 F-16s
xxx J-31s replacing F-16s from 2020.

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