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Terrorist Attack On PAF camp Badaber : 29 people massacred, 13 terrorists killed.

That was some heavy firefight, see the vehicles in back ground, all torched up.

loosing people like Capt. ( Shaheed) Asfandyar Bukhari to some illiterate people who claim to be Muslims but attack Masjids and Schools make my heart cry .
Asfandyar loss is a great loss for Pakistan and his family .
Why don't we use some gases which can make the attackers unconscious for long time and we can use in open air .
in that way we can catch them by their balls and then hang them in major cities traffic signals
while pakistan air force, navy and army are busy in joining different terrorist groups to fight against their country... a few mkis are enough for your unprofessional military
If fake encounters and wife swapping is your idea of professional then Pakistan army is indeed very unprofessional.
As for MKI, you will find they are only meant for something you call ....stupendous artistry. :D
Well I won't try to stand out in hot weather on surveillance duty since that is not my duty. The person who was responsible for this duty failed miserably. And no I am not going to cut my establishment any slack since they have already taken too much time to get their act right. And even after that they are failing to these cavemen. If even after all the big claims by our COAS, 13 heavily armed terrorists can enter a sensitive area and can massacre 20 Pakistanis then I am not going to give any respect to my army on their failures. Our army has failed. we should accept that. ISI has failed. PAF has failed. PN has failed. And there is no end to this failure. My military and my security establishment is either too incompetent or either too ignorant to learn from such attacks. They are busy playing to the gallery. They are just working to save their image then saving Pakistan and Pakistanis from these beasts.

So simply accept that fact that military su8ks balls when it comes to this TTP menace. And start asking them questions since they need to answer a lot of questions about their failures. Those tweets by Mr Asim are simply not enough.

Very childish and baseless argument no country in world is immune to such attacks by a few gun wielding rag tag militants .

They had it planned one group diverted the attention towards one side while others attacked the mosque they were having around 28 IED's and suicide jackets . Death toll could have been much worst had our troops not replied in timely and effective manner . But yes there is always room for improvement I feel there should have been more guards well dispersed around the Camp to make any such breach impossible as Peshawar is a sensitive location. But still your burst is not justified as the airforce guys died fighting and when bullets are fired both sides will have casualities and 13 heavily armed scumbags which attacked a mosque are for sure no muslims.

As Pm is there along with COAS, interior and defence ministers in the funeral prayer of martyrs its the first of its kind as normally it was used to be COAS alone which clearly shows military and civil admin are on one page now and we will see some major changes in Pakistan's approach towards Afghanistan and India .

Operation inside Afghanistan are quite possible and Indian consulates along Pakistani border which have nothing to do except create and support terrorists in Pakistan should be eliminated as well to destroy terrorists support network.

Pakistan has been dealing Afghanistan casually and brotherly but its high time to put them to their place and punish them for supporting indian nefarious designs against Pakistan.

One thing is sure though such attacks do unite us as a nation and make our resolve stronger to get what is ours and not let any foreign snakes play dirty games inside our country. And if you look back in last one decade we have come a long way to achieve the stability and security we have today and In Sha Allah things will keep moving in positive direction but we do need to give Kabul and delhi a firm shut up call.
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Did not one of the terrorists get to blow their vests ? ...nice job in that case..
BTW is the Mosque inside the compound of the base ?
From what I see from google, Masjid is located very near the boundary wall. It is a very small PAF camp and is surrounded by civillian populace. The road from where the attack came (Inquilab road) is a narrow road with civillian homes on one side and camp on the other. Defenders would have very less warning and Mosque was very close to the road. terrorists could have made inroads and damage could have been much worse.
We have made long strides towards elimimnating terrorist from our soil...
It was not far when such attacks on mosques and churches were daily occurence...even several in one day...

Now since december this is only 3rd or 4th attack...

Day is not far till complete elimination...

Keep in mind there is no more a guerilla war situation ... only isolated attacks originating from afghanistan...
With time they will also die down
This incident was bound to happen after kamra incident when they choose holy night of 27 Ramadan when people were offering prayer. We didn't learn lesson from it. Again terrorist penetrated in mosque and they attacked on airforce personals.
I have no doubt our soldiers fought hard, bravely but it was already late. Now, Terrorist always choose prayer time, they know that we are religious people and there are always few security hole left during this time.
We should learn lesson, and keep security tight during prayer time and put ban on security personals for prayer in mosque during duty.
with reference to Post # 67 by Indus Falcon I suggest you read 'The Bear Trap' on Afghan Jihad / Guerrilla Warfare , to further grasp the network of Tangos inside pakistan read 'Inside Al Qaeda & Taliban' by saleem shehzad - it takes time to bring in the stability & security,


@Zarvan any idea who are these guys?? khasadar?? but thry have M4s :O

These guys are from the QRF of Frontier Constabulary. Don't confuse it with Frontier Corps
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